Spam Assassins' Union class action motion

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Should Ahruman return to the old CAPTCHA?

I need to kill something. NOW! PLEASE!!!
Ahhh... Peace, at last!
I'm not unionized.
Me, a spammer? Erm... no, of course not! Bye...
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Captain Hesperus
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
...not to mention filled to the top and almost buried under used Vulcan ammo capsules...

Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
Anyhow, it appears that my motion was rejected by the majority so far. All right, this is democraty in action, but i expected at least CH to endorse it enthusiastically...
That's just to see how misleading some felines can be!
Mee-ow! Sheath thy claws, dear Maegil! The August Guild of Spam Assassins shall continue. As the spammers get smarter, so too must we maintain our vigil over the broad vistas of the OoBBS. Take this time to resharpen your blade and hone your skills further for the new generation of Spam-bots are coming. Industrial Action serves only the spammers and brings dishonour down upon us. Would you stand aside and watch the verdant fields of the board be sullied by the spammers?
I think not, Noble Maegil!
Take this moment of peace and reflect upon your victories and dissect the possibilities that might lead to failure, so that you can plan against it.

May virtue be your armour, duty your shield and honour your sword!

Captain Hesperus
P.S. I chose option 3. My, errr, cheque's in the post.......
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Post by Melancoholic »

You know, in some cultures they call this PTSD, and have extensive diagnosis and treatment programs. No offense or accusation implied, just a side note.
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Cmdr. Maegil
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

Melancoholic wrote:
You know, in some cultures they call this PTSD
Yeah, that was one of the items on the military psych report that got me retired. Others would include, for instance, maniac-depressive syndrome or a borderline case of latent psychosis.
I got the Docs to reverse the diagnostic of paranoia after they met my ex-girlfriend, though.
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Post by Commander McLane »

And after all, being paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you... :twisted:
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Commander McLane wrote:
And after all, being paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you... :twisted:
Point in case, Maegil vs. U.S. Navy.

Captain Hesperus
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Post by Cmdr. Maegil »

Captain Hesperus wrote:
Commander McLane wrote:
And after all, being paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you... :twisted:
Point in case, Maegil vs. U.S. Navy.
Aw, man, there's a reason for them being called the 'bully navy'.
Then again, the USA refused to sign the Law Of the Sea for the same reason they didn't join the International Criminal Court and why Bush needed an excuse to abandon even the Geneva Convention: you see, the US government thinks that as long as it can bomb anyone back to the stoneage they have no use for laws (the ones applying to them, of course).

In fact, as it is they are arleady tired of lying to their own legislators and I'm quite sure that if Bush could anoint himself as an absolutist Emperor and kick the senate, he would have done so already.[/i]
You know those who, having been mugged and stabbed, fired, dog run over, house burned down, wife eloped with best friend, daughters becoming prostitutes and their countries invaded - still say that "all is well"?
I'm obviously not one of them.
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Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

Eventually the spamming pirates are going to find a way past the automated q-mine field, then the hunting is on again.

Until then, consider it a well deserved holiday.
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Post by Helvellyn »

Cmdr. Maegil wrote:
you see, the US government thinks that as long as it can bomb anyone back to the stoneage they have no use for laws (the ones applying to them, of course).
You're totally missing the point. The USA is all Good and Nice, and God's Blessed Country, so it has no need to be tied down by laws that could be used against it by The Big Nasty Evil Other Countries. And in any case, because the USA Never Does Wrong it has no need to be constrained by any law - if they were applied to the USA that would mean that the law was wrong anyway.
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Post by Commander McLane »

Well, yeah, at the end of the day the point is not why the USA have this God-complex, but how all we others are going to deal with it.
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Post by LittleBear »

Grr mutters darkly. As a Brit married to an American, please don't equate the yanks with Bush! Remember over 150 million Americans voted against him at the last election and the majority of Amereicans voted against him the first time he was elected. Yeap he's a fool and I don't agree with American or British illegal wars. But neither do an awful lot of Americans!
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Post by Commander McLane »

Sorry, didn't mean to hurt your wife (or any US-citizen who has not voted for George W.). I actually never met any who confessed having voted for him.

It's just that I'm still not over the shock I got when they actually did re-elect one of the worst presidents that ever happened to their country. And of course, the 'God's-own-country'-rethorics, this messianic paradigma which is somehow deeply rooted in the US-culture, combined with the general ignorance of anything that's not the American-way-of-life, and combined with the enormous cultural, economic, and last but not least military power is in itself somewhat frightening, no matter who actually rules the country. (Nobody would be afraid or even recognize if let's say San Marino would declare itself to be the God-anointed ruler of the earth.)
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Post by LittleBear »

No British prime minister has ever secured more than 50% of the vote since Winston Churchill. At the last election in the UK only 22% of all Brits elegiable to vote elected Blair. As all MPs "vote at my party's call and never thought of thinking for myself at all", King Tony managed to reverse the effect of the English Civil War (The Regulatary Reform Act allows any member of the Executive - including an unelected Minister appointed by the Prime Minister of the day or even just a plain old civil servent, to reverse any vote in Parliment or any rule of the Common Law - rather like Hitlers Reich Law). So the yanks checks and balances seem to be working rather better! In England the Govenment has reversed the effect of the English Civil War and nobody even notices!

"Didn't we once kill a King for such as this". (The rump Parliment to Lord Protector Cromwell). Say that to the King Gorden today and you'd be detained (without charge or trial) under the Terrosim Act!
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