169.1 and oxp's - anything I need to clear?

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169.1 and oxp's - anything I need to clear?

Post by PsychotropicDog »

I am about to test this baby out, but I just want to know...

When swapping oxp's in and out of the AddOns folder, do I need to do anything else to make sure the game does not try to load ones I have taken out? I am figuring the 'hold shift during start up to reload cache' might do something.
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Post by JensAyton »

It should notice by itself. If not, shift will work.
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Post by PsychotropicDog »

Oh good :D

problems so far...

I started it up, set up my joystick and went away for 10 minutes or so .. it dissappeared.

I started again, and it crashed as soon as I left the station. The last bit of my stderr.txt file:

Code: Select all

2007-07-15 10:54:32.000 oolite.exe[1136] [rendering.opengl.error]: OpenGL error: "invalid enumerant" (1280), context: Universe before doing anything
2007-07-15 10:56:37.000 oolite.exe[1136] [texture.load.png.warning]: ***** A PNG loading warning occurred: Incomplete compressed datastream in iCCP chunk
2007-07-15 10:57:02.000 oolite.exe[1136] [texture.load.png.warning]: ***** A PNG loading warning occurred: Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk
2007-07-15 10:57:17.000 oolite.exe[1136] [texture.load.png.warning]: ***** A PNG loading warning occurred: Incomplete compressed datastream in iCCP chunk
2007-07-15 10:57:22.000 oolite.exe[1136] [texture.load.png.warning]: ***** A PNG loading warning occurred: Profile size field missing from iCCP chunk

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Post by PsychotropicDog »

Since it seemed to run fine without any oxp's, and those PNG warnings are not in the stderr.txt, I guess that means some oxp's are not compatible with this version.

I will start dropping them in one by one and try to figure which ones are not compatible.
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Post by PsychotropicDog »

Since nobody's told me otherwise I'll put my test results here...

custsounds.oxp (minus the 'full of stars' ogg) no probs.

aegidian-special.oxp --- no probs

all-stars.oxp -->works fine, but gets a bunch of png warnings - removing for now.

more to come, need a short break.


For cheating testing purposes I gave myself some credits and got this message..
2007-07-15 11:53:55.000 oolite.exe[2804] [unclassified.PlayerEntity]: POSSIBLE CHEAT DETECTED
I will just go ahead and assume that is for anyone who wants to find out if they are a cheater and has no other effect.

aphidv2.oxp no probs

got a phantom message, old witchspace jump countdown message displayed. I've seen this before and it goes away soon enough ( I have a screenie if needed)

AsteroidStorm.oxp -->no probs

still getting a looping sound during witch fuel injectors

Also, the Advanced Navigatioinal Array works great!

I should probably put this in it's own thread.

a-wing.oxp --> no probs

behemoth.oxp -no crash,

but this was different...

2007-07-15 13:23:50.000 oolite.exe[848] [entity.linkedList.verify.error]: Broken x_next <PlayerEntity Cobra Mark III 100> list (51) ***

same as behemoth - I am assuming this is something I missed earlier, or

probably in the El Testo II pilot file...
does not appear with first pilot.

Cargo_wrecks_teaser.oxp - ok but...

2007-07-15 13:40:58.000 oolite.exe[1876] [script.debug.syntax.action.badSelector]: ***** PlayerEntity DOES NOT RESPOND TO scriptAction: "AddShips: piratestash 1"

removing Cargo_wrecks_teaser for now.

Travelling to somewhere with combat targetting so I can save pilot 1.( El Testo)

removed saved pilot 'El Testo II'

cobra35.oxp -->

the 'Broken x_next' is back, after saving over pilot 'El Testo'
will track but ignore

rediscovered why I hate notepad's wordwrap.

Commies.oxp --> no probs
Yes I went to a commie place.
Massive asteroid field drained FPS somewhat, but if I was really playing I would clear that!

