Shipyard problem with new ship pricing oxp

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Shipyard problem with new ship pricing oxp

Post by Lestradae »

OK, so I am testing the very first test version of my ship pricing oxp. Most of the time, it seems to work. Even if not all oxps the ships it reprices are from are available (and I set the real value that they appeared to 1 and the nescessary tech level to 1 also for testing purposes) the game stays stable.

But sometimes when I buy one of the newly priced ships the game crashes to desktop. And I get the following stderr line:
2008-03-03 00:52:34.543 oolite.exe[4464] [shipEntity.bug.subEntityRetainUnderflow]: Subentity died while still in subentity list! This is bad. Leaking subentity list to avoid crash.
Someone knows what that means :?:
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Post by another_commander »

I think this is the buying ship with subentities bug. Tell me if I am wrong when I try to recreate in my mind what happens:

The crash never happens when you start buying ships (assuming you start with Cobra MKIII I). Then you buy a few and suddenly <BLAM> desktop. Right? Probably while you test, you get to buy a ship with subentities, like the Python Class Cruiser, or the Kukri ships from BoyRacers etc. Once you buy such a ship, you cannot sell it again, because it crashes. The error message at the crash will be the one you present.

Pay attention to what ships you have before buying and next time it crashes like this, let us know which ship you had and were trying to sell. I bet it will have subentities.

Solution: Not much with 1.70. You are stuck with the ship-with-subentities you bought last, unless you edit your savefile and change it manually. So standby for 1.71, we have this squashed already.
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Good news!

Post by Lestradae »

Tell me if I am wrong when I try to recreate in my mind what happens: The crash never happens when you start buying ships (assuming you start with Cobra MKIII I). Then you buy a few and suddenly <BLAM> desktop. Right?
That`s right :!:
standby for 1.71, we have this squashed already
Very good! 8)

Because this means that there is nothing inherently wrong with my oxp - it actually seems to work :shock:

And from 1.71 onwards, it might even run without crashing to desktop ...

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