gathering opinion; audio

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If an audio drama of one or two oolite stories could be made should it be? and if so what proviso's would be acceptable.

Shouldn't be done, it detracts effort from the game
Maybe but a general consoltation on the script would be cool
yes, but it would have to be a stand alone production
Yes and if it can be tied in with other productions and therefore getting more audience, wider links to it then so much the better as long as the script doesn't suffer.
Total votes: 15

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Post by ClymAngus »

Well, I do have this conflict when it comes to audio drama. I tend not to do fan productions. Mainly due to the copyright issues (as you can put years of work into a production just to have it wiped away with one cease and desist order.)

Elite has been fallow for a good long while and the copy right is a bit fractured anyway. Derivative works are tricky at the best of times so. It's gray area enough for me and people who have a passion for the subject matter to have a bit of non-profit fun with it.

After asking about several possibilities relating to cross overs most of them have fallen through so it looks like we'll be pure oolite mining for stories (which to be honest isn't a bad thing). So yeah I prefer original ideas (because the creatives own them) although getting an original takes a lot more effort not only to create but also promote.

Vapor is such an idea. I'm just putting the finishing touches to the world and the mechanics of the world now. Then I can pick out some stories. Hopefully if I can get the uk steampunk scene behind it it could really go places. But yeah whilst tagging your name onto something that already exists is always fun. As I chart my way through my 30's I would feel cheated if, by the end of my life parodies and fan fics were my total creative epitaph to the world.

So yeah Gimlet is a nice intro, it's easy (or as complex) as you want to make it. It can be slapped on the front of the wiki and it gives people a taste of what could be done. From there if the bug bites people there's really no limit to what idea you can produce in audio. But fair warning I'll do a few but after that, I really Really have to get on with Vapor. :D
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Post by drew »

Wow- interesting idea.

Actually, I tried to do this in a humble with a text-to-speech programme on some of the Mutabilis text.

I stopped for a number of reasons.

1. Computer actors don't give sufficient expression (well duh!)
2. There was a significant amount of re-write in order to turn the book-text into a script
3. A *lot* of words don't get spoken correctly so you have to break them down into phonics.

Not to say it couldn't be done, but it would be a major effort.

I would *LOVE* to have an audio book or play of SQ or M, but I think starting with something smaller would be sensible.

As well as the other shorts suggested, perhaps my 'Nine' might be worth considering, as it's only around 5 pages long anyway, with 3 characters + narrator.

I think I'll put together an audio version as a proof-of-concept and upload it here... watch this space.


Drew is an author of SF and Fantasy Novels
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Post by ClymAngus »

Why don't you sit and ruminate whilst I illuminate the possibilities.

I could start at the beginning but lets cut to the chase and get straight to space. ... FB0106.mp3
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