RE: help with thargoid threat and hoopy casino

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RE: help with thargoid threat and hoopy casino

Post by sukubus »

HI i new to postin here but not to the wonderful ooniverse. i was wondering if anyone could help plaese. i have just updated my oolite to 1.72.2 and i have added just about all of the oxp's that are on wiki and i have just a couple of problems and i'm not sure if its me or not . the fisrt is when i dock (in galactic 2) i get a mission page come on the screen to do with a thargoid threat and if i'm interested to step to the system data screen and wait a few seconds. is this screen the one with the system and planets (number 6) as i have tried this and waited and nothing happens , in fact i have tried it with all number buttons and waited for a bit and nothing. could anyone help please. the other thing was the hoopy casino is this just a place to dock with or is there an actual casino to play and win( :lol: ) or lose( :x ) lol. if so do i have to press anything to get this on. thanks so much for any help and just want to say a big thanks to everyone who has worked on this game as i cant imagine life without oolite it is the best game of all time :D[/i]
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Cmd. Cheyd
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Post by Cmd. Cheyd »

Mission Screen- This is being generated by the OXP "Local Hero". It is currently incompatible with 1.72.2. The author is working on updating it. You would need to either downgrade versions (not recommended) or wait for the update to be published.

The Hoopy Casino - There is a small game of chance there, but not any sort of 'mini-game' or anything.
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RE thanks

Post by sukubus »

hi thanks for your quick reply. i'll keep a look out for the fixed local hero oxp. thanks again :D
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Commander McLane
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Re: RE: help with thargoid threat and hoopy casino

Post by Commander McLane »

Hi sukubus, and first of all welcome to the boards, and of course to this great game! :D
sukubus wrote:
... to step to the system data screen and wait a few seconds. is this screen the one with the system and planets (number 6) as i have tried this and waited and nothing happens ...
Note that the system data screen is not "number 6", but "number 7". Still, Local Hero currently doesn't work...
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re: local heero

Post by sukubus »

hi thanks for your reply. oh silly me :lol:
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