Greetings, congratulations, and questions

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Greetings, congratulations, and questions

Post by caracal »

Greetings! After reading this forum long enough, I finally decided to join and add to the chatter. The motto is correct, it's just about the friendliest forum this side of Riedquat. Sorry for the length of this post; I really did try to keep it short, honest!

I missed the original Elite, but stumbled upon Frontier back in the early to mid 90s and fell in love with it, wasting ... er, spending many pleasurable hours increasing my wealth and the strength of my ship. I don't want to reignite the almost-flaming debate about the relative merits of the original Elite family versus Frontier versus First Encounters, but I do see merits in both Frontier and First Encounters, as well as in things like VegaStrike and Orbiter and so on. Nevertheless, it's in oolite where I spend my gaming time. I can't see trying to bend what is already a successful and harmonious program into something it's not.

So, fantastic work from all you developers and OXP writers! This thing is gorgeous, surprising, absorbing, and getting better with every passing day.

I have lots more to say, but wanted to keep this first post shorter than a novel. After starting with 1.65 and seeing some weirdness (most of which have already been discussed at length on this forum), I finally bit the bullet and set up my Ubuntu Linux system to build 1.71.2 from source. Saw a huge improvement in the visuals, of course, had access to many more interesting OXPs, and most of the oddities were gone.

But they were replaced by a new set of oddities, things like asteroids and random bits of space bars (subentities, I think they are?) flying around as independent ships, and huge asteroids mugging the main station, presumably trying to dock. (Just about the funniest visual I've seen so far; looked like two hippos mating.) I de-installed most of the OXPs I had, and switched to the svn version of the source, and those went away too. Now, I have some questions that I hope you guys can answer for me:
  1. Making an honest living. I am running four separate commanders, picking one as the mood strikes me. One is a trader exclusively, one wants to be a miner, one is an unrepentant scoundrel who shoots pretty much everything that moves and many things that don't, and one (my first) is sort of free-form, but has settled mostly into being a "paladin", a good guy who always defends traders, is never happy with Offender status even for a minute, has come to terms with the assassinations in Random Hits (they were bad guys anyway, so killing them is a public service, no?), and has made it to Dangerous as a result. I guess he's mostly what you'd call a bounty hunter. (And the fact that I can choose those four separate careers is part of what makes oolite so great.)

    The question is, how does one make a huge pile of money honestly (and quickly), besides trading? I've run the numbers; with that commander's current Seymour, he makes an average of 5000Cr on each jump. A mid-level random hit, which may be unsavory but is still legal, may net you 5000Cr too, but you typically have to jump 3-6 systems away to fulfill it, and beat hell out of a hive of hostile ships to earn it. Third-level hits go higher, but the cost-benefit ratio is still pretty low. Even the Constrictor mission pays only 5000, though one cannot scoff at the 256 kills you get. But raising money and raising one's rating are, in my mind, two separate activities, since I haven't yet found a really good way to increase both at the same time, with the same ship. (I admit, I suck at fighting, which may have something to do with it. And I can't yet afford a Falcon or a military Courier. Not sure I'd feel right using a Falcon in oolite anyway, high pricetag or no. Even a Courier is stretching it a bit, but I have a fondness for them since one was used as the opening animation in Frontier. Plus, who can resist spinny nacelles?!)

    So am I missing a bet somewhere? Whacking innocent Pythons and Boas in the space lanes is very lucrative, but really not so much what you'd call legal. And so far, I've found precious few large-cargo pirate ships. Even when I do, seldom do more than 10-20 tons of cargo survive the ship's demise. Yes, it's pure profit, but it's small profit. Is there some way to make really big bucks aside from repetetive runs back and forth between <insert favorite poor agro system> and <fave rich indo>? Because while that's profitable, the most profitable thing I've found so far in the game, it's also rather, um, tedious. Jump in, jumptrick around the lanes, injector past the inevitable preacher/rickshaw/SAR, dock, sell, buy, jump out. Rinse, repeat. Sure, earning money the old fashioned way is hard, but if I wanted repetetive and boring, I'd switch off the computer and go to work. (Which, come to think, I really should do soon.)

