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Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:04 am
by CommonSenseOTB

5 times huh? Darwin would be proud. :)

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:51 am
by Thargoid
And you now understand why I limited Cargo Shepherd to cargo, and not rocks. They do tend to be somewhat larger and smack into you somewhat harder ;)

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:46 am
by Switeck
SandJ wrote:
I downloaded the Cargo Shepherd OXP and "improved" it. I increased its attraction ability by a factor of 1000 or so.
You have created nearly an unregistered black hole. Those require a special license to get one as a pet.

Reminds me of when I set my ship's density REALLY high, thinking it would let me ram other ships without dying. I was mass-locking everything else but ramming went just as badly as before. Trying it out on an asteroid was probably a bad choice for a first target.

Thanks to injectors, it's possible to ram your own missile. Fortunately, this almost always causes it to do minimal damage to your ship...unless you've hacked a missile into using a q-bomb explosion.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:23 am
by Ganelon
Switeck wrote:
You have created nearly an unregistered black hole. Those require a special license to get one as a pet.
A black hole.. Now *that* would be something to run into in Oolite. Rare, probably only occurring once in a great while in interstellar space. It'd almost certainly be fatal by the time the player figured out what it was, but it could give a memorable "Huh? What's going on? What's THAT?? oh crap.." sort of "press space" experience as the player, the Thargoid warships, drones and everything else got dragged in. :lol:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:54 am
by Thargoid
The idea has been in the back of my mind since I conceived and wrote Cargo Shepherd :twisted:

It wouldn't be too different code-wise, but would need a few additional points and tweaks as it would be dealing with powered and active ships, including the player one. Plus it would change the feel of the game locally, as coming to zero velocity would no longer have you stopped and idle in space.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:29 pm
by SandJ
I decided to spend this morning mining. So I've installed a mining laser to starboard, flown between systems until I found an asteroid field and then spent the past hour and a bit blasting asteroids to boulders, then boulders to splinters. I have picked up the first five, checked my manifest, then gone to my other PC and switched from Firefox to my spreadsheet of cargo, then switched back to Firefox, then went back to my gaming PC and pressed Alt-TAB to switch from the manifest to the view screen.

"Target lost".


Alt-TAB ... that'll be the Energy Bomb then. Arse.

I'm now a fugitive surrounded by white dots (squillions of spliters I expect) sitting in the main space lane of a Corporate State. How do I get out of this? If I hang around and scoop the cargo, I'll have to eject and lose it to clear the Fugitive status. So I may as well eject.

There's only one thing for it: self-destruct and reload the saved game. Grrrrrr. Except, as I have been writing this, the GalCop Viper made the decision for me.

. . . . . . . . Press Space Commander

Mining is dangerous work.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:38 pm
by Ganelon
Well, what you could have done would have been a bit of travel, SandJ. Assuming you are familiar with sunskimming, fuel is no problem. After you've jumped some systems, your legal rating would have gone down to offender and you'd be able to dock, sell your ore at a main station and save.

Kind of like in the old days... when someone got in trouble, they got the heck out of town.

PS: Oh, and you could still have docked, just couldn't have used autodock functions. The only trick is that it's best to dock really fast when you have fugitive status, before the Vipers can shoot the crap out of you.

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:50 pm
by Staer9
Ganelon wrote:
PS: Oh, and you could still have docked, just couldn't have used autodock functions. The only trick is that it's best to dock really fast when you have fugitive status, before the Vipers can shoot the crap out of you.
not always the case... once when I tried to dock really fast (with injectors) a galcop ship decided to launch just as I was about to dock, BOOM....

press space commander

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:58 pm
by Smivs
Staer9 wrote:
... once when I tried to dock really fast (with injectors) a galcop ship decided to launch just as I was about to dock, BOOM....

press space commander
It's best not to stop as soon as you've launched as well.....I got tail-ended by a Viper once. Bloody mad coppers think they own the 'lanes. :roll:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:56 pm
by DaddyHoggy
Smivs wrote:
Staer9 wrote:
... once when I tried to dock really fast (with injectors) a galcop ship decided to launch just as I was about to dock, BOOM....

press space commander
It's best not to stop as soon as you've launched as well.....I got tail-ended by a Viper once. Bloody mad coppers think they own the 'lanes. :roll:
That'll be Violation #27: Failure to make adequate progress away from the docking port.

I hope you felt suitable admonished?

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:55 pm
by RyanHoots
When I was a Jameson (last month :) ), I launched from the station, and without checking the scanner, switched to the aft camera and pushed my ship to top speed. I switched to the forward view soon enough to see the viper right in front of me. I hate it when vipers launch and stop 5 KM or so in front of the station without moving! I reached quickly for the S key, but hit the A key! :oops:
Firing on a viper is NOT a good thing when you're within scanner range of the station. At least four launched and attacked me, and before long... "Press space, Commander." :oops:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:17 pm
by DaddyHoggy
A little photonic push? Surely no worse than pipping your horn? :wink:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:17 pm
by RyanHoots
Just had another bad moment about... thirty seconds ago. I was enjoying my personal fireworks display, but by accident I hit the Tab button. So much for the fireworks. :oops:

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:45 am
by Azured
My ship's now in pretty good shape and I'm hunting the Constrictor in Gal 2, but without any clues I'm feeling a bit bored. I think to myself "I've got a couple of hardheads on board, why not try to meet some thargoids to toast?". So instead of making the jump normally I try to force a mis-jump by the usual means.

When I actually succeed in it I realised that due to my Constrictor hunt I always jump the maximum distance. So now I'm floating in mid-space, surrounded by Thargoids and virtually no Witchspace fuel. I frag two of them and hurt a third one aplenty before the robot fighters swarm me due to not being able to inject away...

I manage to cripple myself even further in these kind of situations by never carrying an Energy Bomb... Press Space Commander!

Re: Oolite Darwin Awards

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:01 am
by Dragonfire
Ganelon wrote:
Switeck wrote:
You have created nearly an unregistered black hole. Those require a special license to get one as a pet.
A black hole.. Now *that* would be something to run into in Oolite. Rare, probably only occurring once in a great while in interstellar space. It'd almost certainly be fatal by the time the player figured out what it was, but it could give a memorable "Huh? What's going on? What's THAT?? oh crap.." sort of "press space" experience as the player, the Thargoid warships, drones and everything else got dragged in. :lol:
I know this is a smidge off-topic, but THAT gives me an idea for a really awesome missile addition! A gravity missile that sucks everything (except the player ship) in towards it, causing all the ships in the area to collide into each other before it explodes. It would be rather fun to drop right in the middle of a hoard of pirates, wouldn't it?

Just have to make sure it doesn't suck in the player ship or any space stations or beacons...