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Re: hyperradio

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:32 pm
by JazHaz
Maybe we need to ask if anyone has got it in their collection, and get it uploaded somewhere else.

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:45 pm
by CommonSenseOTB
I've got all the soundpacks. Some are 36 and 38 MB and too big for me to host on the free box, max 25MB file size. The music files are freely distributable provided the links to the music are posted and can be put in packs of a more decent size. The only thing that could be an issue to ask rustybolts is for the script that adds the files for hyperradio to play but it is basic code and used by all the packs so is also not an issue.

Perhaps a reorganization of all the soundpack music and general declutter is in order. When you look at all the packs together there are some duplicate music files. Also the readme for the large one I have here by Rustybolts doesn't seem to have enough information and links to the music to satisfy license requirements. Would have to look up each song to be sure.

If Rustybolts and other pack authors don't want to host them anymore, I would volunteer to reorganize and cleanup the whole lot, separate and group songs into smaller packs and make sure the links to the music are posted properly. And if no one wants to host them I would do that as well. I'm getting into oxp music right now so it wouldn't be too much trouble.

Cheers. :)

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:52 pm
by Svengali
Yep. Would make sense to host bacontubes and Rustybolts packs permanently somewhere. bacontube has uploaded the files to megaupload, so I'd guess there's a timelimit as well. The script is a generic script I've put together to be used for new packs, so this is absolutely no prob too.

About the duplicated file in Rustybolts/bacontubes pack. Rustybolt has packed a complete album, while bacontube has made a sampler from various artists. As eyery pack gets a own channel in Hyperradio it is not a big problem. Personally I don't see the need to keep the duplicated file in both packs.

The channels are not available everywhere - a random distribution with two fixed entries (based on government and number of available packs) is used. So only the merged list (GalaxyRadio) is available in every system, but the merging is optional. If switched off only the example files are in that list.

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:17 pm
by CaptSolo
Bravo Svengali! Just added this and a couple music packs last night. Too bad some of the ambient ones are not available. During play last night I was taken with the beauty of the Ooniverse: A planet bathed in sunlight, glowing nebulae in the background, and technopunk on the radio. Then some pirates arrived wanting to pick a fight.

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:34 am
by CommonSenseOTB
CaptSolo wrote:
Bravo Svengali! Just added this and a couple music packs last night. Too bad some of the ambient ones are not available. During play last night I was taken with the beauty of the Ooniverse: A planet bathed in sunlight, glowing nebulae in the background, and technopunk on the radio. Then some pirates arrived wanting to pick a fight.
Wait till you try the experimental event driven music that has been in my addons folder for several months. Different styles of music for each economy type and currently looking at fugues for thargoids. Still a prototype and very experimental but it adds alot to the game and I find I even miss it when it is removed to test other things. Release date: whenever I finally finish it. :lol:

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:48 am
by CaptSolo
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Wait till you try the experimental event driven music that has been in my addons folder for several months. Different styles of music for each economy type and currently looking at fugues for thargoids. Still a prototype and very experimental but it adds alot to the game and I find I even miss it when it is removed to test other things. Release date: whenever I finally finish it. :lol:
Sounds great! Will the music cut out with red alert? Wouldn't mind if it doesn't.

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:32 am
by CommonSenseOTB
CaptSolo wrote:
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
Wait till you try the experimental event driven music that has been in my addons folder for several months. Different styles of music for each economy type and currently looking at fugues for thargoids. Still a prototype and very experimental but it adds alot to the game and I find I even miss it when it is removed to test other things. Release date: whenever I finally finish it. :lol:
Sounds great! Will the music cut out with red alert? Wouldn't mind if it doesn't.
Oh, actually it is reactive music. Like a movie, the tracks change either to reflect the mood or enhance the mood of what is going on. The dogfight music with red alert is quite excellent for most of the soundtracks and even switches to a cautionary/panic type of dogfight music when shields and energy go below a certain threshold. My favorites have to be the poor agricultural soundtrack with lots of war drums for combat and odyssey travelling type sounds and the rich industrial soundtrack with fast paced techno for the combat. The soundtrack type of music has been chosen to reflect a kind of similarity with the economy type. It was difficult to find complete sets of music with a similar soundtype that just sound right together and with the correct license to use it in an oxp. There are lots of appropriate fugues that sound good together so I should be able to make a decent thargoid theme that will override the others when needed or in witchspace. Well that's the plan anyway. :roll: :lol:

