I already experimented with it when I wrote the Missile Analyser. Just let the missiles explode on 200 meters from the target instead of 25 meters. So far away they only scratch the paint of normal ships, but for putting a missile out of fight this distance is enough. And intercepting the target within just 200 meters is much easier. I was in doubt to add it to the analyser but at the end I decided against it. A separate oxp would be better.Thargoid wrote:I was considering something very similar, having read this thread earlier.
I used the name "interception missile". I think "AB missile" or "Anti Ballistic Missile" is a better name.
For the distance I only tested it against the "ECM hardened missile". The required distance is very depending on frame rate. Every frame the position of ships is recalculated resulting in larger distances per frame at a low frame rate. The lowest possible frame rate is 4. At even slower situations, Oolite start to slow time itself.
Lets assume two standard missiles at 25 meter from each other at a speed of 750 meter/sec. (just outside the normal explosion trigger).
At a frame rate of 4 the missiles each travel 750/4 = 187.5 meters and will have past each other and are now 350 meters from each other. They missed the trigger moment.
With a triggering distance of 200 meters and 200 meters from each other at one frame they have past each other 175 meters at the next frame. That is just inside the 200 meter range.
This means that 200 meter trigering is even enough for the lowest frame rate.
With a frame rate of 40 each missile ravels 19 meters per frame. At such good frame rates even normal missiles will always work as AB missiles. A special AB missile does make sense at slow computers like mine.