Dictators v1.2.oxp --> no probs


Diso.oxp --> fine

dwcobra3.oxp --> seems fine, think I fragged one, but lost energy to ecm (and went boom) before I could find one for sale.

eagle2.oxp -->seems fine
probably unrelated- ghost cargo that can not be targetted, shot or scooped, but shows up as white radar blips.

Executive Spaceways v2.1.oxp -->no probs
Star Seeker Personal Shuttle only one external view, but that is all that is in the shipdata.plist


Falcon.oxp --> no prob

Firewasp.oxp (altered to remove extra chars at start of file)

griffin2.oxp --> seems ok
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Post by JensAyton »

PsychotropicDog wrote:
custsounds.oxp[/b] (minus the 'full of stars' ogg) no probs.
Hmm. Dunno why it would be minus anything.
PsychotropicDog wrote:
all-stars.oxp -->works fine, but gets a bunch of png warnings - removing for now.
The texture warnings are unimportant – the “iCCP chunk” contains colour profile information Oolite ignores.

more to come, need a short break.
PsychotropicDog wrote:
For cheating testing purposes I gave myself some credits and got this message..
2007-07-15 11:53:55.000 oolite.exe[2804] [unclassified.PlayerEntity]: POSSIBLE CHEAT DETECTED
That’s a feature. Maybe it should be nastier about it, though. :-)
PsychotropicDog wrote:
got a phantom message, old witchspace jump countdown message displayed. I've seen this before and it goes away soon enough ( I have a screenie if needed)
Sounds like an old recurring problem which for some reason seems to primarily affect Windows users.
PsychotropicDog wrote:
still getting a looping sound during witch fuel injectors
“Looping sound”?
PsychotropicDog wrote:
2007-07-15 13:23:50.000 oolite.exe[848] [entity.linkedList.verify.error]: Broken x_next <PlayerEntity Cobra Mark III 100> list (51) ***
This generally happens when you load a saved game. It’s not a problem.
PsychotropicDog wrote:
Cargo_wrecks_teaser.oxp - ok but...

2007-07-15 13:40:58.000 oolite.exe[1876] [script.debug.syntax.action.badSelector]: ***** PlayerEntity DOES NOT RESPOND TO scriptAction: "AddShips: piratestash 1"
That’s an OXP error; it should be “addShips:”, not “AddShips:”.
PsychotropicDog wrote:
probably unrelated- ghost cargo that can not be targetted, shot or scooped, but shows up as white radar blips.
Known problem.
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Post by PsychotropicDog »

Ahruman wrote:
PsychotropicDog wrote:
custsounds.oxp[/b] (minus the 'full of stars' ogg) no probs.
Hmm. Dunno why it would be minus anything.
I manually removed the ogg in question because the tune is allready embedded in my brain, it is actually painful to hear it again.
Ahruman wrote:
PsychotropicDog wrote:
still getting a looping sound during witch fuel injectors
“Looping sound”?
ah, I believe that was afterburner2.ogg also in customsounds.oxp - I deleted that one as well, hope it worked. It sounded like the standeard 'afterburner2' mixed with the above music, kind of tacky when fuel injecting.
Ahruman wrote:
PsychotropicDog wrote:
Cargo_wrecks_teaser.oxp - ok but...

2007-07-15 13:40:58.000 oolite.exe[1876] [script.debug.syntax.action.badSelector]: ***** PlayerEntity DOES NOT RESPOND TO scriptAction: "AddShips: piratestash 1"
That’s an OXP error; it should be “addShips:”, not “AddShips:”.
I altered the script.plist for it, about to make sure it works.

Thanks for the explanations!

If the 'ICCP chunk' png warnings are not NB, that means I have not found the culprit, and am only 1/4 ~ 1/3 of the way through my list. Back to work...
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Post by PsychotropicDog »

(fix for cargo wrecks worked - though I see a lot of treasuroids now)

hOopyCasino.oxp --> I finally landed in one, lost some credits. Something new...
2007-07-15 20:48:24.000 oolite.exe[3732] [entity.bug]: @/V called for non-ship entity <ShipEntity Docking Slit (Vertical) 0> by <SkyEntity 0xfcf0028>{197 position=(0, 0, 0) scanClass=CLASS_NO_DRAW status=STATUS_EFFECT}

temporarily removing.

impcourier2.oxp --> no errors

seen an impcourier for sale.. not enough cash to buy one, should have cheated more.

