I knew myself He was only a small time bandit, having totalled his Krait I got the low sum of 5g for the craft and an equally mediocre 23g for handing him over at Diso to the Police. He was at worst going to get a slap on the wrist and bound over to keep the peace.
However, To look at him you would have thought he was sheduled for immediate termination as one of Gal Cops most wanted.
I could not understand why he was so fraught with distress at first. It didn't take me long to find out though.
A Crate of Furs from Reidquat that I'd scooped was visibly undulating with an infestation of Zero Gravity Orervian Pelt fleas.
So anyhow, My maintenance overhaul ( costing a lot more than I have earned from this one bounty, by the way ) is now including the cost of Pest control experts to fumigate my Cat Mk II's Hold.
Still, I do feel sorry for my captive . He was in handcuffs as he was being escorted away and being at the same time bitten by dozens of fleas all over his body causing multiple itches that he could'nt scratch because of his restraints.