Agree totally Doc!
Hid a bit of Polictics in Assassins.oxp as in :-
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The Galaxy 7 System of Esreates was first populated as a GalCop penal colony in 2807. However, between 2997 and 3007, the GalCop government chose to respond to almost every social ill by enacting criminal legislation. Over this ten year period 23,000 new criminal laws were passed and over 1,000 new offences were created. This trend continued for almost 50 years and by 3053 doing absolutely anything at all was a criminal offence. As a result Esreates suffered from massive prison over-crowding, 100 GalCop Prison Officers attempting to manage a prison population of over 2.3 Billion.
Take 1,000 from the date and it is true!
I started practice as a defence lawyer 12 years ago. I measured my copy of Archbold on Criminal law (1995 edition) and found it to be 3 inches thick. I just measured my 2007 edition (plus supplemnets, Banks on Sentencing, Thomas Sentencing Refenferencer and Thomas on Sentencing). Even allowing for the fact that the editors of Archbold now print on tissue paper to fit the law in, I now carry around with me a law book 9 inches thick. To put that in perspective, the UK govenment has created more crimes in the last 10 years, than were passed in the previous 1,000 years!!!!
"He that prefers securuity over liberty deserves neither."
I continue to rebel by taking Legal Aid trials, mentions and sentences for fees of 10p per hour. However if from Monday 30/4/07 you find yourself falsly accused you'll have to represent yourself.
Although as a lawyer I'd charge you less than a mechanic on private rates, it would be a criminal offence for you to pay me and a criminal offence for me to accept payment. (Proceeds of Crime Act 2003).
So if as a UK citizen you and your partner together earn more than £15K per year, you'll have to represent yourself and pay the costs of investigating the case and instructing experts.
On the CCTV point, whilst Big Brother is watching you, Big Brother is also too lazy to acutally collect the evidence! We may be the most watched society, but 95% of CCTV is coltroled by private firms. They wipe the tapes after 28 days and the police are far too lazy to acually go an collect the evidence!
I am currently repesenting a man of good character accused of a S18 stabing (automatic life if convicted, my fee less than £5 per hour).
The OIC asked the Defendant what happened and the victim. He then failed to ask any of the 24 witnesses what they had to say, nor did he size the CCTV tape. As the Officer sat on his backside for 2 months, the tape has now been destroyed. The trial was then delayed by 3 months (whist the cops photocopied the 20 pages of evidence - it takes the police longer to copy papers in the C21 than a monk in the C10!), then by another 3 months (OIC on holiday), then by another 6 months as the OIC was on "sick leave".
As the Defence we have 14 days to investage the case, see the client proof the witnesses etc! (unpaid of course!)