Yes one of my JS scripts quitted on "let". I think pre 1.70 version check is useful right now, to still be able to run simple scripts on 1.69. but in the future those test will be impossible. By now I have translated my UPS slave missions and Solar missions into JS. For the solar missions I now have play-tested all missions, and the slave missions are in progress of testing and will be ready soon. Than I upload it so others can give their opinion on it. (In function it will be exact the same as the current release, but for scripters it could be useful to compare both versions). Future additions will only be in JS.Kaks wrote:oolite.version and related functions were introduced in 1.70, so there is no easy way to tell - from javascript - which pre-1.70 version of oolite you're running. As I was checking transports.oxp, I had 1.68 exit on syntax errors because I was declaring variables using 'let' (the officially sanctioned way to do so from oolite 1.70 onwards). Before 1.70, the only way to declare a javascript variable was to use the keyword 'var' instead.
but pre-1.70 version testing will not be possible as both are not compiled because of syntax errors on 1.68 and 1.69. I think this will happen to all future JS scripts that are more complex. But for now I want to stay compatible with the stable 1.65 release. At the moment UPS next release works on 1.65 and 1.70 onwards. On 1.68 and 1.69 only 3 of the 5 mission series will be active so 75% of it stays playable on that versions.