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Post by nijineko »

huh, maybe that's why i've been crashing so much. maybe i should lay off the orb hunting for a while.
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Post by Eric Walch »

McLaine wrote:
As for Charlie's OXPs: Yes, most of it comes down to typos that as a result make one of his plists not executable (worse in more recent versions than in 1.65, which is pretty forgiving in that matter). In Orb.oxp things seem to be more serious. I also had a small argument at the time with Charlie, because I believe due to some flaws in the game's handling of AIs at least parts of the OXP simply can't work as he intends it to do.
The Orb.oxp is very badly programmed as you say. I installed it several months ago under 1.65. But it didn't do anything. When looking in the script files I had to remove about 20 syntax errors before my plist editor could even open it. Then I ran it once until Oolite crashed and never looked at it again. It looks very cool but it needs a complete update.

Other crashes you see under 1.65 were often caused by pointing to non existing files. In most cases the buggy OXP's were pointing to datafiles or ships in an other OXP. The author had those extra installed, but if you don't have them, oolite may crash on those OXP's at the moment he tries to access the non-existing file.
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Post by nijineko »

odd. it runs in 1.69.1x relatively well. it just crashes after about an hour or two. every time. ^^ i save a lot.
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Post by Cmdr Thorsson(aka zx81) »

Eric Walch wrote:

Other crashes you see under 1.65 were often caused by pointing to non existing files. In most cases the buggy OXP's were pointing to datafiles or ships in an other OXP. The author had those extra installed, but if you don't have them, oolite may crash on those OXP's at the moment he tries to access the non-existing file.
Yeah I think I may have a few of those currently. I'm running 1.65 on windows(non vista), and I know it's to do with an oxp or two as I'd not had any crashes until i'd added quite a few.

I wont post the whole stderr thing, but if someone who may know what is causeing my crashes(which oxp might be doing it etc) could help me out, that would be great. In particular this caught my interest:

2007-11-15 21:03:45.000 oolite.exe[3576] DEBUG ** resetting track for <ShipEntity Player 100> **
2007-11-15 21:03:46.000 oolite.exe[3576] Populating a system with economy 5, and government 3
2007-11-15 21:03:46.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 7 trading vessels
2007-11-15 21:03:46.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 3 sun skimming vessels
2007-11-15 21:03:46.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 6 pirate vessels
2007-11-15 21:03:46.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 1 sun skim pirates
2007-11-15 21:03:46.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 3 law/bounty-hunter vessels
2007-11-15 21:03:46.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 0 sun skim law/bounty hunter vessels
2007-11-15 21:03:46.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 0 Thargoid warships
2007-11-15 21:03:46.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 4 asteroid clusters
2007-11-15 21:03:46.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... for a total of 24 ships
2007-11-15 21:03:51.000 oolite.exe[3576] ***** CANNOT addShipsAt: 'mortran 1 pwm 13935 41730 14230' (should be addShipsAt: role number coordinate_system x y z)

And later down the Stderr list this entry:

2007-11-15 21:03:53.000 oolite.exe[3576] OPENGL_DEBUG GL_ERROR (1280) 'invalid enumerant' in: Universe before doing anything

It then goes through 7 lines of clearing texture store cache before repeating that same line.

Then this line:

2007-11-15 21:04:25.000 oolite.exe[3576] DEBUG ** resetting track for <ShipEntity Cobra Mark III 100> **

finaly I get this before the CTD, the bolded parts seem the issue:

2007-11-15 21:26:05.000 oolite.exe[3576] ***** PlayerEntity DOES NOT RESPOND TO scriptAction: "AddShips: piratestash 1"
2007-11-15 21:30:06.000 oolite.exe[3576] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2007-11-15 21:30:06.000 oolite.exe[3576] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2007-11-15 21:31:35.000 oolite.exe[3576] DEBUG ** resetting track for <ShipEntity Cobra Mark III 100> **
2007-11-15 21:32:04.000 oolite.exe[3576] Populating a system with economy 2, and government 7
2007-11-15 21:32:04.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 8 trading vessels
2007-11-15 21:32:04.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 1 sun skimming vessels
2007-11-15 21:32:04.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 2 pirate vessels
2007-11-15 21:32:04.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 0 sun skim pirates
2007-11-15 21:32:04.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 12 law/bounty-hunter vessels
2007-11-15 21:32:04.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 1 sun skim law/bounty hunter vessels
2007-11-15 21:32:04.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 1 Thargoid warships
2007-11-15 21:32:04.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... adding 2 asteroid clusters
2007-11-15 21:32:04.000 oolite.exe[3576] ... for a total of 27 ships
2007-11-15 21:32:09.000 oolite.exe[3576] ***** PlayerEntity DOES NOT RESPOND TO scriptAction: "AddShips: piratestash 1"

I've had some of the other errors reported before when playing and they didn't cause a crash as far as I can tell but both:

2007-11-15 21:31:35.000 oolite.exe[3576] DEBUG ** resetting track for <ShipEntity Cobra Mark III 100> **

And the last entry before crashing:

2007-11-15 21:32:09.000 oolite.exe[3576] ***** PlayerEntity DOES NOT RESPOND TO scriptAction: "AddShips: piratestash 1"

Look interesting to me. I had added the oxp 'pirates cove' before getting that last entry, but even after having now removed it I still get that piratestash 1 error and a CTD.

