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Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:37 pm
by Titox
I found Erehwon and had docked at the station but when I hit F5 stands still "find the hidden planet of Erehwon....." and when I fly back to Tionisla I also fdo not get a message that I have the mission completet. Is anything known about other oxp´s mot kompatiebel with this? Or am I doing some an error?

Sorry Google Translator :(

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:48 pm
by Cody
I think this OXP is a little broken - it's old and the author has gone walkabout.

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 10:21 am
by Titox
ok. Thank you. But why is it in the OXP Expansion Pack list from Oolite v1.82?

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 12:16 pm
by phkb
I suspect it's because items don't expire on the list. The pack may well have worked successfully with 1.80, when the expansion manager became available, but sometime around the release of 1.82 changes came to the core game that meant older packs aren't as trouble free as they used to be. With authors coming and going regularly, and the task of maintaining these older packs sometimes falling through the cracks, it can mean that the expansion manager can offer a pack for use that actually doesn't work.

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:50 pm
by RockDoctor
Cody wrote:
I think this OXP is a little broken - it's old and the author has gone walkabout.
I suspect breakage, though I've picked up several hints from reading this thread which I'm going to try.

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:08 am
by RockDoctor
RockDoctor wrote:
Cody wrote:
I think this OXP is a little broken - it's old and the author has gone walkabout.
I suspect breakage, though I've picked up several hints from reading this thread which I'm going to try.
Well, the routing got me the "overheard conversation". But with my Jameson now starving to death in his ship without enough fuel to get anywhere, I've obviously got some things to try tomorrow night.

Re: Tionisla Reporter - pulsing spheres ??

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:19 am
by RockDoctor
I'm still struggling to complete this mission. On Oolite 1.82 I've tried the misjump from Biorle to Usle about 20 times, to be met by Thargoids and no station every time. I'm trying the lurk-and-wormhole-follow approach today - 3 hours of real world time in and I've still not seen a wormhole in the right direction. But I'll carry on with that.
However, I did notices something odd after sniffing one freighter's exhaust fumes (turned out they were going to Xeenslimeball or some other irrelevant lump of rock). See screenshot :
These two weirdly pulsing spheroids of ... what? plasma? ... were floating around stationwards of the wormhole after I got the destination and sheared off from following.
I don't think I've seen anything like it in the Ooniverse before. Any identification from weirdness spotters out there?

Hi ho, back to sniffing exhaust fumes.

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:39 am
by Svengali
Looks a bit like flashers. Maybe a left-over from some OXP.

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 12:56 pm
by RockDoctor
Svengali wrote:
Looks a bit like flashers.
Jumping out from behind an asteroid, waving their dangly bits at you. I thought I'd left that behind on Clapham Common.
They do look a bit like the blobs of plasma in the exhaust of both Oolite vessels and ... there's a name floating around in the back of my mind. Mach diamonds - that's what I'd heard them called before.
Neat bit of modelling of the physics of rocketry. Maybe not so good that they clutter up space.
By the eight contra-rotating balls of Tharg, but I'm getting bored with hunting for this damned planet.

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 12:59 pm
by Norby
I guess to [wiki]Trails[/wiki], especially after a ship entered into a wormhole. There is a technincal reason behind which cause this nice ambience side effect. Some turbulence in spacetime cause the plasma smoke dissipating much slower than normally. ;)

Re: Tionisla Reporter - pulsing spheres ??

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 1:48 pm
by spara
RockDoctor wrote:
...I've tried the misjump from Biorle to Usle...
See the previous page of this thread and try to jump from Usle to Biorle. The oxp might be a bit broken.

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 2:06 pm
by RockDoctor
RockDoctor wrote:
I'm getting bored with hunting for this damned planet.
4 hours screen time (one Capt America movie and a replay of Fish Called Wanda) and eventually a Cobra comes along going to Usle. And I fluff the mis-jump.

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 3:17 pm
by Cody
RockDoctor wrote:
And I fluff the mis-jump.
<tries very hard not to snigger - fails> My sympathies!

Re: Tionisla Reporter - pulsing spheres ??

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:53 pm
by RockDoctor
spara wrote:
RockDoctor wrote:
...I've tried the misjump from Biorle to Usle...
See the previous page of this thread and try to jump from Usle to Biorle. The oxp might be a bit broken.
For reasons that are not at all clear, it seems that I had Tionisla Reporter installed twice. Or that for some reason I had to uninstall it twice.
Uninstalled, chopped the TR and Erehwon entries out of the save file, re-installed, and meandering my way back across G1 towards Tionisla.

Re: Tionisla Reporter

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:53 am
by phkb
Recently I've been giving this classic a bit of a spruce up, updating shipdata subentities to use the more modern style, adding condition scripts, updating the market, removing deprecated scripting methods, that sort of thing. I've also adjusted the code so that, once you've completed the mission, the destination will remain, so you can always go back and see it again. I thought that made for a more consistent universe.

I was considering releasing this as an update, but then I looked at the manifest.plist file, where the license is said to be "CC-BY-ND 4.0", which, if I'm reading this page correctly, means I can't issue an update. That's the "ND" part - no derivatives. But then, in one of the script files it says "CC-by-NC-SA", and in another it says "Creative Commons: attribution, non-commercial, sharealike". I'm confused.

Looking at the non-OXZ version 1.2 from the Wiki, which doesn't have a manifest.plist file, I'm left with the feeling that whoever packaged it into an OXZ for distribution via the download manager has made a mistake in choosing a license. Unless it was actually Eric Walsh, in which case it probably wasn't a mistake. Does any one know what the story is here?