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Re: AI Trading Assistant OXP 2.2.4

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:23 am
by Rorschachhamster
Ah, this'll suite me just fine. :)
As I had to disable the Autotrading-AI anyway. I like to have some free room for scooping up criminals and canisters... :wink:
(Maybe, if there was the ability to let the AI know that... :D )

AI Trading Assistant OXP 2.2.5

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:51 am
by Wildeblood
Rorschachhamster wrote:
I had to disable the Autotrading-AI anyway. I like to have some free room for scooping up criminals and canisters... :wink:
(Maybe, if there was the ability to let the AI know that... :D )
You mean if the performTrading() function took a parameter like performTrading(reserveSpace) and reserveSpace defaulted to 1 if not set? That's in there already. 8) What is not done yet is some way to set that parameter. It will need another mission screen just to set it. :roll: When I do add that I intend to offer a choice of 0, 1, 2 or 5.

Re: AI Trading Assistant OXP 2.2.5

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:40 pm
by Styggron
What a totally brilliant OXP this just gets better and better and better !!!!!! Such improvements SO fast !!!!!

WOW !!!!!!!! :D :D :D

AI Trading Assistant OXP 2.2.6

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:15 pm
by Wildeblood
Styggron wrote:
What a totally brilliant OXP this just gets better and better and better !!!!!! Such improvements SO fast !!!!!

WOW !!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Why, thank you.

I've just uploaded version 2.2.6. The changes are mostly under the bonnet: no new features, but it should run more smoothly, and has more options for customizing.
Recent changes:

2.2.6 (February 10th, 2013) Merged trading advisor & Autotrade scripts. Enabled Autotrade (slow) with marketObserver.

2.2.5 (February 9th, 2013) Compatibility with marketObserver OXP.

2.2.4 (February 1st, 2013) Tweaked interface screen.

2.2.3 (January 30th, 2013) Interface screen now added immediately after equipment bought.

2.2.2 (January 29th, 2013) Changed highlight text for illegal goods from "SELL" to "Illegal".

2.2.1 (January 25th, 2013) Autotrade and advice mode (off/advise/slow/fast) selectable from interface screen.

2.2 (January 24th, 2013) Integrated Autotrade, trading mode (off/slow/fast) selectable from interface screen.

Re: AI Trading Assistant OXP 2.2.6

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:18 pm
by Wildeblood
Here's a plug-in for customizing the message scripts in Trading Assistant. If you find my particular register of English (or English in general) irksome, and want to have a go at hacking the scripts to change the messages, this is for you.
AI Trading, My Advisor OXP ver. 2.2.6
Date: February 10th, 2013
Author: Wildeblood

Installation and use:

This is a plug-in OXP to be used alongside AI Trading Assistant OXP, version 2.2.6, it will not work independently.

As supplied, the only effect of this OXP in the game is to change the form of address the Trading Assistant uses when reacting to the player buying and selling cargo, from "boss" to "your Majesty".

But, the purpose of this OXP is to provide an example for you to create your own reaction scripts. If you've thought about hacking the AI Trading Assistant OXP to improve the reaction messages, but not known where to begin, this is for you.

Simply place this OXP alongside the main AI Trading Assistant OXP in your "AddOns" folder. The scripts in here will automatically over-ride the default ones. Then start hacking away without fear: you can't break any of the essential trading or record-keeping functions by changing anything here, only the messages.
Download AI Trading, My Advisor OXP 2.2.6 here.

Re: AI Trading Assistant OXP 2.2.6

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:54 pm
by GGShinobi
Wildeblood wrote:
As supplied, the only effect of this OXP in the game is to change the form of address the Trading Assistant uses when reacting to the player buying and selling cargo, from "boss" to "your Majesty".
LOL :lol: this is getting better and better - don't know which one I like more... "boss" or "your Majesty"... :lol: or should I change it to "almighty Master"? :lol: :lol:
(this should come with a warning: "a common side effect of frequent use of this may cause megalomania, which might prove quite unhealthy in space")

AI Trading Assistant 2.3

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:50 am
by Wildeblood
Wildeblood wrote:
The next step is to add... tracking of how long cargo has been aboard, so you'll see nagging messages like, "We've visited 5 stations since you bought those minerals, and you still haven't sold them."
Done in version 2.3. :D

Edit: link removed in sneaky eyesight test.