    A fast trader with a big belly, like a (civilian) ImpCourier or Sled, minimizes the wall-clock time for the above, but it gets predictable fast; I can tell within 5-10 minutes how long it'll take to earn X amount of dollars. And the more, um, active ways of making cash tend to be less lucrative. So steer a newbie right, please? Or is it intended that one spend weeks in the cockpit to make a few creds? I guess I'm more interested in the credit per wall-clock hour ratio; if I had a military Courier or a Boa Cruiser or something, I'd feel better about tangling with pirates while still trading, but not being able to afford those yet is sorta the point.
  2. Offensive behavior. Okay, I've come to terms with the fact that if a ship gets a mayday off before you whack it, even if it's an Offender or Fugitive, and the cops hear it, you instantly become an Offender yourself. Broke me of my habit of hanging in space beside the station with my scanner ready to check every ship that exited, waiting for bad guys so I could jump them. (Yes, I'm basically a chicken, and did I mention I'm a lousy shot?) But the other day I was involved (involuntarily, I swear) in a furball just outside the station entrance, but well within the aegis, where the cops themselves were firing on a fugitive. Wanting the bounty, I let them soften him up a bit and then gave him a laser ticket to the hereafter. And I got a nice warm fuzzy when I got the "Thanks for the assistance" message.

    But then, as soon as the first miscreant had met Lord Braben, after which I verified that I was still Clean, the cop turned to firing on another fuge who was lurking like an idiot waiting to dock. (What's with those guys, anyway? Especially that SuperCobra fugitive ... I'd still probably be Poor if not for those here-come-kill-me morons.) I let the cop get in a few hits, then moved in and demonstrated why military lasers are so popular. After that went to its inevitable conclusion, I was an Offender! WTF?! I'm sure I didn't hit the cop or the station or any other innocent bystanders--I was firing away from the station, no other ships near the target, and the cop was off getting ready for another pass at the guy when I exploded him.

    So can somebody clue me in to the rules here? I guess it's less of an offense when you snuff a bad guy near a Feudal or Anarchy station, but those Communists and Corporate types are soooo touchy. But why is it an offense at all? Couldn't I clear up the confusion in twenty minutes back at headquarters just by showing them the recording from my gun camera? Yet this Offender status, mild though it might be, sticks with me for at least three more jumps, if I don't decide to chuck it immediately, Shift-D, and reload to get back to clean. (If only real life had a Reload command!)

    As an aside, a vague notional feature request: When I become an Offender, or in my bad-boy persona, a Fugitive, it'd be nice if there was a simple notation that told me why I was. Like "public explosions" or "firing on citizens" or "slave trading" ... doesn't have to be long and complex, but the first and/or last and/or most serious thing that changed my status would be nice to know. The thing that always runs through my mind in such cases is "Why???" Would be nice to be able to avoid doing that in the future. If I want to Be Good. :twisted:
  3. The Lost Boys. Sometimes I'll knock the stuffing out of a bunch of ne'er-do-wells, and from the wreckage will emerge a very pissed-off BoyRacer. He shows up white on my scanner, so I don't even know he's there until I start getting laser hits while I'm scooping goodies. And those things are darned hard to hit! Yet their weapons pack just as much of a punch as the biggest ship's do.

    And I can't swear to it, but I think a cop showed up as I was tangling with one of these mysterious strangers, saw me kill him, and wrote me up as an Offender. Nowadays I just run away from them whenever they appear; not worth the trouble. Since they're white, I can just toroid away from them, but they do make the rest of the scoopables a loss.

    So is that some form of escape pod? A bug? A bad OXP interaction? My guess is the first one, but thought I'd ask. I'm just not used to white blips being armed with lasers. And angry.
  4. Stick, no joy. I like the game so well that I bought a joystick just to use with it. It's my third or fourth over the years, but my new comp doesn't have an old style "game port", and everything is USB nowadays, so I bought a cheapie Logitech stick. Works fine in oolite except:
    • I had some trouble with the dead zone at first. I'd take my hand off the stick but it kept rolling or pitching (or both) a little even so, until I'd jerk it around enough to make it quit. And when I tried using the Linux utilities to adjust the dead zone, the stick stopped working in oolite until I unloaded and reloaded the joystick driver (kernel module). I understand that Linux is the ugly stepchild of the PC world, but eh, thankfully the deadzone issue went away. Dunno if it was the upgrade to the svn oolite, or I've just broken it in, or what.
    • I cannot use the stick for yaw control, no matter what I try. It's just a two-axis cheapie, but when I set the axes from "pitch/roll" to "pitch/yaw", they both stop working.
    • This is the most frustrating: When I set one of the joystick buttons to "Toggle precision maneuvering", pressing that button sends the ship into a constant full-speed yaw until I press that button again, or use one of the keyboard yaw controls. This is new to 1.71 and later; in 1.65 the "precision toggle" worked great. But of course there was no yaw in 1.65. I miss the "precision" setting, but I don't want to lose the whole game's yaw capability just to get it fixed. My buddies at the Horny Lobster Bar & Grill would all laugh at me if I pranged my ship while trying to dock. An acceptable workaround would be to have a keyboard control that toggled the precision; if there is one, please tell me.
  5. Darned alien drivers! What's with the NPCs being unable to steer their bloody ships? I've learned to check the position of the main station's nav buoy immediately upon witching into a system, because three times out of five some idiot will ram into it and explode himself and the buoy before I even get to the station. Sometimes I even find the station by seeing the flash. Not only that, I've seen numerous escorts ram each other and/or their mothership immediately upon exiting the station, seen Dreadnoughts and Condors fly out of the station (like a Beagle giving birth to a Doberman), turn majestically, and ram right into the side of the same station, seen fugitives flee toward the planet and burn up in the atmosphere, and so on.