Interceptor.oxp --> no prob in stderr

Kestrel.oxp seemed ok but...
2007-07-16 00:07:51.000 oolite.exe[2580] [script.debug.syntax.action.badSelector]: ***** PlayerEntity DOES NOT RESPOND TO scriptAction: "sendTargeCommsMessage: [wing-plea]" <supposed to be sendTarget

tracked down the typo to:
Kestrel.oxp/Config/shipdata.plist line 459 ( my text editor counts blank lines)
that got rid of the stderr message.

lambda -->no troubles

Lave.oxp --> no problems, lots of messages about adding moon.

longshot.oxp --> bought one and flew a bit, seemed ok but stderr

2007-07-16 01:13:47.000 oolite.exe[3988] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : SkyEntity(instance) does not recognize primaryTarget *****
2007-07-16 01:13:47.000 oolite.exe[3988] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'SkyEntity(instance) does not recognize primaryTarget') raised during posting of timer with target 0x1258d70 and selector 'performGameTick:'

guessing it may not be due to longshot, removing anyway.

also removing Lave to cut down on stderr messages.
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Post by JensAyton »

PsychotropicDog wrote:
Something new...
2007-07-15 20:48:24.000 oolite.exe[3732] [entity.bug]: @/V called for non-ship entity <ShipEntity Docking Slit (Vertical) 0> by <SkyEntity 0xfcf0028>{197 position=(0, 0, 0) scanClass=CLASS_NO_DRAW status=STATUS_EFFECT}
This is probably safe. It’s avoiding a bug I’ve been trying to track down. Unfortunately, the message is garbled, so the actual message printing could cause a bug. I’d recommend adding entity.bug = "no" to logcontrol.plist. Probably not directly related to the OXP.
PsychotropicDog wrote:
2007-07-16 01:13:47.000 oolite.exe[3988] [exception]: ***** Exception during during update:entity in [Universe update:] : NSInvalidArgumentException : SkyEntity(instance) does not recognize primaryTarget *****
2007-07-16 01:13:47.000 oolite.exe[3988] *** NSTimer ignoring exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' (reason 'SkyEntity(instance) does not recognize primaryTarget') raised during posting of timer with target 0x1258d70 and selector 'performGameTick:'
Hmm. Probably not directly related to the OXP. Bah.
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Post by PsychotropicDog »

Merlin.oxp -->good

NavyStarships.oxp --> nothing in stderr

newships.oxp --> good

oldships.oxp -> I bought a salamander
I fired on a yellow offender, Falcon-s (not yet hostile) and he whined for help
I got tired of chasing him, then, a clean ship turned hostile and began shooting
(possibly a cobra)
Soon the machine hung (locked up) during combat with no stderr - first 'crash' since I started this experiment.

mis_launch.ogg was playing (the long one) - removing from custom sounds and retrying...
no problem

removing it anyway

game hung on start up - rebooting

game hung on load character screen - incomplete stderr after CtrlAltDel


outrider.oxp --> seems ok

military.oxp (military fiasco) seems ok
I probably should figure out where this happens, but I don't want to spoil my surprise.

pelamis.oxp -->ok

phoenix.oxp - bought a "'Sun' Ray", game locked up trying to equip it.
tracked it down to Commies.oxp/shipdata.plist (after<name>
line 1253 'Sun' Ray
suspecting something wrong with name, removed Commies and retry...

hung on hyperspace - reboot(forgot to) and retry...
bought a phoenix and shot some stuff -> no worries, leaving it in.
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Post by TGHC »

Some really useful work being done here thanks PsychotropicDog.
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Post by PsychotropicDog »

Your welcome. I'm almost in the homestretch.

