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Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 10:50 am
by Reval
Could do. But don't you think that might spoil the in-game surprises? (Ditto listing the Grades)...

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 11:11 am
by Reval
Elite Trader, version 1.12

Now in the Manager and on the Wiki.

More info HERE.

  • G.E.T. accepts a donation, a 'gift', comprising 1% of every member's profitable trade over 100 cr and 10% over 1000 cr. Donations determine the Brother's advancement in Grade and Title inside the Order, as well as being the prime source of G.E.T. wealth, power, and technical prowess.
  • 23 Grades with associated Titles track the advancement of the Brother within the Guild. Grades stretch from 'Grocer' (Grade 0) to 'Elite Grand Master Eternal' (Grade 22). G.E.T. Grades have been liberally adapted from the 33 Degrees of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
  • A Brother's ethical standing is also noted on the Manifest screen: 'Good', 'Reformed', 'Errant', 'Bad', along with his donation to the current station, total donations, and Grade with Title.
  • A full G.E.T. Ship Status Report has been added to the F4 Interfaces screen, showing the technical enhancements applied to the ship's systems since the Brother's induction. Both nominal and current specifications are noted for speed, thrust, shields, energy, and energy recharge rate. (Arrival Reports note only previous and revised specs while omitting thrust for reasons of space.)
Trade well!

PS. To test and sample the new features, as well as to advance most quickly in Grade, it is strongly recommended to start a new commander on Normal, keep the Cobra 3 FE (FE Ships are preferred for their increased capacity), make the first upgrade a Large Cargo Bay (to 70 TC) and then, as soon as funds permit, fit 4 10-ton Goods Containers in sequence, which will bring the Cobby's final cargo tonnage up to a not inappreciable 110 TC.

Immediately move away from the Lave environs and find a remunerative Milk Run, trading along the way (I tend to favour Xexedi/Laenin/Lerelace as a very good start point to build up the ship's tonnage and enhancements. Go via Zaonce, Isinor, Qutiri, Aronar, Beusrior, Uscela). Explore the Ooniverse from there.

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 12:02 pm
by Cholmondely
Reval wrote: Fri Dec 11, 2020 10:50 am
Could do. But don't you think that might spoil the in-game surprises? (Ditto listing the Grades)...
Instead of bunging in the actual thing, put in a stolen version which is incomplete ... this copy of the secret Vow of Good Brotherhood was stolen from Councillor Murtle Mugnus, a high-ranking member of the GET ... sadly it was ripped in half and we only have this ....

You could try this for inspiration: - look at the second half of the Description and Discovery section.

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 12:08 pm
by Cholmondely
You could do something similar for this:
To test and sample the new features, as well as to advance most quickly in Grade, it is strongly recommended to start a new commander on Normal, keep the Cobra 3 FE (FE Ships Player are preferred for their cargo capacity), make the first upgrade a Large Cargo Bay (making 70 TC) and then, as soon as funds permit, fit 4 10-ton Goods Containers in sequence, which will bring the Cobby's final tonnage up to a not inappreciable 110 TC.
It is said that Brother Gurgle-whizz made 700,000cr in a mere 2 months after his induction as a new brother - starting with a Cobra 3 FE he upgraded ... etc.

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:22 am
by Cholmondely
More ruminations about your web page.

• Effectiveness: I'd have the bullet point lists up at the top and the quotations further down. The quotations are excellent, and perhaps at some point you might wish to develop them into Oolite fiction, but I'm not sure that they should be the first thing a reader sees.

I"d either put them at the end as an appendix - or give them separate linked pages in our wiki.

I would have one or two lists up top:
1) Mighty Member! Keep double-entry ledgers using Darthavian Ixian-mode programming systems
2) Mighty Member! Sign all entries with a Quoquivian quill using violet-tinged ink
3) Mighty Member! Never fire missiles at pirates
4) Mighty Member! Use lasers only for defence: to warn off, not to kill

Partial List of Commandments as divulged by Contratius Phlebor, Renegade Guildmember
See appendix 3b for a contrasting divulgence reported 3 decades ago.
Appendix 3b
Found in the Apron of Guildmaster Gregorius Gargantuus on his demise by his assassin.
1) Thou shalt keep double-entry ledgers using the Ixian programmes
2) Thou shalt sign all entries with a sharpened quill loaded with purple ink
3) Thou shalt never launch missiles at thy foes
4) Thou shalt only fire lasers in defence
It's a bit like writing a CV: you want to grab people's attention in the first half page or so!

• Styling: You may care to experiment with the following: Try

<Blockquote> </Blockquote> indents paragraph of text

:::: etc indents

<pre style="color: red">Text to turn red</pre>

---- horizontal rule

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:34 am
by Reval
Fair ideas - let me ruminate on this... unless you'd like to do the (provisional) honours, so I can see exactly what you mean (if you've the spare time, I mean). Many thanks!

