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Post by matthewfarmery »

drat, things were looking up, but the crashing returned, running the game on XP 32bit, anyway, for a while I was travelling between Tiinleni and Ritila, so far so good, anyway on my way to Ritila, about half way I was attacked, then, after a bit of a dog fight, the ship (no idea on class) seemed to broke off and disappeared, allowing me to press J, 5 seconds later or maybe a bit more then it CTD]

uploaded latest log file, hope someone can figure out what is wrong,
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Post by pmw57 »

The only OXP that's running is OSE, and the log is silent as to any cause.
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Post by Screet »

matthewfarmery wrote:
drat, things were looking up, but the crashing returned
Did you also change the missile scripts?

To everyone: Seemingly it was too late, I made a stupid C&P mistake in the override script, as that did check for the law missiles AI :oops:

I did edit that message to the proper check.

Without hardpirates, I'm currently NOT experiencing any crashes. Thus, if updating also the missile scripts does not help, I suggest to temporarily disable hardpirates...although looking at their definitions, I guess that it's their missiles which cause problems if the modified scripts are not used.

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Post by matthewfarmery »

think I forgot about that, again blame it on lack of coffee, will update and let you know


edited the files so fingers croosed
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Post by Lestradae »


This here seems to have crashed my game:
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning ("behemoth_carrier" 1.00): The property Entity.ID is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ../AddOns/A - OSE Main Data WiP V0.70.07.oxp/Scripts/behemoth-carrier.js, line 43.
In behemoth-carrier script, line 43, it says:

Code: Select all = who.ID
The whole script is as such:

Code: Select all

this.shipSpawned = function()
    if(this.ship.AI != "behemothPatrolAI.plist") this.ship.switchAI("behemothPatrolAI.plist")
    // force it into it's custom AI
    this.ship.fuel = 7
    delete this.shipSpawned;

this.shipTargetCloaked = function()
    this.cloakedTarget =
        this.cloakingTimer = new Timer(this, this.statusCheck, 1, 1)

this.statusCheck = function()
    if(!this.cloakedTarget) this.cloakingTimer.stop()
   = this.cloakedTarget.ID;

this.shipBeingAttacked = this.offenceCommittedNearby = function(who)
    if( && != who && (who.bounty * who.maxEnergy > * || who == player) && who.scanClass != "CLASS_POLICE")
         this.ship.reactToAIMessage("SWITCH_TARGET") = who.ID
         //log("Behemoth", this.ship.shipDisplayName+" switched target to: "+who.shipDisplayName+" with attack value "+ who.bounty * who.maxEnergy)
Ideas, anyone? :?

Last edited by Lestradae on Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by matthewfarmery »

so far so good again, one thing mind, while docked at Ritila, and browsing through the items for sale, (and nice that you can sell stuff) there is sell misjump analyser, yet this doesn't appear in the ship item list (F5) is this a mistake? or intended? that I can sell this but its not in the list? just wondering as its does seem a litlle odd
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Post by Lestradae »

matthewfarmery wrote:
browsing through the items for sale, (and nice that you can sell stuff) there is sell misjump analyser, yet this doesn't appear in the ship item list (F5) is this a mistake? or intended?
It's a mistake. Please try again, if it really doesn't work.

If it doesn't work again, see if your credits are deduced, and if the misjump analyser does work at all. You try this out by moving your ship through a loop when next hyperjumping. That triggers a misjump, and the analyser should tell you that (before it happens).

This would actually be a bit weird, quite straightforward to buy one code-wise.
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Post by matthewfarmery »

I've had a misjump and the item doesn't work, so I guess I will sell it, thought it was a bug, didn't notice on other high tech planets, going to visit one soon, and see if the item appears there, it probably will, but worth checking
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Post by Lestradae »

Hm. Are you on Oolite 1.73.4 or on "1.74" trunk, and if the later, what SVN?
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Post by matthewfarmery »

1.73.4 none SVN


did use for a little while 1.73.3 and used the update package from the main website, not used the SVN builds
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Re: ..

Post by Screet »

Lestradae wrote:
This here seems to have crashed my game:
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ----- JavaScript warning ("behemoth_carrier" 1.00): The property Entity.ID is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Oolite.
[script.javaScript.warning.ooliteDefinedError]: ../AddOns/A - OSE Main Data WiP V0.70.07.oxp/Scripts/behemoth-carrier.js, line 43.
In behemoth-carrier script, line 43, it says:

Code: Select all = who.ID
From another similar script I once got the report that ID could not be assigned to and browsing through other OXPs concluded that it should simply be who, not who.ID. However, that also only does work on some occasions :?

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Post by Screet »

Hmm. Instead of commenting out hardpirates and additional navy forces, I had another test run during which these were added multiple times.

The result shows clearly, that it's necessary to use the updated missile scripts to prevent problems.

However, there is still something else which does crash oolite (under vista64) when hardpirates are enabled, and I fail to see what it is :(

Any ideas?

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Post by matthewfarmery »

update on the misjump analyser issue, its a 100% bug alright and it has an interesting side effect, infinite money :D :D

basically I try and sell it, it gives me the cash, only for it to appear in the equipment sell list again, sell again, rinse and repeat : 8)

my save game, if you want to take a look at it,

tried a fresh game, item wasn't there when I went to a high tech system, my only explanation is that it must have got added when I started to buy equipment, large cargo bay, ECM, beam laser, in that order and bought them on Ritila, at least for the beam laser and ECM, I bought the extra large cargo bay on Tiinleni, only thing I can come up with is to start again, but I may try with more creditsa to speed up the process, so it could be a one off, or it may be a trigger (buying stuff in one order or something like that) not sure, but try to look into this farther if I can
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Post by matthewfarmery »

for me, I can duplicate this issue, (I did cheat by adding more funds to my test save, but I don't think it matters) at Lave buy the following, large cargo bay, ECM and beam laser, then head to any high tech planet, (Leesti) but it doesn't matter, I would say any planet at tech level 9 or above) now go to the equipment selection screen, then go to the selling items page, misjump analyser is in the list, (at least for me) anyone else can dupliucate?
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Post by Screet »

matthewfarmery wrote:
for me, I can duplicate this issue, (I did cheat by adding more funds to my test save, but I don't think it matters) at Lave buy the following, large cargo bay, ECM and beam laser, then head to any high tech planet, (Leesti) but it doesn't matter, I would say any planet at tech level 9 or above) now go to the equipment selection screen, then go to the selling items page, misjump analyser is in the list, (at least for me) anyone else can dupliucate?
Thanks! Looking at the equipment.plist, it's pretty clear: It's missing the "requires" part for the misjump analyzer in order to show the sell option!

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