    Mostly it's just some idiot who leaves the station, flies straight and true, and smack, buoy sandwich. Are they supposed to do that? Again, could it be an OXP conflict, bad AI, whatever? I'll gladly provide installation details, but this post is already longer than many phone books, so only if asked. (BTW, I do have Buoy Repair installed, and aside from those breathtaking stations, I've seen no evidence that buoys actually get repaired. That's probably a time issue--I'm seldom in a system very long when in trading mode.)
Anyway, I'm just thrilled to have something as polished and expandable as oolite available! I've already started noodling on my own ship designs, and in the far distance can imagine doing a mission OXP or two. I've written a couple of helper Python scripts (the language, not the ship), to show the galaxy in the sorts of trade terms I prefer, and to calculate new ship prices based on Lestradae's "realistic shipyards" formula. Which I have some issues with, but those can wait for another post. I love Random Hits, all the beautiful new shader stuff, System Redux, my miner couldn't live without his Ore Processor, nor my paladin without his Fuel Tank. And that's just a few of my favorites; I've easily gone through two dozen ships, and more are in my future. Have done Longway (Real funny, guy! :lol: I bet all the Jamesons fall for that one), Local Hero, stomped the Wolf for Taranis, and am looking forward to the missions of the future, as soon as I feel I've squeezed galaxy 1 dry.

Oh, I guess I do have one more question, this one for Eric or anybody who might know: I was a regular UPS courier until I installed the svn version of oolite. The version check for that OXP says "1.71.99" is its max, but the svn version thinks it's 1.72, so now I have Entizadi permanently marked with a red X. Any idea whether it'll actually work in this pre-1.72, or was the 1.71.99 max in there for a reason? No harm, just a bit distracting.

Hats off to all you contributors, and take pity on a new Jameson who has delusions of grandeur!
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Post by pagroove »

I'm at the start of your post so I will read it, but let me say. Welcome to the board 8)

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Re: Greetings, congratulations, and questions

Post by Commander Mysenses »

caracal wrote:
seen Dreadnoughts and Condors fly out of the station (like a Beagle giving birth to a Doberman), turn majestically, and ram right into the side of the same station, seen fugitives flee toward the planet and burn up in the atmosphere, and so on.
Running Realistic Shipyards by any chance? :P
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Post by caracal »

I'm at the start of your post so I will read it, but let me say. Welcome to the board
Thank you kindly! Love the graphics you've contributed, BTW.

Commander Mysenses
Running Realistic Shipyards by any chance?
Guilty as charged. And yes, I've read the discussions about it, both pro and con, and will spare you my copious opinions. :wink: Maybe later than my second post!

Are some/all of these known problems with it? I tried it under 1.65, and it bogged my system down so badly it caught fire. Tried it again under 1.71.2, and then svn, and it was much "lighter", if you could call it that.
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

Hi, caracal, and Welcome to The... erm, you know what ;)

To answer your questions,

1) Trading and piracy, plus gem mining are the directly most profitable.
When you go into bounty-hunting and assassination, the earnings per jump may seem to drop, but you can still catch lesser pray on the way, which offset the losses a bit.
In any case, I don't recall anybody mentioning the contract prizes being too low, and if you compare the earning of an oceanic container carrier (to compare with a Python or a Boa, where you can do the major bucks) with an assassin, you'll see that the freighter will earn way more.

2) IIRC, when the police arrives and finds two clean ships fighting, they'll fine the first they see hitting the opponent first. Otherwise, they always go for the bigger offender. If you're not getting this behaviour, something's wrong...
And I also like the idea of knowing the charges.

