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Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:25 pm
by mandoman
Nobody insulted me, and most of the ships I built were intended for release. When I asked about how to get my ships on the ship list Wiki, I was only referring to the ones I had already released. I didn't want to flood the forum with a bunch of ships, and I had nearly thirty right before my system crashed. Some of those I intend to rebuild, and others not. I guess I'm tired of tring to figure out if it's my oxps that are causing the game to crash. I thought the crashes were over, but it did it twice again last night. Funny thing is, Latest.log isn't showing any discrepencies that I can tell.

If you are really serious about that blimp, I'll release it, but it really was just kind of messing around, like the one I made called the Splatomator. I get that way, like most people (I think), at times. I didn't mean to infringe on Goodyear, or use the name of an already existing ship. I just didn't remember if Maelstrom had been used, or not. I removed the pictures of all of the ships I lost in the system crash, as they may never get rebuilt, though I intend to try, with most of them.

I see I wiped a few too many off, though. I hadn't meant to remove the one I had named Maelstrom, but it's just as well until I can get it renamed. I thought this thread WAS to show the ships I build. I built a few npc ships that I wanted to show here as well, but most ships I had intended to release, a little at a time. There are a lot of good ship designers cropping up, and I don't want to flood the market.

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:07 am
by mandoman
Check the first page, if you would like to see my ships, as I am posting pics of new designs, as well as a few I have managed to rebuild that were lost. :)

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2012 9:47 pm
by mandoman
Anyone monitoring this topic. I am going to be replacing the links of several of my ships with versions containing slight changes, such as the "EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS" fiasco. I seem to have got that mixed up in several of my ship oxps, either in the shipdata.plist, or shipyard.plist, or both. I also tracked down a continuing "like_ship" reference error, concerning the SunBatMkII, and corrected it. As the SunBatMkII is included in several of my large ship releases, if you have any of those ships, you may be getting those error warnings. Thargoid would castigate me for my lack of editing skills, but I'm trying. :roll:

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 4:11 am
by mandoman
Thought I would post a few pics of my latest ship, the Razor. I have a few kinks to work out of it yet.








Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 8:23 am
by Shipbuilder
Love the shape............... Kind of a mixture of a Cylon Raider from the recent series merged with a Klingon ship and Razor from robot wars with a bit of Mando Tech Industries development thrown in for good measure.

What type of ship/spec are you looking at ?

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 3:23 pm
by mandoman
I know it looks a bit too familiar, but I love that design. Until the newer versions of the Enterprise, I thought the Klingon ships looked cooler, personally. I especially liked the Romulan Bird of Prey "Scimitar", in the last "Next Generation" movie. I have to be careful, as I'm always tempted to start making my ships in that pattern, and have adopted that "V" shape to lesser degrees in other ships.

Specs are going to vary, as I have made three versions of this ship. One is the player ship you see in the pics. Then there is the "Police" version, with cloaking device, and every other military upgrade possible. That one is the fastest at 550LM, max energy of 550, energy recharge rate at 5.5 (are you seeing a pattern? :lol: ), and just plain nastiness. The third is a "pirate" variation, with a black/silver streaked texture, and huge Jolly Roger on the top of the command section. I gave it the same specs as the player version, which is max speed 500, max energy 500, and energy recharge rate of 4.5. The player, and pirate versions don't have the cloaking device, or any of the military/police upgrades, though it is possible to upgrade them with those features. They should never be as fast, and deadly in a fight as the police version, though people who know how to manipulate the plists could make them into Super Uber ships, if they want. :D

I know what many are thinking, "Uber Ship". Maybe, I don't know. It is big. Maybe as big as a CobraMkIII, but not as much cargo space. The reason is that this ship was meant for Military/Police/Hunter roles, and has the space to house very powerful equipment. I have built several "cargo" vessels lately, and just felt like cutting loose. :mrgreen:

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 3:45 pm
by mandoman
The Ankalagon. Have a few tweeks to make on it, but here are a few pics.











Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:30 am
by mandoman
Haven't posted any new ships for a while, now. This ship is the newest, called Gnash. It's a bit of an undecided factor for me. Originally this ship was going to be about four times the size I actually made it, and have a dock so it could serve as a warship carrier. It's a wicked thing, with 6 huge ball turrets, 12 missile payload, and front and rear Military Lasers. Right now I have it about the size of the Snapper. It's strange, the Snapper looks bigger to me, and can use it's docking computers with Stations, but Stations have been refusing to give me docking coordinates with Gnash. It's a puzzler.










Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:46 am
by Commander McLane
mandoman wrote:
... Stations have been refusing to give me docking coordinates with Gnash. It's a puzzler.
Looks like it might be a little too high for a standard docking bay, with the turrets sticking out at its top and bottom.

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:59 pm
by mandoman
Commander McLane wrote:
Looks like it might be a little too high for a standard docking bay, with the turrets sticking out at its top and bottom.
Yeah, that's what I was afraid of, but I sure hate to shrink it any further, as it was intended to be a big ship. I could swear that the Snapper is both wider, and has more depth, but I'll have to recheck that I guess.

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:09 am
by mandoman
Here is the beginnings of Mandotech Ind. Space Station & Ship Building Yard. I have all the sections designed, including the I just have to figure out how to translate that into an actual Oolite Station. :D




Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:08 am
by mandoman
The top, and bottom ball turrets were the problem. I removed them, and then took Gnash out for another flight. When I went to dock, the autopilot kicked right in when I hit the C button. Here are a couple of pics of it without the ball turrets. I kind of like it better this way. :D





Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:19 am
by mandoman
The following ship was one I had considered adding to the "Killer Insect Pack", but it just looks too weird, and doesn't have the ball turrets that all the Killer Insect ships have. The Dragonfly is a tricky ship in that it looks like a flowery powder puff. In actuality it is quite heavily armed with aft, and forward lasers, a possible payload of 8 missiles, and it carries 40 tons of cargo, and has a scoop for that loose loot floating around in space, or a stray escape capsule. It's a strange looking ship, I'll grant you, but consider the source. :mrgreen:







Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 7:32 am
by Shipbuilder
Hey Mandoman I like the look of your Dragonfly especially from the rear. Your ships really do add something different to the ooniverse and it's great to have such a wide variety of ships available.

Re: MandoTech Industries, Inc.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:43 pm
by mandoman
Thanks, Shipbuilder. It comes from years of absorbing Science Fiction books, movies, and TV programs. I remember the different ship designs, and try to make one that's either one off of some ship I remember, or nothing like any ship I've ever seen........the later seems to be the most common. :wink: