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Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:56 am
by nijineko
can witchspace be customized? if so, perhaps using a "witchspace" area and build your planet/city/station in that. it would be handy to be able to customize moving from one to the next without using the witchspace jump rings.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:00 pm
by Frame
nijineko wrote:
can witchspace be customized? if so, perhaps using a "witchspace" area and build your planet/city/station in that. it would be handy to be able to customize moving from one to the next without using the witchspace jump rings.
While you can add a planet, We can´t add a sun...
also, we cant remove planets, once added.

And once you dock in witchspace, in any Carrier, station or whatever, next time you launch you will be in a normal system... if i recall right, the system you left before entering witch-space...

And for a station, that would be a little odd...

Hi :))

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:15 pm
by Lestradae
Hey Frame,

feel free to scavenge all and any ideas in here for your upcoming project :D

Looking so much forward to it 8)


Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:46 am
by Frame
Thanks, i just fell over an Oolite bug... i just used the prototype to travel 1 Au.. it seems there is a bug in the flasher/engine/laser render code when you are at these great distances...

they simply start to rotate wildly when you rotate your ship.... while for the station->jumpgate to witchspace they are this was never discoverd cause nobody ever flew at these distances before.

note 1: Gonna report that later...

Another thing came to mind... afaik... you cant save when docked in anything but the main station.... wihtout even testing this i can tell because the game can never be sure if the OXP station is still there...

note 2: gonna request that if not possible

but gonna spawn a station in nowhere, dock and see if i can save, safe bet. no..

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:27 am
by Commander McLane
No, you can't (and this has been brought up here literary dozens of times).

For the other problem, I'm not sure I have yet understood what it is. And BTW: how do you define AU for the purpose of your OXP? If it is the typical distance sun-planet (roughly 1 million meters), then many people have flown that distance in Oolite many times, without reporting problems. For instance the Tianve Pulsar is five times that distance away from the planet (if I recall correctly). I think some people even attempted to fly to the gas giants from Assassins which are yet much further away.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 8:58 am
by Frame
Commander McLane wrote:
No, you can't (and this has been brought up here literary dozens of times).

For the other problem, I'm not sure I have yet understood what it is. And BTW: how do you define AU for the purpose of your OXP? If it is the typical distance sun-planet (roughly 1 million meters), then many people have flown that distance in Oolite many times, without reporting problems. For instance the Tianve Pulsar is five times that distance away from the planet (if I recall correctly). I think some people even attempted to fly to the gas giants from Assassins which are yet much further away.
Easy now, in regard to the save games. I did make a search.. however i´m getting hits all over the place since the search utility is quite tedious. and if you remember, many posts where lost if i´m not mistaken, because of an incorrect bb setting. there might have been changes that i missed...

Regarding the rendering, when i rotate a player ship with flashers, the flashers are not rotated correctly, they are all over the place, the same happens for engine trails and lasers... the more distant you are to the star, the worse the problem gets, This seems to start at a distance about 40 to 50 million meters... those are Oolite meters. i will now refer to 1 Au as the standard distance between oolite planet and sun yes... before i meant a real Au... 150,000,000,000 meters....

The ship and model-subentities is rotating fine though at any distance...
however i found a distance of 30,000,000 meters or 30 million kms is working.... the effects are what i plan for...

made a screenshot of it.


the system redux planets are so large because i presume the author wished for

In order for them to be any eye-candy at all that had to have that size, and since there player should not be encouraged to goto these planets they where put far away...

that ofcourse can be solved by setting the number of planets to 0 in the system redux script...

Edit:Now that i think of it... i can actually remove the system redux planets so far away they cannot be seen... when you use a jumpgate... and move them back, once the player enters the witchspace point target by another jumpgate at one of my extra planets.. i´m reluctant to do this however because for some OXPs these other OXP planets , from assasins and so on are vital...

Edit 2: I can trickster the save-game issue.. in case it is possible to save in an OXP station, upon launch you will be where you saved, i will do this via mission variables.

However i think this issue is something the whole OXP community should agree on, since this is not only usefull for me.. a save anywhere OXP so to speak, however not in rock hermit... gonna try and spawn a normal station in mid space... now that is going to be fun,...

i´m gonna spawn a station again, last time it spawned a rock-hermit.-... had the odd side effect, of docking me at the moment it spawned... nice feature for future OXP use...

