Metafiction: Dialogues on the Lore of Xlite

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Re: Metafiction: Dialogues on the Lore of Xlite

Post by user2357 »

Best old Chum :)
Cholmondely wrote: Sun May 12, 2024 10:36 am

I'm just trying to come up with names for landing sites. Names rooted in the Lore where there is any! As mentioned, the Lore I'm checking is purely on the wiki (Rough Guide pages & Galaxy Guide pages) and in the Famous Planets OXP's planetinfo.plist.
Landing sites... planetinfo.plist... OK. I see. Got it.
Incidentally, do you have any ideas as to who actually developed the lore for Lave? All that stuff about the Empress living on the moon, Basta, the four continents etc. Was it Selezen himself, or does it predate him?
Nope. No idea. Could the Lave lore have been developed somewhere in the Gazetteer, Stories of Life on the Frontier, Further Stories of Life on the Frontier and/or the FFE Journals? IIRC, Ashoria was first mentioned somewhere in some of all this original Frontier documentation, but I'm no Frontier scholar. It's been yonks since I read that, and realised that it's incompatible with the original Elite -- which sometimes even seems to be incompatible with itself! :lol:

Regarding Isveve, though... Should it ever happen, perhaps any potential landing-site on that planet might be described in such a manner as to reflect wise old Mr. Zetter's opinion of the place, quoted here above somewhere... :wink:

I'll take a peek at the Famous Planets planetinfo, and keep on thinking about this, and drop a line here if anything more appropriate and applicable comes to mind.

Continued expediency and great success to you!

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Re: Metafiction: Dialogues on the Lore of Xlite

Post by Cholmondely »

Point of interest: G1 Aona

According to the Dark Wheel, Aona is underwater with only the tips of volcanoes poking out above the waves.

But the three textures (Vanilla game, Povray & Stranger's FPO) show none of this. (It is missing from BPlanets)

Reference: Suggestion: Aquaspace aka H2Oolite (2012-15)
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Re: Metafiction: Dialogues on the Lore of Xlite

Post by Selezen »

user2357 wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 7:32 am
Incidentally, do you have any ideas as to who actually developed the lore for Lave? All that stuff about the Empress living on the moon, Basta, the four continents etc. Was it Selezen himself, or does it predate him?
Nope. No idea. Could the Lave lore have been developed somewhere in the Gazetteer, Stories of Life on the Frontier, Further Stories of Life on the Frontier and/or the FFE Journals? IIRC, Ashoria was first mentioned somewhere in some of all this original Frontier documentation, but I'm no Frontier scholar. It's been yonks since I read that, and realised that it's incompatible with the original Elite -- which sometimes even seems to be incompatible with itself! :lol:
Anything I have written about Lave Lore is probably cobbled together from the original Elite Manual, Dark Wheel and Impact novellas. I did try and flesh some of it out in the short stories I did, but they're very non-canon these days. I THINK Ashoria came from Impact.

It's worth noting that the "Elite" lore is very grey. Right back at the start of it all, Rob Holdstock wrote the manual and novellae without ever seeing the game, and the game was developed without much interaction between game authors and book author. That's why they have absolutely no links to each other, i.e. "Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy" in the game and no siuch thing in the books...

It was the 80s. We were all too busy buying denim jackets and watching Fall Guy. ;-)
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Re: Metafiction: Dialogues on the Lore of Xlite

Post by user2357 »

Selezen wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 12:08 am
I THINK Ashoria came from Impact.
Yes. Looked it up. Can confirm. Ashoria is mentioned in Imprint, p. i6, par. 2, CHAPTER 2.
Selezen wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 12:08 am
It's worth noting that the "Elite" lore is very grey. Right back at the start of it all, Rob Holdstock wrote the manual and novellae without ever seeing the game, and the game was developed without much interaction between game authors and book author. That's why they have absolutely no links to each other, i.e. "Her Imperial Majesty's Space Navy" in the game and no siuch thing in the books...
Here's an account of some events related to original development and authoring, from Robert Holdstock's website; he admits to having been 'hopeless with games' and 'a failing Elitist'. So, he probably only got a relatively quick and basic introduction to the simulator experience.
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