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:04 am
by maik
Sounds great, I have been wishing for music that adapts to the situation for a long time! What I find very important for my gameplay though is that the laser hit/miss sound must remain audible over the music. If it is possible, please consider ducking the music while playing the laser sound.

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:15 am
by PhantorGorth
maik wrote:
Sounds great, I have been wishing for music that adapts to the situation for a long time! What I find very important for my gameplay though is that the laser hit/miss sound must remain audible over the music. If it is possible, please consider ducking the music while playing the laser sound.
The sound features in Oolite are are very underdeveloped. You can start a sound file, have it loop and stop it and that is it. No volume control, no event to say a file has finished playing, no global JS object to list all sound objects currently playing and finally no access to the embedded meta-data in the file. To reduce volume for laser fire you would need to also know when the laser was firing which is another thing that Oolite has no event for.

Sorry but you are out of luck. :-(

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:25 pm
by maik
PhantorGorth wrote:
Sorry but you are out of luck. :-(
Too bad, but thanks for the information! Maybe this could go into a feature request for 1.77 ;-)

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:03 pm
by Svengali
CCL_Music is event driven and [EliteWiki] documented. But as PhantorGorth has already pointed out there are some limits for music/sound handling. More features are already requested, but I think it won't be that easy to implement them. A while ago I've tried use fade in/out for musicfiles (on SDL). Fading in works pretty well, but fading out locks the game until the fade has been completed and the callback has been done.

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 8:29 am
by Diziet Sma
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
I've got all the soundpacks. Some are 36 and 38 MB and too big for me to host on the free box, max 25MB file size. The music files are freely distributable provided the links to the music are posted and can be put in packs of a more decent size. The only thing that could be an issue to ask rustybolts is for the script that adds the files for hyperradio to play but it is basic code and used by all the packs so is also not an issue.

Perhaps a reorganization of all the soundpack music and general declutter is in order. When you look at all the packs together there are some duplicate music files. Also the readme for the large one I have here by Rustybolts doesn't seem to have enough information and links to the music to satisfy license requirements. Would have to look up each song to be sure.

If Rustybolts and other pack authors don't want to host them anymore, I would volunteer to reorganize and cleanup the whole lot, separate and group songs into smaller packs and make sure the links to the music are posted properly. And if no one wants to host them I would do that as well. I'm getting into oxp music right now so it wouldn't be too much trouble.

Cheers. :)
Please do this.. now that the megaupload domain has been seized by the US govt, bacontube's music packs are unavailable.. naturally, they're the ones I most wanted.. :x (if I recall, some members here have upgraded accounts that might be able to host the larger file sizes, too..)

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 12:14 am
by CommonSenseOTB
I'll look at that after I release my event driven music oxp, if no one else hosts those abient music packs first that is. :lol:

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:28 pm
by Svengali
Hyperradio v1.25 is online.

- Adapted changes in Cabal_Common

Re: hyperradio

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 6:27 pm
by Diziet Sma
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
I've got all the soundpacks. Some are 36 and 38 MB and too big for me to host on the free box, max 25MB file size.
CommonSenseOTB wrote:
I'll look at that after I release my event driven music oxp, if no one else hosts those ambient music packs first that is. :lol:
How's this going, CSOTB? My Box account can handle the large file sizes, and I'd be happy to host the 2 missing packs of bacontube's..
  • Pack TN01 - Technofunk
  • Pack PSY01 - Ambient Psychedelic

(I'll also be releasing some new musicpacks soon..)