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Escape Pod also Restored on New Ship?

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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Escape Pod also Restored on New Ship?

Post by user2357 »

Please pardon my extreme noobish noobiness, but, in more than a decade of rather studying about than actually playing any kind of Elite, I have never yet found the answer to this question, and, therefore, I appeal to the superior practical experience of any commander(s) out there who would kindly please consider my question (specifically in terms of the various original versions of Elite, ArcElite, NES Elite, Elite-A, and/or Oolite)...

After ejecting and arriving safely at the nearest station, does your new ship still have an escape pod as well, along with all the other equipment that have been restored, or ...

... is the escape pod also a one-shot consumable, like a missile or an 'intergalactic' hyperdrive, so that you get a new ship with all your old equipment -- but not an escape pod, since it has been used/consumed/discarded, and now you have to buy a new one?

I expect that escape-pod mechanics will probably work the same throughout all historical, standard, vanilla versions of the game; OXPs might be a different matter, though. ...but I am willing and eager to have my ignorance educated away concerning all exceptions, please.

I hope that my attempt at making my question sufficiently unmisunderstandable, has been successful.

Thank you kindly in advance.

Sincerely and faithfully
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Re: Escape Pod also Restored on New Ship?

Post by Redspear »

Hello and welcome :)

Short answer: it's a one shot but can be replaced. All of your other equipment (but not cargo) is preserved.

Long(er) answer: it depends which oxps (mods) you have installed. I know that [EliteWiki] Escape Pod As Standard will restore the pod and many of the other equipment items but some of those will be damaged.

Hope that helps.

Edited to fix that link
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