3) :lol: that must be from an OXP...

4) I haven't had a joystick in 15 years, mate.

5) The drunk driving/slow reflexes/fatal goofs/speeding on the parking lot behaviours are always a possibility in Oolite, but I think it was deliberately increased to cause the navibuoy destruction so that the players could see them getting replaced - I guess it went a bit too fat...

Well, make yourself at home!
Last edited by Cmdr. Maegil on Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

@Caracal - Welcome to the forum - what a fantastic first posting! Witty, entertaining, informative.

Can't help much other than to say you are not alone in the joystick yaw/precision control see this thread:

I currently don't have time to play even one Commander - never mind four. I'm sure somebody will point you in the direction of some good ways to make quick money cleanly.

There's always Hoopy Casinos if you fancy, literally, taking a gamble - or Rock hermits will give you the chance to buy Gems, gold, platinum on the cheap to sell at the main station (and they don't take up main cargo space they go in the ship's safe).

Your Ad here - with its Pi-42 and Tescoo Oxpress (one of mine!) stores occasionally will buy food at really silly prices (102Cr/ton) and sell stuff at tiny prices (0.4Cr/Ton).

You could take out a loan with the Black Monks and then see what happens if you don't pay it back...

Get yourself an ore processor and make some real money mining.

Anyway, just a few suggestions - look forward to additional tome like prose!

Selezen wrote:
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Post by caracal »

Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
Hi, caracal, and Welcome to The... erm, you know what ;)
1) Trading and piracy, plus gem mining are the directly most profitable. ... if you compare the earning of an oceanic container carrier (to compare with a Python or a Boa, where you can do the major bucks) with an assassin, you'll see that the freighter will earn way more.
Good points. One of my commanders has no problem with piracy, the other tries to avoid it. I guess I'm just whining about not making money fast enough. :oops:
When you go into bounty-hunting and assassination, the earnings per jump may seem to drop, but you can still catch lesser pray on the way, which offset the losses a bit.
And for me, the "fun factor" goes up, which is the whole point of playing in the first place, no? I just see some of the high-end ships and drool, and calculate how long it'll be before I can think about buying one. November, anyone?
2) IIRC, when the police arrives and finds two clean ships fighting, they'll fine the first they see hitting the opponent first. Otherwise, they always go for the bigger offender. If you're not getting this behaviour, something's wrong...
Yes, that squares with what I've seen. My issue is when I'm clean and my target is already Offender/Fugitive. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with fighting near a station, since I don't recall ever being gigged when fighting a bad guy in deeper space.

And that makes sense. Creating a public nuisance, at the least; chance of collateral damage to law-abiding citizens is too great a risk for most civilized societies, I guess.
3) :lol: that must be from an OXP...
Probably Random Hits, come to think. I can't swear I've never seen it except when snuffing a mark, but it's likely. I've been Q-bombed, wormholed across two systems, attacked by henchmen and random pirates who were just passing by, and insulted in six alien languages while doing a hit. Sigh, nobody said murder for hire would be easy.

The most frustrating is taking the verbal abuse from my client when the mark jumps and I can't get to the wormhole before it collapses. Still haven't figured out a good solution for that one. Maybe sunskimming for fuel and scouring the nearby systems, but with Far Sun installed that could take quite a while. And I haven't checked, but the Random Hits OXP may not even be set up to support that.
4) I haven't had a joystick in 15 years, mate.
And even with it I'm a lousy shot. :lol:
5) The drunk driving/slow reflexes/fatal goofs/speeding on the parking lot behaviours are always a possibility in Oolite, but I think it was deliberately increased to cause the navibuoy destruction so that the players could see them getting replaced - I guess it went a bit too fat...
Yeah, in 1.65 I did see some crashes, which were amusing. But now it seems like somebody broke into the lethal brandy and high-test mushrooms. And stole all the traffic markers to boot.
Well, make yourself at home!
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Post by Lestradae »

Hey caracal,

really cool first post and sorry ...
Running Realistic Shipyards by any chance?

Guilty as charged. And yes, I've read the discussions about it, both pro and con, and will spare you my copious opinions. Maybe later than my second post!
... for the mess. I assume you would have a few choice words to say :oops: ... not everyone hits it off so bad with RS ...

But your plight has made a decision for me - I am working on a new version of Realistic Shipyards (3.02) that`s basically a bugfix for the problems you noticed - I will publish what I have done so far, that should repair most of this.

