(Release) Ship Configuration

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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by hiran »

Cholmondely wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:52 pm
hiran wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:53 pm
I guess you are guessing right.

Now when I take the thought further, having misaligned lasers would mean you have to aim accordingly, and especially when you have two lasers that - theoretically - should meet at some point in front of the ship the focus point would dictate the optimal firing range. Something which might be difficult to keep in a fight.

So maybe this should be adjustable. By the pilot? By some ship computer addon? It could adjust the lasers (within a limited angle) for maximum hit on the selected target...
I think that if you want self-aiming weapons, that you need the buyable/sellable Yasen-N turrets .oxp (which according to a_c_ are pretty good once you know how to use them).
Hmmm. Yes, the concept is the same. just thinking of assembling a new ship to make use of that. And thinking of the Imperial Star Destroyer that I liked for it's turrets and fleet. Am going in circles, but the feature set is sufficient.
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by Milo »

The function $deployHeatSink(ship) in ShipConfiguration_HeatSink uses a formula that can result in heat increase instead of decrease for ships with mass exceeding 500,000:

var sc = worldScripts.ShipConfiguration_Core;
var dumpAmount = this._amountToDump * (1 - (sc.$getShipMass(ship) / 500000));

For example, my Kirin Sport:

> worldScripts.ShipConfiguration_Core.$getShipMass(ps)
> worldScripts.ShipConfiguration_Core.$getShipMass(ps)/500000
> (1 - (worldScripts.ShipConfiguration_Core.$getShipMass(ps)/500000))

_amountToDump is 0.5, so the dumpAmount ends up negative and subtracting a negative amount from ship.temperature results in the heat increasing.

In the "activated" function in ShipConfiguration_HeatSink that decides whether to automatically deploy a heat sink, there's a bounds check to keep the value positive:

if (dumpAmount < 0.1) dumpAmount = 0.1;

But dumpAmount is recalculated in the $deployHeatSink function without that bounds check. So the actual effect is... fatal.
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Good catch! I'll add it to the bug-fix list.
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Version 1.4.1 has been released which fixes the heat sink issue.
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by Simba »

phkb wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2019 10:08 pm
Version 1.3.5 has just been released. In this version:
  • Tweaks to the control of the F3 HUD for simpler integration with Xenon HUD (and any other HUD that might want to integrate with Ship Config).
  • Identified "Masslock Compensators", "Power to Engines" and "Hard Way" OXP's as conflicting, and marked them in the manifest.
When I get some time I'll have a look at how I can make SC compatible with those OXP's.
These OXPs are still listed in the manifest. Didn't Stranger make the necessary changes to his "Hard Way" OXP? viewtopic.php?p=272884#p272884
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Re: (Release) Ship Configuration

Post by Cholmondely »

Welcome back!

One presumes that this might be due to the existence of SW Equipment (part of “Stranger’s Set” in the original Roolite suite of Stranger’s OXPs). SW Equipment is a simplified version of Ship Config and the original Roolite Hard Way may have been tailored to it.

Phkb has been under the weather recently and matters may not improve. If you find that they work together, why not ask Hiran or Timer to tweak Hard Way’s manifest .plist?
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