Any suggestions/advice(like what oxps to stay away from)? I'm holding of posting my huge list of oxp's + a full stderr until it's requested ;)

Oh and tell me if this is the wrong place to have this kind of discussion as I don't know my way around here yet!
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Post by Commander McLane »

Usually the game shouldn't crash when it can't add an entity. So perhaps there is something else as well.

The resetting track debug message is harmless. It is printed every time after you jump and means that your ship is added to the current system.

The piratestash thing is a typo (has to be addShips instead of AddShips) in an outdated version of Cargo_wrecks_teaser.oxp. Get yourself the latest version from the wiki in order to get rid of it.

Unfortunately I have no idea which OXP contains the Mortran. As the line addShipsAt: 'mortran 1 pwm 13935 41730 14230' is perfect code (except the opening and closing ', which could have been added by the debug message), it could be that "mortran" is not an existing role. Perhaps the author has erroneously used the ship's name instead of its role here?

Anyway: none of this should be fatal, AFAIK.
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Post by Cmdr Thorsson(aka zx81) »

Aha thanks - i've been waiting all day for that :D

I just picked on Piratestash because it was the only new thing(and always the last) that got reported on stderr, right before a crash.

I'll try that newer version of cargo wrecks and see if that makes a difference. But you are right - it could be anything. It probably serves me right for going from a stable 40 odd oxp's to my current 70 odd.

I'd had that 'mortran' error message before i had the CTD's - hmm that might be to do with the transports.oxp? I'll report back if I get any better results. Thanks again.

EDIT: just a quick confirmation that using the newer Cargo_wrecks_v1.3.1 And removing the transports.oxp fixed the crashes.

No more reports in stderr of 'mortran' +'piratstash' errors.

Now running the newest cargo_wrecks it will crash when I put transports.oxp back in.

It could be that as the Wiki had been down when i got many of the oxps, i may have older versions of some oxp's.

But thanks to your advice it put me in the right ball park and now things are crash free.........for a while!
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Post by JensAyton »

The “mortran” thing looks familiar. It is indeed a case of looking for a role that doesn’t exist.
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Post by Eric Walch »

Cmdr Thorsson(aka zx81) wrote:
EDIT: just a quick confirmation that using the newer Cargo_wrecks_v1.3.1 And removing the transports.oxp fixed the crashes.
The old Cargo_wrecks had a bug. It was not the piratestash that crashed things, but it pointed to the "nubarrel.dat" file. That is a file in murgs X-ships.oxp. When you hadn't that oxp installed my oolite 1.65 crashed. Changing the nubarrel.dat into an existing dat file solved my crashes. (A_H solved this error in the current release you downloaded.)

But I have transports.oxp running for some time now. I can't remember any problems with it. It's a cool thing that can use small improvements, but is basically good. (The fuel transport flies that slow [50% of 100 = 50] that the escorts get problems. Increasing its actual speed to 100 improves it much.)
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Post by nijineko »

crashed again. but this time with an interesting experience before hand. i went bug-hunting, and found that just after i warped in, two generation ships warped in almost on top of me. i could see the individual rivets on the superstructure. took me a good while at full thrust to even see the entire thing. as i was looking in awe at the rusted over docking bay, i noticed that one of the ships was going critical. something at the other end of the ship was attacking it! (i suspect thargoids, but i don't know because it was out of my radar range!!)

suddenly the ship exploded producing a pair of wormholes. i chased them down and bullseyed them. (hit the rings and they accelerate....) this produced some orbs and assorted mind-controlled ships. a lot of them. so i happened to have this second-hand quirium mine i found. chucked it out the cargolock, and hit the afterburners.

well, that produced a trio of phantom worm holes... or two somethings with rings and another thing with a variable pulsating glow surrounded by a thick shroud of splinters. none of which could be id'ed or tractored. i wasn't willing to test a collision. shooting was ineffective as well.

after a while i moved on, but it was interesting gathering what data i could in the interest of science. ^^

oh... i took screenshots too. =D
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Post by Cmdr Thorsson(aka zx81) »

Eric Walch wrote:
Cmdr Thorsson(aka zx81) wrote:
EDIT: just a quick confirmation that using the newer Cargo_wrecks_v1.3.1 And removing the transports.oxp fixed the crashes.
The old Cargo_wrecks had a bug. It was not the piratestash that crashed things, but it pointed to the "nubarrel.dat" file. That is a file in murgs X-ships.oxp. When you hadn't that oxp installed my oolite 1.65 crashed. Changing the nubarrel.dat into an existing dat file solved my crashes. (A_H solved this error in the current release you downloaded.)