Hope you are still enjoying Oolite 8)

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Post by caracal »

DaddyHoggy wrote:
@Caracal - Welcome to the forum - what a fantastic first posting! Witty, entertaining, informative.
Aw shucks, I bet you say that to all the new Jamesons. :oops:
Can't help much other than to say you are not alone in the joystick yaw/precision control see this thread:
Wow, thanks for the link! I scoured the forums for any info about it before coming here with my shame, but found only one other poor slob who mentioned it in passing, and it got lost in the face of more pressing problems. But I think I looked before the above thread was created.
I currently don't have time to play even one Commander - never mind four.
Oh, I don't either! I'm a permanent resident of Chez Doghouse these days. Darn all you incredibly inventive guys to heck! :wink:
I'm sure somebody will point you in the direction of some good ways to make quick money cleanly.

There's always Hoopy Casinos if you fancy, literally, taking a gamble - or Rock hermits will give you the chance to buy Gems, gold, platinum on the cheap to sell at the main station (and they don't take up main cargo space they go in the ship's safe).

Your Ad here - with its Pi-42 and Tescoo Oxpress (one of mine!) stores occasionally will buy food at really silly prices (102Cr/ton) and sell stuff at tiny prices (0.4Cr/Ton).

You could take out a loan with the Black Monks and then see what happens if you don't pay it back...

Get yourself an ore processor and make some real money mining.
Thanks for the tips.
  • Have already discovered that the Hoops are a sucker's game, though the casinos are good for (limited) trading.
  • Have visited a Hermit or two, and saw the trading possibilities; still too poor to afford a locator, though.
  • Tried Your Ad Here back in my 1.65 days, found my system gone to the wolves, and it got caught in The Great OXP Purge of 2008. Will try it again now that I'm running a newer version.
  • Am scared of the Monks.
  • My miner has an ore processor, and I've spent many a happy hour blasting rocks and scooping credits. Can you believe people used to do that for just minerals?!
Anyway, just a few suggestions - look forward to additional tome like prose!
My pappy always said, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t. I've extended that to add "and the more the better!"

Thanks for the rapid reply and the warm welcome.
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Post by Commander Mysenses »

caracal wrote:
I guess I'm just whining about not making money fast enough. :oops:
Credits are over-rated man... as long as there's fuel in the tank and the holes in my hull are patched, I'm a happy bunny... not planning on a long retirement! :twisted:
The most frustrating is taking the verbal abuse from my client when the mark jumps and I can't get to the wormhole before it collapses. Still haven't figured out a good solution for that one.
Stay up close and personal... if there ain't blood spatters on your windscreen you ain't close enough!
(and have a couple spare fuel tanks handy, to keep them injectors burning)
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Post by DaddyHoggy »

Your Ad Here - divides/polarises most of the community - some with high spec machines complain it kills them off, others with medium spec machines say it runs fine. Under 1.65 (XP) the older version on my XP2500+ 1GB, 128MB FX5600 it used to cause multiple stutters (micro freezes) which made combat v. difficult

On this machine (XP2800+, 1GB Dual channel, 128MB FX5900XT) running Ubuntu (7.10) the latest version of YAH seems to be OK - no micro freezes and not much of a delay jumping in to a system - although I'm not running too many other OXPs - so I'm not pushing my rig very much. you clearly are (Realistic Shipyards for example!)

Good luck - hope the stick problem is resolved - could you beg, borrow, steal another stick to see if its stick specific?
Selezen wrote:
Apparently I was having a DaddyHoggy moment.
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Post by LittleBear »

Welcome to the boards! Random Hits will run with far sun. Fuel Injectors and enough fuel to run them are necessary kit really for chasing criminals. Maximise the fuel you have left by jumping in to the target system from the nearest star. :wink: Also buy an extra fuel tank (need Fuel Tank OXP). That'll top up 3 LY with the touch of a button, giving plenty of fuel for injector use. Don't think the boyracer escape pods are comming from Random Hits. The OXP uses Shuttle, Worm and standard pods as escape craft. It is intentional though that these pods are sometimes launched, but they should be an easy kill or scoop. Boy Racers can be generated as Mark 'main ships' but they don't have cargo scan class (white on the scanner). I think Heretic was working on some boyracer pods so could be from one of his OXPs.