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:10 am
by JensAyton
I suspect you’re running into the precision limits of single-precision floating point. The further you get from the centre of the universe (i.e. the witchspace beacon), the less accurate positioning becomes, until it reaches the point where it breaks down visibly. This is simply not an issue in normal use; I can’t speak for abnormal use. :-)

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:25 am
by Frame
Ahruman wrote:
I suspect you’re running into the precision limits of single-precision floating point. The further you get from the centre of the universe (i.e. the witchspace beacon), the less accurate positioning becomes, until it reaches the point where it breaks down visibly. This is simply not an issue in normal use; I can’t speak for abnormal use. :-)
it is just funny, that it is only the effects that suffers.. the models are rotating just fine...


Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:47 am
by Lestradae
Hm, is it really nescessary to go so far out, Frame? The distances in Oolite are horribly broken anyways. Planets have a diameter of 50.000 metres (50km), and the sun is usually 1 million metres (1000km) away.

When I experimented with this, I shoved the sun 7 times farther away - this would already make an earthlike planet close to the sun look like a small disc from the "main" planet and vice versa.

Perhaps getting the distances just so that the planets look like very small circles max from each other`s position might be enough "realism" as far as Oolite is concerned?

Just my 0.2Cr :oops:


Re: ...

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:01 am
by Frame
Lestradae wrote:
Hm, is it really nescessary to go so far out, Frame? The distances in Oolite are horribly broken anyways. Planets have a diameter of 50.000 metres (50km), and the sun is usually 1 million metres (1000km) away.

When I experimented with this, I shoved the sun 7 times farther away - this would already make an earthlike planet close to the sun look like a small disc from the "main" planet and vice versa.

Perhaps getting the distances just so that the planets look like very small circles max from each other`s position might be enough "realism" as far as Oolite is concerned?

Just my 0.2Cr :oops:

Nope but if there is going to be more planets, these are going to be closer and therefore bigger to the outer-most planet... but i´m going to consider these far planets as plutoids. the system redux planet you see, would infact be a gas gaint far away.. the system redux planets are quite large...

i can move the sun away too to create more inner planets... i will experiement with this, for the best result... i just allways test the extremes so that i know my boundaries...

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:24 am
by Frame

I think it is a bug, it is happening even at 7,000,000 & 5,000,000 meters forget what i wrote about 30,000,000 meters appearently i was in a sweet spot where it rotated correctly...

it is Just not as noticeble.. and since the models rotates just fine, i think this is a minor bug that was never detected before, because the "jittering" was so minute that you did not notice it...

i´m going to have a look at the code myself... but dont expect me coming up with anything as i´m not that much into quarternions or however they are spelled...

edit after looking into it, i think it has something to do with the particle entities, since it does not affect normal model-subentities...

edit 2.. by going back to 150,000,000 meters, all crafts of any sort are now having problems rotating... they are shaking quite a bit

if i go up to 7,000,000 meters, and place myself right at the exhaustl of some ship, i can detect minute shaking... this happens even at 5,000,000 meters...

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:20 pm
by JensAyton
Frame wrote:
it is just funny, that it is only the effects that suffers.. the models are rotating just fine...
This is to be expected. General rotation is handled within OpenGL, at mandated double precision. Effects are done in single precision; in particular, single-precision subtraction of large numbers leads to large errors.

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:30 pm
by Frame
so to defeat this would require a complete rewrite of the coordinate system... placing everything into sector coordinates, then unit , coordinates.. which aint gonna happen...

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:40 pm
by Frame
Anyway 7,000,000 meters is in then... going to paint a structure in 3d max

if i move the sun 7,000,000 from the witch point and use another 7,000,000 then we have 14.000.000 meters to do well with.. which should be more than enough...

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:42 am
by Commander McLane
Moving the sun, however, has its own problems.

I personally can easily imagine to install your OXP (probably I want to have another OXP which will depend on yours). I don't have anything against the addition of some jump-gates next to the station, and the possibility to go surfing out-system. However I would like to have these as an addition to the Ooniverse I know, not as a radical change of it. So, if I choose not to visit one of the outer planets, the game should continue to work normally. In other words: I am completely fine with knowing that there is a bigger world outside the corridor. But I wouldn't like to have the corridor itself and its surroundings to be changed. And for me the sun, its visible position relative to the main planet, and the light coming from it, are an important part of the corridor's surroundings.