But I have transports.oxp running for some time now. I can't remember any problems with it. It's a cool thing that can use small improvements, but is basically good. (The fuel transport flies that slow [50% of 100 = 50] that the escorts get problems. Increasing its actual speed to 100 improves it much.)
ok interesting. I do(and did) have murgs x-ships.oxp installed while getting the posible issues with the old cargo_wecks?But if that was a cause of the CTD's i'd been getting, that has all been resolved using the newer version.

Still I'll do more testing with transports.oxp - it could be pure chance that when I tested without i stopped getting a CTD, or it could be a clash with another oxp etc.

At the momment i'm just getting into the whole .oxp thing, and I find that on any project where i've done some bug-hunting etc you take a while to get into the system of how things work. lol it certainly didn't help that when I tried to get the .oxp's the only site that was up was Oosat2!!

So i may ask a few questions from time to time about things i'm seeing in this one:

whats this about, which oxp does it come from, and should i be concerend that I get about 40 instances of it, one after the other, in stderr?

2007-11-16 21:33:00.000 oolite.exe[3348] SCRIPT debugMessage: RUNNING CARGOTEST_SCRIPT


That sounds like a great adventure!
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Post by Eric Walch »

2007-11-16 21:33:00.000 oolite.exe[3348] SCRIPT debugMessage: RUNNING CARGOTEST_SCRIPT
This should never be there in an released OXP, although it is harmless. for debugging purposes you can put special lines in the code that do nothing but writing something in the logfile. However, those lines should be deleted in a release version.

I think Oolite puts all plist files sort by sort in one big directory on startup and does not register witch oxp a specific command belongs to. So it can not tell witch oxp produced the message.
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Post by Cmdr Thorsson(aka zx81) »

ok well I can narrow the search down to the last 20+ oxp's I added to my build as I wasn't getting those references in the stderr when I had my original 40 oxp's. As far as I can tell it's not causeing any big issues as my current game(15 jumps worth) has been stable.

I looked again at putting transports.oxp back in the mix and got the 'Mortan' error message again in stderr, and more imortantly the CTD's again. I took it out/put it back 4 times and each time it was in the mix i would get a CTD, usually just after witchspace entry into a new system - but it happens for me every time. I suspect a clash/incompatability or maybe pure overloading? as being the issue rather than the oxp itself(as others work with it fine).

This is not a big issue for me as i'm having a great Oolite experience with my list of oxps as is, but i'll probably look to resolve it later down the line.
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Post by Eric Walch »

I looked again at putting transports.oxp back in the mix and got the 'Mortan' error message again in stderr
Maybe there you have an other transports version. Mine is version 2.1 with creation date 16 jan 2006. This one contains no code to add a ship called mortan.
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Post by Cmdr Thorsson(aka zx81) »

"Oolite OXP
transports v2.1

added shipdata frequency odds (less frequent)
shrunk imagesizes

added escorts,
added descriptions comms
improved AI
scripted routes, tweaked appearancy odds"

That's the readme of the one i'm using, got it from the wiki I think. It could just be conflicting with another oxp that might generate the 'mortran' error?

But i'm pretty certain having tested it a few times now - in my Add on folders oxp's and i will always get that CTD after witchspace, and that mortran error in stderr.

Not in and no ctd. I really suspect it's a clash with a less well running script from another oxp. I'll work up a list of my current oxp's and post stderrs for running it with and without.

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Post by Commander McLane »

I can at least confirm that the word "mortran" cannot be found in transports.oxp of feb5.2006. So the bug is not from this OXP.

This doesn't however answer the question where it does stem from.

@Ahruman: Your memory works. :D The mortran showed up here and here; and you explained the not-existing-role thing here. Unfortunately that's the only mentionings of its existence here on the board.

While googling it I found out that Mortran is a programming language, an extension of Fortran. In order to hunt the bug down: Who of us would use a programming language's name for a ship?

@Cmdr Thorsson: If you've got some time, then do the following: Open all your installed OXPs, open their script.plist with any editor and perform a text search for "mortran", which should give no results in all but one OXPs. Then tell us in which of the OXPs you found it. That would be helpful.
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