On making cash, remember you can do several things at once. You can take missions from UPS, Galactic Navy, Random Hits, Local Hero (and any other OXPs) at the same time and just do them when your in that neck of the woods. You can also trade / pirate / mine your way over to the system where the mission is so the mission money is really extra cash on top of the money you'd have made in the same number of jumps just trading.

Serious money can be made on the wrong side of the law in the Assassins Guild.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Disembodied »

For making money, try doing a stint hauling bulk cargo contracts from the F8/F8 screen. You'll need to get a ship with a big belly, but after you've made a name for yourself as a reliable runner the contracts get juicier and considerably less bulky -- and you can think about trading your ship down again for something a lot more jinky and combat-oriented...
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Re: Greetings, congratulations, and questions

Post by another_commander »

caracal wrote:
Mostly it's just some idiot who leaves the station, flies straight and true, and smack, buoy sandwich. Are they supposed to do that? Again, could it be an OXP conflict, bad AI, whatever?
Welcome to Oolite, caracal. The issue with the ships launching and flying straight to crash on the buoy is definitely a bug. I already have a fix for it, but it is so hackish and horrible, that I am ashamed to submit it to the mainline and would rather look to do it properly instead. It is the kind of fix that a developer would use to patch up a bug that was discovered in the final release candidate of a game, like, two hours before going gold. So, this fix will only go in if there is no proper resolution until the time of next release. At, least GRS Inc. will still be able to do good business until then ;-)
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Re: ...

Post by caracal »

Lestradae wrote:
Hey caracal,

really cool first post and sorry ...
Running Realistic Shipyards by any chance?
Guilty as charged. And yes, I've read the discussions about it, both pro and con, and will spare you my copious opinions. Maybe later than my second post!
... for the mess. I assume you would have a few choice words to say :oops: ... not everyone hits it off so bad with RS ...
Thanks for the welcome, and no apologies necessary! I both love and hate RS. First it was a no-go under 1.65 for technical reasons, but once I upgraded, I reinstalled RS and thought it was the coolest thing since sliced tree-grub.

I could go on at length about the parts I like and the parts I don't. I really like the price adjustments, although I have some quibbles with some of them, but nothing you haven't discussed here yourself. I agree that the price calculation should be done by the game engine itself, not hard-coded in the config files. Easy for a non-maintainer to say, of course!

I drool over some of the high-end ships, although I feel the tug of purism and wish the ship with "those" stats wasn't trying to be the Millenium Falcon. I'm sure some of the other ships are taken from other extra-Oo sources too, but the ones I don't recognize seem more "native" to me, and thus I feel less guilty when coveting them. I have misty visions of a design project that makes high-end ships that are pure oolite. Someday, if I procrastinate long enough, somebody will do it for me.

But don't get me wrong--I do love RS. I mentioned in an earlier post that I can choose multiple career paths from the very start, and RS (and Rusties before it) is a large part of making that possible. If I dumped RS now, I'd be in a helluva pickle--the ooniverse would suddenly make less sense.

As an example: Before I upgraded oolite and re-installed RS, I had bought a Phoenix (a fantastic ship, kudos to the designer, although the leopard-print and zebra-stripe paint job it got in RS made me the laughingstock of the spacelanes) for the ridiculously low price of 150000, and was making hash of evil dudes from Legees to Ribilebi. I had my eye on a Terrapin as an upgrade, since it was only 50k more. Then I put RS back in.

Ouch! Now the Phoenix has more than doubled in price, and the Terpy is close to 800k. If I went back to the separate OXPs with their original prices, I'd feel like a cheater. (Though I'd kill like a madman. :twisted:) But it makes sense, as they are both pretty powerful ships.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm poking around at ship design, and I like your pricing model so well I created a little calculator program that does the math for me.
But your plight has made a decision for me - I am working on a new version of Realistic Shipyards (3.02) that`s basically a bugfix for the problems you noticed - I will publish what I have done so far, that should repair most of this.
I wasn't even sure most of them were bugs. Clearly they haven't kept me from playing! But yeah, a bugfix would be great, and I do applaud your decision to make a future release where the pricing model is one package, and the full monty, ships and all, is another separate one.

However, given the way things work, I can't just install the "Realistic Pricing" OXP and then install the separate, say, Phoenix and Terrapin and Pelamis and ImpCourier OXPs and get realistic prices for them. Can I? Can an OXP override another OXP's ship prices? Hmm, now if that's true, I already have the price calc code working in Python (the language, not the ship) and could convert it to ECMAscript in a heartbeat.
Hope you are still enjoying Oolite 8)
I certainly am, and your work has a lot to do with that.
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