OK, after a year away from OXP-ing, I'm going to try and ease myself back in by sprucing up my Taranis OXP a bit. Trouble is, I seem to have hit an instant brick wall on the two things I want to do!
The first thing I'm attempting is to have my station spew out the occasional ship (which will either hyperspace out or head to the system station). I tried following Eric Walsh's recent suggestion in the New Galactic Navy thread, and created a new AI state (TRAFFIC) in which the dice-rolling would occur (if I put it in IDLE the player would constantly receive greeting messages - previously I had a long pause to stop this from happening):
Code: Select all
IDLE = {
ATTACKED = (setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, increaseAlertLevel, launchDefenseShip, "sendTargetCommsMessage: [taranis-warning]", "setStateTo: DEFENSE_MODE");
"OFFENCE_COMMITTED" = (setTargetToFoundTarget, "markTargetForOffence: 15", launchDefenseShip, increaseAlertLevel);
ENTER = ();
EXIT = ();
"INCOMING_MISSILE" = (fireECM, increaseAlertLevel, setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, launchDefenseShip, "sendTargetCommsMessage: [taranis-warning]", "setStateTo: DEFENSE_MODE");
"TARGET_FOUND" = (setTargetToFoundTarget, "pauseAI: 5.0", "sendTargetCommsMessage: [taranis-greeting]", "setStateTo: TRAFFIC");
UPDATE = (decreaseAlertLevel, "scanForNearestShipWithRole: player");
ATTACKED = (setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, increaseAlertLevel, launchDefenseShip, "sendTargetCommsMessage: [taranis-warning]", "setStateTo: DEFENSE_MODE");
"OFFENCE_COMMITTED" = (setTargetToFoundTarget, "markTargetForOffence: 15", launchDefenseShip, increaseAlertLevel);
ENTER = ();
EXIT = ();
"INCOMING_MISSILE" = (fireECM, increaseAlertLevel, setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, launchDefenseShip, "sendTargetCommsMessage: [taranis-warning]", "setStateTo: DEFENSE_MODE");
"ROLL_1" = ("launchShipWithRole: taranis_traffic");
UPDATE = ("rollD: 5", "pauseAI: 120.0");
The second thing I'd like to do is emulate the texturing of the rather gorgeous Navy Station to some degree. And, having looked at its shipdata info (in the Assassins OXP) and the textures the model's using (in Oolite itself), I've absolutely no idea how to do this! Some kind of magic must be going on behind the scenes to merge all the metal textures together into a nice pattern, and to give the docking bay its blue glow, but I can't see where it's being done Clearly I've been away too long...