Re: AI Trading Assistant OXP 2.3

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:44 am
by Rorschachhamster
Is that a preview or am I too blind to find the link? :D

Re: AI Trading Assistant OXP 2.3

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:47 am
by Cody
The link on the first page will take you to the Wiki page, and thence to the OXP link.

Re: AI Trading Assistant OXP 2.3

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:33 am
by Rorschachhamster
El Viejo wrote:
The link on the first page will take you to the Wiki page, and thence to the OXP link.
(And I searched the whole time for a link that says 2.3... :roll: :wink: )

EDIT: Oh, and BTW, I just tried to get my Trading Assistent to speak German (I nicknamed him "Fritz" and he calls me master... 8) ), but I found no possibility to change the "I recommend buying computers, boss"-message. Am I blind again? Or do I have to go into the main script? :?:
EDIT2: As in " AI Trading, My Advisor OXP 2.2.6", of course... :oops:

AI Trading Assistant 2.4

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:22 pm
by Wildeblood
Rorschachhamster wrote:
Is that a preview or am I too blind to find the link? :D
You're too blind to see the link, apparently. :mrgreen: Sorry about that.

Now, where were we up to?
Wildeblood wrote:
Rorschachhamster wrote:
I had to disable the Autotrading-AI anyway. I like to have some free room for scooping up criminals and canisters... :wink:
(Maybe, if there was the ability to let the AI know that... :D )
You mean if the performTrading() function took a parameter like performTrading(reserveSpace) and reserveSpace defaulted to 1 if not set? That's in there already. 8) What is not done yet is some way to set that parameter. It will need another mission screen just to set it. :roll: When I do add that I intend to offer a choice of 0, 1, 2 or 5.
Done in version 2.4.
Rorschachhamster wrote:
I just tried to get my Trading Assistent to speak German (I nicknamed him "Fritz" and he calls me master... 8) ), but I found no possibility to change the "I recommend buying computers, boss"-message. Am I blind again? Or do I have to go into the main script?
No, the recommend sale, recommend purchase and nuisance cargo messages are buried deep in the scripts. But I'll separate them out in due course.

AI Trading Assistant 2.6.2

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:00 am
by Wildeblood
version 2.5: You can now have Autotrade either buying or selling only, if you want. So it can automatically buy the best discounts, and you decide when to sell, or you can decide what to buy, and Autotrade will sell them as soon as it's profitable to do so.

version 2.5.1: Autotrade now automatically finds all other OXPs that monitor trading, and notifies them of trades it makes.

version 2.6: Docking history, lists recently visited stations.

version 2.6.1: Autotrade fast selling disabled if New Cargoes OXP is present. So it won't accidentally sell your special cargoes.

version 2.6.2: Tweaked docking history screen.

Re: AI Trading Assistant OXP

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:30 pm
by Bogatyr
Switeck wrote:
DeathKnyte wrote:
it is so much easier to just sell everything you currently have, and then buy everything that is for sale. just two clicks, or confirmations are required, instead of depressing the arrow key many times to buy (or sell) just one at a time. Plus the game has this annoying bell ringing all the time, when you do (reason it is annoying, is because it is so loud).
The sheer loudness of this annoying bell ringing is a bug to me. I have to play Oolite at a relatively quiet level just to avoid causing my ears pain when buying/selling.
Yes it is by far one of the loudest sounds in the game, once when I was trading (playing with earphones!) someone in the room with me said "did someone leave the refrigerator door open?" (it rings with a similar sound when it is left open too long)!

Re: AI Trading Assistant OXP

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:39 pm
by Smivs
Bogatyr wrote:
...the refrigerator...rings with a similar sound when it is left open too long!
My fridge has a great sense of humour - it just sits there quietly if you leave the door open and lets the food go off! :(

Re: AI Trading Assistant 2.6.2

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:48 pm
by Wildeblood
I'd forgotten all about that irritating bell sound. Now I've just realized why watching autotrade do its thing still doesn't seem quite right: because it doesn't have any accompanying sound effect when it trades. I'll add it to the to-do list. (Somebody talk me out of this idea before I go ahead and do it!)