Well that last post sure 'n 'nuff got a lot's a folks talking.
<Said in hick western accent.>
All points dully noted. I will....
* Revamp the cobra. Lose the snake head design and add
Griff Riveted Plate Battleship(tm) look. (Bear in mind I'm nowhere in Griff's artistic league.)
* Provide a versions without: the station, the mini coby, thruster glow trails. (Multiple page pdf anyone?)
? Would people like to have a choice of cobra colours too, with options for the stencils too? (Doable with alpha channels overlays Inkscape.)
El Viejo. If you just want the cornerstone worlds of each chart, care to make some suggestions?
Opinion is pretty split over the three badge placement on the starbird. I'll go and see if there's any more variants I can pull out. Font choices seem to lean to the Stop 70 typeface (second and third down on the left hand column).
(Commonly referred to as the Blade Runner font.)
Ahruman there's a couple of slight problems in using the Mac Helvetica Bold. If memory serves me correct, Apple owns the copyright on the font and I'm trying to keep things as GPL/Creative Commons friendly as possible. Secondly, being a PC user, I don't have ready access to it. That's why I ended up pulling the Vera off the BerilOs website because that was all I could find. I will have to stick using Deja Vu for now. A question, when you say expanded by 16.67%, do you mean character width or stroke thickness?
This stuff will have to sit on the back burner for the next week. I'm just about finished the first draft the game manual (25k word, 35 a4 pages). The plan is to uploaded the very buggy alpha version on Monday for peer-review in the
Testing and Bug Reports fourms, so watch that space.