I am trying to publish my first OXP
Equipment Expensive Item Color
This OXP highlights expensive equipment in gray on the F3 Ship Outfitting screen.
An item is considered expensive if its price exceeds your current credits.
It was introduced in Equipment “Sell Item” Color thread here, but now I make it its own
* thread here
* and wiki page, where is also Download link for oolite.oxp.Gilhad.EquipmentExpensiveItemColor.oxz (v.1.5)
So I hope, that it is ready for submiting as issue to the https://github.com/OoliteProject/oolite ... on-catalog
It works on my computer with oolite 1.90, but it would be nice, if also somebody else will look on it and test it.
I will be also glad for any comments on the wiki or other issues, as it is my first OXP to publish and I have no experience with it at all