However, there are other aspects of banking which haven't yet been explored in Oolite. What about saving money, for instance? Or investing it? Or, indeed, an alternative to the monks' questionable loan conditions?
In short: I think the Ooniverse has room enough for more than one big bank. I would like to add another one (or even a whole bunch).
I am thinking of an OXP that adds banking stations in corporate systems. The station itself should be fortified, well armed and protected, basically a flying vault. Any volunteers for designing it? The supply of money and valuables can get dealt with through A_H's armoured transports, I think.
They would offer a bigger variety of services:
- Loans like the Black Monks, but with a little choice on how much money you want to borrow. And with a little randomized conditions, as far as interest rates are concerned. There could also be some security mechanism, although I don't know yet in which way (have some sketchy ideas).
- Savings. You leave as much money as you can spare with the bank. Next time you check in, you can get it back with interest.
- Fixed deposits. Same as loans, but the deposit has to stay in the bank for a fixed time. The interest rate is higher. But if you need your money back before the time has expired, you will have to either accept a penalty on your returning, or take out a loan instead, with your deposit as a security.
- Investment/shares. You may buy bank shares. If business is good, you will get a dividend once in a while. If business isn't quite as good, you won't. In a Ooniversal financial crash you may lose it all...
This is partly meant as an alternative path to wealth, but it will stay in perspective with the usual trading - contract shipping - scavenging alternatives, so don't expect a get-rich-quick scheme (and—as far as savings/fixed deposits/shares are concerned—of course you will first need some money in order to make more money).
The scripting part of it shouldn't be too complicated, so I think I can come up with a basic OXP in a reasonable amount of time.
Please feel free to add your suggestions/thoughts/ideas/criticisms here.