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:54 am
by Cholmondely
Reval wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 9:34 am
Fair ideas - let me ruminate on this... unless you'd like to do the (provisional) honours, so I can see exactly what you mean (if you've the spare time, I mean). Many thanks!
If you can PM me both the list of Guild ranks and the list of "commandments", I'll knock something up and stick it up for you to edit away on to your heart's content!

I'd also like to reverse your list of versions, so the most recent are up top as on most other pages (then people with older versions can more easily see the benefits of updating). And move it to the bottom of the page, too!

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:25 am
by Reval
With pleasure (you're our Wiki's prestidigitator). The 22 Grades I can do, but the Guild has only one Commandment: Thou shalt not kill. Brothers are free to do anything else but that (as Contratius knows)... Not sure, however, if it's a good idea to reveal all the Grades up front - sort of spoils the player's anticipation.

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:43 am
by Cholmondely
Reval wrote: Wed Dec 16, 2020 10:25 am
With pleasure (you're our Wiki's prestidigitator). The 22 Grades I can do, but the Guild has only one Commandment: Thou shalt not kill. Brothers are free to do anything else but that (as Contratius knows)... Not sure, however, if it's a good idea to reveal all the Grades up front - sort of spoils the player's anticipation.
I won't - remember the Moabite Stele!

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:05 am
by Reval
Elite Trader, version 1.13

Now in the Manager and on the Wiki.

More info HERE.

  • Witchpoint fuelling for Good Brothers above probationary grade (facilitates fast trading between far-flung systems)
  • Station contact (Assessor) named on Master Advisory screen
  • Increased energy and shield recharge rate increments
  • Improved consistency of donation display on Manifest
Trade well!

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:57 pm
by Reval
Elite Trader, version 1.14

Now in the Manager and on the Wiki.

More info HERE.

  • Master Advisory now lists the System's planets with stations
  • Planets are numerically named on entering and leaving their gravity (eg. Larelace Prime, Lerelace II, Lerelace III, Lerelace IV)
The above, of course, presupposes that Additional Planets and Stations for Extra Planets (and perhaps Planetary Compass) are installed, otherwise it's just the single 'vanilla' planet name (ie. Lave).

Trade well!

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:58 am
by Reval
Elite Trader, version 1.15

Now in the Manager and on the Wiki.

More info HERE.

  • Toggling weapons also toggles the anti-masslock system
  • Guild stricture on gems and precious metals tightened
  • Advisory lists the system's stations (minus Rock Hermits)
  • Advisory lists prices of system's key commodity, per station, plus quantity
Trade well!

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 2:24 pm
by commander_STyx2909
You have been doing a great work with this OXP. :D

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:12 pm
by Reval
commander_STyx2909 wrote: Wed Dec 23, 2020 2:24 pm
You have been doing a great work with this OXP. :D
Thanks - good to know that someone thinks so...

It's mainly just fiddling with the code now - pruning away dead globals, substituting var x for ship/system properties etc. A sign that things have reached a point where it's time to start something new but related, like G.E.T. stations and/or ships. But those are better kept for separate OXPs (with dependencies).

Anyway, here are some up-to-the-minute changes:

Elite Trader, version 1.16

Now in the Manager and on the Wiki.

More info HERE.

  • increased max_energy, max_energy_recharge, & max_shield_recharge
  • rectified determination of the 2 economic subdivisions (0..3,4..7)
  • sundry optimizations - var replacing repeated properties etc.
Edited to add this Boxing Day Bonus:

Elite Trader, version 1.17

  • Witchpoint comms Trade Advisory (where to sell) for GBs > Grade 1
  • Guild Home greetings somewhat tailored to Brother's Grade & Title
  • Max_thrust limit increased --> 256
  • Further code optimizations - the last of these now, methinks.
Trade Well!

And a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all!

Re: (WIP) Elite Trader

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 7:26 pm
by Cholmondely
Reval wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:12 pm
commander_STyx2909 wrote: Wed Dec 23, 2020 2:24 pm
You have been doing a great work with this OXP. :D
Thanks - good to know that someone thinks so...

It's mainly just fiddling with the code now - pruning away dead globals, substituting var x for ship/system properties etc. A sign that things have reached a point where it's time to start something new but related, like G.E.T. stations and/or ships. But those are better kept for separate OXPs (with dependencies).
Felicitations, O Frabjous Frogoid!

Hoping that all is well with you and yours (and that you've managed to avoid Kentish/Indian/South African variants...).

Hiran, a new-comer to our ranks, has encouraged an embarkation on an orgy of wiki-pagination! We are trying to create pages for all the OXPs and equipment as we marry up the Expansions Manager entries & the F3/F5 screens with the pages in the wiki.

I've created new redirect pages for your other OXPs and linked them into your one wiki page. I've added a little structure to your wiki page to make it more obvious where to find the relevant comments.

If you dislike what I've done, please tweak away!