Pirate_coves.oxp seems ok
found a pirates cove, shot some pirates, landed in the hermit.

bought an aphid
aborted hyperspace, then went hyperspace - game hung
bunch of debug messages about spawning rings.

Saleza v2.oxp -->good

Shield-tail.oxp --> ok

spyhunter.oxp -> not that I can trigger this, but no stderr probs

sunskimmers.oxp ->hung on hyperspace, incomplete stderr.

also removing spyhunter for now



taranis.oxp hung on game start - no screen display, theme music playing - pressing 'y' does nothing. CtrlAltDel
- try again - killed Falcon-h (was target of cops, no identifier such as 'clean' or 'offender'), game hung on hyperspace
rebooting and retrying
hang on hyperspace to Qutiri
reboot - hang on hyperspace to Reinin
remove, also removing outrider, Cargo_wrecks

game hung on start - saved terrapin-stderr.txt
last part of stderr:

2007-07-16 14:24:51.000 oolite.exe[3000] [script.load.world.listAll]: Loaded 22 world scripts: {...} "SalezaPatrol"

removing Saleza v2, Shield-tail
rebooting and retrying.
terrapin ok

bought an aphid , hung in 2nd hyperspace jump (to Qutiri).
script "Test" added by script.plist.
I don't really trust this one.. removed
If I get another hypersapce lock after buying an aphid, that will have to go

Thorgorn_Threat.oxp - hung on game start,; black screen and music
hung on start no music.. rebooting and retrying...
removing anyway for now.

TIE.oxp --> no probs

removing AsteroidStorm.oxp , Dictators.oxp, Diso.oxp and Pirate_coves.oxp to reduce load.

tiger.oxp -> no troubles

(would do tori.oxp but do not know the 2 systems it gets located in)
nothing in stderr, after 5 jumps looking for a transhab station, I bought an aphid and..
game hung in hyperspace.
aphid removed..
reboot, retest, then retest taranis.oxp( put outrider back), thargoidcarrier.oxp, and probably a bunch more.

taranis.oxp (and outrider) hung in witchjump - removing.

retesting thargoidcarrier.oxp -> no stderrs, removing for now

transports.oxp --> nothing obvious

urutu_IV.oxp --> hung in witchspace. no stderr messages.

removing more oxp's with AI directories/ , in case that has anything to do with witchhanging. Will have to go back and retry more extensively.

Executive Spaceways v2.1.oxp

wolfmk2.oxp -->no probs

wolfwoods_variants.oxp --ok, but cobra Rapier, courier, and probably all these variants have a layer of the HUD in the center of screen - it slipped.

x-ships.oxp -->ok


X-Wing.oxp and y-wing.oxp --> ok

Next step - take the above list of AI folder/directory containing oxp's and see if one of them in particualr causes witchspace hangups.
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Post by PsychotropicDog »


removed terrapin, just because.

stuck in NavyStarships.oxp - game hung on character load up.

diverting to plan B - play mostly vanilla , see if it lasts a while.

- played for an hour with a Jameson - 0 game crashes. Killed by ImpCourier :P
Based on that, I will assume some sort of problem with oxp's.

Back to plan A

murgh_Xships.oxp (doh! required for military fiasco) --> bought a bandybandy,

flew fine, no stderr messages.
note: xships and Murgh_Xships both have models named 'taipan'
took out xships - just in case
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Post by nijineko »

thanks for the awesome work. i know how much of a pain rebooting over and over can be. especially on some of the slower pcs i had. ^^
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Post by PsychotropicDog »

Your welcome - but I selfishly want to figure out which ones are working ok so I can actually play :D

safe list

custsounds.oxp ( modified )
eagle2.oxp ( modified )
Firewasp.oxp (modified ?)
(xships should be ok, but may conflict with above)

should be ok: marett_vol1.oxp
I started a new pilot to actually play - 3 hours no crash. Haven't shot at anybody, so may not have triggered something for marett, I will shoot some tomorrow.

Note: None but marett have an AIs folder.
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