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Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:57 am
by Lestradae
Have been thinking about going Kirin next ship-wise. After OSE is ready.

Till then, I will have to take smaller risks. Just can't resist the huge bounties these guys have (they can be in Random Hits territory, even beyond). And then I get grilled, usually :(

Something to strive for ...

8) <- someone should invent one of them with one eyepatch instead


Re: ..

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:30 am
by ClymAngus
Lestradae wrote:
Have been thinking about going Kirin next ship-wise. After OSE is ready.

Till then, I will have to take smaller risks. Just can't resist the huge bounties these guys have (they can be in Random Hits territory, even beyond). And then I get grilled, usually :(

Something to strive for ...

8) <- someone should invent one of them with one eyepatch instead

Hmm, good for trading not so good for bounty hunting. It really is as big as a barn door. (I couldn't help it I wanted something that actually could physically contain 450 cargo pods, and I wanted to give star trek a run for it's money size wise). Of course attacking one makes you feel a bit like a hawkman.

If your flying one, hostile ai's tend to peel off after they've been hit with a few solid rounds from the turrets. Auto-targeter makes all the difference.

I'm sure we could mod a Tiger, if you like tigers that is. The coding would be easy and you just make the chance of it appearing in the hands of a nut-job 0.


Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:56 pm
by Lestradae
Hmm, good for trading not so good for bounty hunting. It really is as big as a barn door.
No problem with that, turrets will make up for it. For the OSE uber pirates, I'm still experimenting with strategies to get my hands on their bounties myself.

Atm, I injector halfway into the docking port of pirate carriers, drop a quirium bomb, make a 180° and injector away ... *boom* :twisted:

Now you also see why it doesn't always work :shock:

Gonna continue that trick with the Kirin. Perhaps with the added twist of staying close to the carrier, close enough so that its turrets can't effectively get a clear shot while mine unload into the carrier's hull ...
I couldn't help it I wanted something that actually could physically contain 450 cargo pods
As it should be imo.
Brian Blessed! "Diiiiiiiive!" The memories :lol:

Times have indeed changed ...
I'm sure we could mod a Tiger, if you like tigers that is.
Nah, I've already expanded Tigers into a whole class of ships (there are Rusty, Mk II, III, IV and even Super Tigers in OSE) so thanks, I don't want to expand them even more.

But, I will expand the Kirin's too - when I have the program ready that does the expanding of one ship into a whole class automagically :shock:



Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:46 pm
by ClymAngus
Tactics wise they have a much lower target profile in Z. X ain't too bad, Y is a killer.

If you have to pitch away from an opponent and your in an ex-military then top face them. You have more turrets filling space with hot flak. The tail gaters are more powerful and work as a nice compliment to the rear laser. (which is point perfect, at any range).

Re: ..

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:02 pm
by Cmdr Wyvern
ClymAngus wrote:
Lestradae wrote:
Have been thinking about going Kirin next ship-wise. After OSE is ready.

Till then, I will have to take smaller risks. Just can't resist the huge bounties these guys have (they can be in Random Hits territory, even beyond). And then I get grilled, usually :(

Something to strive for ...

8) <- someone should invent one of them with one eyepatch instead

Hmm, good for trading not so good for bounty hunting. It really is as big as a barn door. (I couldn't help it I wanted something that actually could physically contain 450 cargo pods, and I wanted to give star trek a run for it's money size wise). Of course attacking one makes you feel a bit like a hawkman.

If your flying one, hostile ai's tend to peel off after they've been hit with a few solid rounds from the turrets. Auto-targeter makes all the difference.
If bounty killage with milk runs are your thing, try a Kirin Sport.
It's almost as fast as a Cobby, and for a freighter, handles like a sports car. One caveat, it doesn't have many turrets and they're weak point-defense guns at best. It makes up for that with it's speed and deadly laser accuracy - as well as being a smaller target.

On that note, you do know turrets are short range, right? I never take on a turreted ship from close range. Making pirates go boom from extreme range are what mil lasers are made for.

Re: ..

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:04 pm
by ClymAngus
Cmdr Wyvern wrote:
On that note, you do know turrets are short range, right?
Hell yes, o scaly one! I was looking at Lestradae's radar. They were up his ship like bees round a honey pot. In that situation it may just be enough to tip the ai. Maybe. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 10:01 pm
by another_commander
Oi! Time for 'em pixers.
Image Image Image Image Image

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:14 pm
by wackyman465
Is that a griff asp or ferdy?

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:10 am
by Griff
the flat looking ship is a sidewinder although now you mention it it does look very asp like, and the pointy one is a ferdelance, Hmm, I'm still not sure about the ferdelance texture map, i'm having a real problem coming up with a cool pattern of lines on it's hull, i need to have a re-think, and check out some sports cars or something, thinking about it, the batmobile from the tim burton film a while back might be a good reference point, or some sort of 50's jet plane or something.
'top gear' on the TV had a short film about the aston martin 'vantage' car the other day, it really remined me of a ferdelance for some reason!

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:18 am
by Cody

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:20 am
by DaddyHoggy
I see only broken link icons :cry:

Edit: and now I don't!!!! :oops:

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:39 am
by another_commander
Griff wrote:
I'm still not sure about the ferdelance texture map, i'm having a real problem coming up with a cool pattern of lines on it's hull
MayI suggest that you try removing the black lines on the hull plating and see what it looks like? The way I see it, it would probably make the normal maps show themselves a bit better and give a less "cartoony" feel to the ship.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:13 am
by Griff
that's a good idea! I think i'm trying to draw too much stuff in the texture map, whereas the surface effects i'm really after comes more from the shaders. i think the white bits need to go, they're too stripey - they make the ship look like a toothpaste packet

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:51 am
by Frame
AC, I cannot see the pictures, I get icons of torn documents, nor clicking does clicking the image help..

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:00 am
by DaddyHoggy
I can now see 60% of the pictures... (first three)