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Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:11 pm
by Cody
Is it The Sparrow, by Mary Doria Russell?

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:21 pm
by maaarcooose
El Viejo wrote:
Is it The Sparrow, by Mary Doria Russell?

It is indeed.


Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:23 pm
by Cody
Heh... Jesuits in Space!

Next question: a marooned Earthman travels on a subspace caravan in search of a way back home.

A novel/novella from the ’70s/’80s… author and title, please.

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:52 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Until I read the full question I thought we were talking about "Farscape"! :roll: :wink:

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:32 pm
by Cody
Clue the first: he is accompanied on this ‘caravan’ by an alien feline friend who has the ability to float in mid-air, and a young woman who has ‘paranormal’ powers.

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 2:15 pm
by Cody
Clue the second: the subspace caravan is hauled along by huge beasts which have 'mentational power', thus allowing them 'travel' the subspace 'trails'.
The young woman is being hunted by a militaristic fanatic from her own planet, who wishes to kill her.

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:42 pm
by Cody
Clue the third: both the Earthman and his alien feline friend (known as an ‘aircat’) are `bloodsweaters', meaning they can control their bodily functions.

To the best of my knowledge, the author has not written anything else, before or since… but most people who have read this tale rather wish that he had.

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:50 pm
by Smivs
Is it "The Shadow of the Ship" by Robert Wilfred Franson

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:55 pm
by Cody
Indeed it is... your google-fu is strong. It's an odd, quirky tale, but well worth the read.

Your turn, sir!

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:00 pm
by Smivs
Wow, I got one right! :D
OK, which piece of equipment requires, amongst other parts, a Bead condenser, a Cathermin tube and an Intensifier disk in its construction.
Name of the device, and the film in which it features, please.

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:19 am
by Fatleaf
I must confess to having Google as my friend with this one. He found it on the first try. :wink:

Is it: The interocitor, also spelled interositor is a fictitious multi-functional device featured in the 1955 science fiction film This Island Earth. The device arrives in kit form as an intelligence test for scientists who might prove helpful to an alien race.

I admit to C&P from Wikipedia :roll:

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:13 am
by Smivs
Google was your friend. Well done.
Great film, if you've never seen it. Bit hammy, quite tacky and extremely silly. Worth a watch!
Over to you, Leafy.

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:08 am
by Fatleaf
Here we have another musical question:- It is a Film.

What is this music the theme to?

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:04 pm
by JazHaz
Fatleaf wrote:
Here we have another musical question:- It is a Film.

What is this music the theme to?
Tough one!

I'll guess Star Trek III: The Search for Spock?

Re: Science Fiction Trivia

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:39 pm
by Fatleaf
JazHaz wrote:
I'll guess Star Trek III: The Search for Spock?
Nope. It is not Star Trek related.