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Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 5:00 pm
by Diziet Sma
How on earth did I miss these amazing re-paints?

Capt. Murphy, did you ever get those bugs fixed?

And I note that Dertien has recently returned to the boards.

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:39 am
by Capt. Murphy
Diziet Sma wrote:
Capt. Murphy, did you ever get those bugs fixed?
Er no :wink: :oops: - I got distracted, other more vocal projects barged into my to do list and loudly complained until the bouncers let them to the front the queue... :wink: I've given this task an upgrade - currently number 3 on my to do list.

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:14 pm
by Diziet Sma
Capt. Murphy wrote:
I got distracted, other more vocal projects barged into my to do list and loudly complained until the bouncers let them to the front the queue...
Sounds a lot like my life in general.. :lol:

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:05 pm
by Wildeblood
Dertien re-issued this OXP in February this year. It's mentioned in another thread (somewhere). The new version is better, but still buggy.

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 10:48 am
by Diziet Sma
Thanks.. will see if I can locate it.

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:50 am
by Amah
a small update to the YellOo Cab oxp to make it work with the Griff Shipset replace oxp.
Thanks to Dertien/Z Groovy for the oxp

Amah/mld ... 00399165/1

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:17 am
by toltesi
So should one hold off on installing these OXP's at this time?

If we only wanted to install the Cobra III's to increase variety can we go ahead and do so?

Sorry if this is an obvious question...I'm still learning.

Thanks for reading!

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:42 am
by Wildeblood
toltesi wrote:
If we only wanted to install the Cobra III's to increase variety can we go ahead and do so?

Sorry if this is an obvious question...I'm still learning.
The Cobra 3 variety pack? Try it and see. It's been a long while, but IIRC, the non-player versions showed up in game fine, but the player versions in the shipyard had a big black patch where the normal Griff Cobra has its player decal.

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:54 pm
by Diziet Sma
Wildeblood wrote:
toltesi wrote:
If we only wanted to install the Cobra III's to increase variety can we go ahead and do so?

Sorry if this is an obvious question...I'm still learning.
The Cobra 3 variety pack? Try it and see. It's been a long while, but IIRC, the non-player versions showed up in game fine, but the player versions in the shipyard had a big black patch where the normal Griff Cobra has its player decal.
When I patched the Cobra 3 variety pack to work properly, I made notes of what I had to change to get things working.. here's the notes:
In order to make this OXP compatible with the Griff Replacement Set, the following changes have been made.

All instances of like_ship = "griff_normalmapped_cobra_mkIII_player"; in the shipdata.plist have been replaced with like_ship = "cobra3-player";

All instances of forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_NONE"; have been replaced with forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_PULSE_LASER";

All instances of griff_normalmapped_cobra_mkIII_player_ in the shipyard.plist have been replaced with cobra3-player_

FOxtrot bug in shipyard.plist fixed.
Hope this helps!

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:12 pm
by NorthenderPNE
The Cobra 3 variety pack? Try it and see. It's been a long while, but IIRC, the non-player versions showed up in game fine, but the player versions in the shipyard had a big black patch where the normal Griff Cobra has its player decal.
To get rid of the black boxes i added griff_player_decal.png in shipdata.plist on each player ship, although my decal is a custom one, i created a blank decal to get rid of the black box and show no decal if i so chose.

Here's an example using the ship flame.

Code: Select all

textures = 
							 "griff_player_decal.png", <====== change decal name to suit
Hope that helps :wink:

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:59 am
by Zireael
Any chance of getting the files patched so that it works with Griff's replacement set, Diziet? I tried to follow your instructions but it still won't work!

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 10:11 am
by Diziet Sma
Before I try re-inventing the wheel, see if the patched files I made will work for you..

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:33 pm
by dertien
Diziet Sma wrote:
Before I try re-inventing the wheel, see if the patched files I made will work for you..

Haven't touched these for ages, dunno even if I still have the source files, anyways, Diziet, I rolled your patch into the existing one on the box, so only file needs to be downloaded now. Changed the name appropriately so it concurs with Griff's pack name (1.34), and added you to the readme in the credits for making that patch.

Didn't know this file was still so popular.

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:48 am
by Diziet Sma
dertien wrote:
Didn't know this file was still so popular.
Why wouldn't it be? That is some utterly gorgeous artwork! 8)

Re: [REL] Z-GrOovY paintshed Viper Sentinel WIP screenshots

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:07 pm
by Norby
dertien wrote:
Didn't know this file was still so popular.
If there is any chance that you didn't noticed then my Hard Cobra (in my current avatar) is based on your "quebec" Cobra from this CobraMk3 Variety Pack and "terra" pattern in Gimp.
