Cholmondely wrote: ↑Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:52 am
New text for Flavours page:
Cholmondely wrote: ↑Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:52 am
1) What do the "Add" and "Replace" buttons do?
Here we need to apply
set theory.
Assume you have some expansions installed. Anywhere from none to all available expansions. The set of installed expansions I will now call 'A'.
Look at a flavor of your choice. It consists of expansions, too. I will call the set of expansions for the flavor 'B'.
What will happen if a user chooses a(nother) flavor?

Expansions not installed and not part of the chosen flavor can easily be ignored. But for each expansion that is either in A or B we need to define what shall happen - and this is what you can do by pressing one of the two buttons:
Add: It will add all expansions in B that are not contained in A. Afterwards you will find all expansions that were part of A or B (or both) installed.
Replace: All expansions listed in B will be installed, all expansions listed in A that are not part of B are uninstalled. Afterwards you will only find expansions listed in B as installed.
Cholmondely wrote: ↑Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:52 am
Should there also be just a "list" button to show the OXPs in the flavour?
Someone already suggested that, and I am not against it. Let's add it.
Cholmondely wrote: ↑Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:52 am
2) Can we get a note to pop up?
Note to pop up for Vanilla's "closely replicate": The original Energy Bomb is replaced with the Quirium Cascade Mine, and there are also several new pieces of equipment.
While we have the full power of HTML available for the description text, it is HTML 3.2 only. Which means no dynamic behaviour, no JavaScript. Just plain old HTML. So popup's are out of question.
Cholmondely wrote: ↑Sun Aug 25, 2024 9:52 am
3) And does it make sense to link some terms to the relevant wiki pages?
This should be doable easily. Want to try modifying this page? ... index.html