Standard station textures

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Post by HueijRevisited »

Just a question. If you post pictures can you please resize them to a width of about 800 px? Not all of us have ueber monitors and reading posts while having to scroll horizontally isn't any fun.


Great pics BTW.
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Post by Commander McLane »

I agree. And if you're for instance using, you just have to press one button in order to have the picture resized automatically upon upload.
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Post by pagroove »

For newer screenshots I will resize them 8)
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Post by pagroove »


I tried to make a new variant based on Griff's model. The earlier screenshots I showed where by renaming Griff's texture .png file to a .tmp file and then my texture renamed tot Griff_Coriolis.png. But that's of course not the way I want it.

In order to get more variants I have to edit both the shipdata.plist file and make a new model? Tried this but it doesn't work. Can anyone enlighten me step by step how I make a new texture variant on this model?
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Post by Star Gazer »

Commander McLane wrote:
Captain Hesperus wrote:
I think the most important sign that should be on a station's hull should be:
"If you can read this, then you are about two seconds from teminal impact. Have a happy afterlife."
Only problem with this: Too long! It could take more than two seconds to read it. :shock:
...yep... :twisted:
Very funny, Scotty, now beam down my clothes...
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Post by LittleBear »

I think the easiest way to do it is to have lots of varients in shipdata.

1) Start by copying the native Corrolis model to the Models folder of your OXP.

2) Now open it with a text editor.

3) Search and replace all the .png files to rename them to your version (eg pangroove_station_text1.png). You need to use .png format.

4) Save the model .dat file in your OXP's Models folder. Now rename it to
pangroove_station_text1.dat. Don't use the save as comamnd as this may not save it in the right format. Rename the .dat after saving it but looking at it in explorer, right clicking and selecting rename.

5) Now copy your PNGs to the OXPs Textures folder. Rename your PNGs to pangroove_station_text1.png. Remeber to get the case right! If you typed .png in the .dat file, it needs to be .png not .PNG!

In shipdata have an entry like this:-

Code: Select all

Because the like-ship command makes it identical in everyway to the normal corrolis, except where you say otherwise in shipdata, this corrolis will be a clone but with your first texture.

Now repeat with your next texture by this time rename the .dat file pangroove_station_text2.dat and search and replace the PNGs in the dat file with pangroove_station_text2.png.

In shipdata have another entry:-


You now have 2 clones of the Corrolis each with a differnt texture. The Game will do the hard work for you. You now have 3 (including the native one) stations with the role "coriolis-station". When the game starts up it populates the Ooniverse with corolis stations (at those sytems which have a corolis). As there are now three varients, 1/3 will be orginal, 1/3 the type2 and 1/3 the type 3. Basically just keep repeating the model and shipdata entries for as many varients as you like.

If you have a look at the Gritty Corollis OXP, you'll see thats how the authour did it in that one.
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Post by pagroove »

Thnx LB,

I will try this when I have the time this weekend :D
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Post by Griff »

how did you get on with this pagroove?
if you're still not seeing your texture in-game you might have to edit the shaders bit in the shipdata.plist in the griff_coriolis.oxp,
look for this bit about 14 lines down:-

Code: Select all

shaders = 
            "griff_coriolis.png" = 
                vertex_shader = "ahruman-generic.vertex"; 
                fragment_shader = "griff_coriolis.fragment"; 
                textures = ("griff_coriolis.png");
the "griff_coriolis.png" = line tells Oolite what texture map to use if it detects shaders are switched off or unsupported on the players computer, you need to change this line to whatever texture file you've replaced in the .dat file as Littlebear suggested in his post above. the textures = ("griff_coriolis.png"); line tells Ollite what texture to use instead if it detects shaders are available and switched on, you'll need to replace the griff_coriolis.png with your texture file name here too.
If you are using shaders, you could just edit this line to include your texture file name and leave out the steps above about editing the .dat, in this way if oolite detects shaders are off it will use griff_coriolis.png (which you won't see) and use your texture instead eg: change the section too:-

Code: Select all

shaders = 
            "griff_coriolis.png" = 
                vertex_shader = "ahruman-generic.vertex"; 
                fragment_shader = "griff_coriolis.fragment"; 
                textures = ("PAGrooves_texture_map.png");
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Post by pagroove »

Hi Griff,

Been very busy with all sorts of things and dind't find the time. Can I send my PNG files to you? Maybe you can make some more Coriolis variations. You or anyone else is free to do with the textures what they like. Still like the idea of billboards above the docking port. Good ideas????
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Post by pagroove »


First I will try to replace also the shaders 8) I did'nt try that. I tried only to make more variants in the plist.
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Post by Griff »

I'll PM you my email address if you want to send some textures over, or you could upload them all in a .zip to somewhere like and post us the link so we can all have a look!
if you want to put glowing lights all over the hull, it makes it easier if you put the lights on a seperate image layer to the hull texture, that way they can be easily isolated by me and converted into an alpha channel for the shader to use when it's working out how much extra brightness it's supposed to add to the texture map before sending it back to the ship model.
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Post by pagroove »

Ok Griff PM me,

Then send you my textures. After that we can make a little oxp with your model and textures with some of my versions added to it?

I now have 3 variants. So I can send the .png in a zip to your e-mail adress.
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Post by pagroove »

Hi alll

I've sent the textures to Griff today. Here's a little preview of the new Coriolis variants that will be in an oxp soon!
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Post by Griff »

I've added P.A.Groove's textures into a replacement Coriolis oxp that randomly selects them when choosing a coriolis station for a system.
There are 6 distinct versions, all highly detailed and very colourful, here's a sneek peak of one of them:-
The specular shader doing a 'spectacular' (groan) job there on the 'greenline' texture variant! Awesome stuff!

Download here
Last edited by Griff on Mon Feb 25, 2008 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by pagroove »


It only works with shaders on

Then it looks great!
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