In the meantime - Ood\es 2frame constore billboard - due to the way I blurred it to give it an illuminated feel - it doesn't scale down to 256x256 - not sure why.
I am at the office right now. Also I have to inform you that recent changes to the proxy server (changes that I have made but I cannot exclude myself because this would be a scandal ) do to allow me to see the pictures in the forum . So i have no idea how your artwork look
@disembodied: one extra addring in not a bad thing in contrast with one less adring that is definitely a bad thing. It is not bad to have extra materials because sooner or later we are going to use them in future sets.
@DH: Is the name of the new constore Ood\es or Oodles I am confused.
@Thergoid: love the sound of "ookea" becouse they are the only ones that exist in Greece in contrast with all the other previous constrores (star ect)
@Ark - apologies - It's "Oodles" (as in "oodles of stuff" where oodles means "lots of") but I was trying to show in normal text the tipped over 'l' and hence I used the back slash and hence "Ood\es", it's called a "branding exercise". I shall refrain as it's causing confusion.
BTW, Gogz69 has had more success re-scaling the board down to 256x256 so he's going to post it here.
Apparently this is where all those "wannabe seen" Boyracers hang out - down on level 16 apparently - but, remember, if you're name's not on the list you can't get in...
Sorry for not correcting my Ad with the upside down Sunooco (yet). Work has been busy, and I updated the Mac to 10.5.6 and now I can't get Photoshop to open. So I'll try installing it again when I get the time.
"All is for the best in this best of all possible worlds..."
Dr.Pangloss, Voltaire's 'Candide'.
Sorry for not correcting my Ad with the upside down Sunooco (yet). Work has been busy, and I updated the Mac to 10.5.6 and now I can't get Photoshop to open. So I'll try installing it again when I get the time.
There is no problem with that. First we have to wait for the fixed model anyway so we can determine what is right and what is wrong in the pngs
The Mecha Bingo ad in disembodies set and the Sunooco will definitely going to need a correction but I do not want to make you correct your sets twice in case I will detect something more after Griff send me the fixed model
Due to my inability to do anything beyond basic c&p in Photoshop, I'll stick to the 256x128 ads and leave the big, complicated stuff to those who can figure it out:
@DaddyHoggy and Disembodied: Excellent work in those adrings and ads. They are perfect but we still do not have the most dangerous ingredient of the constore recipe, the roof billboard. Take your time since we always have as an alternative to include in set_G a variation of the Mall-Wart. In this senario we could use the alternative brand ad and defender skin that we have from Pangloss. So no pressure here
From set_H and on things would be much better and far more relaxing and enjoyable since we will have the luxury of time to experiment in order to create something revolutionary (like griff's pack man adring in Sainsboory's).In the post G sets we could try things like 8 or 16 frame ads and more!!!