Version 5 looks better. Thank you.
Now I am coming back to your vision posted in
You said not to think in function but in flow. Likely we both agree that information not required for the current task is unnecessary and should not be on display - until it is required of course.
The three cases I listed are executed different number of times. Just to think in rough estimates:
- configure OoliteStarter/Oolite versions: once or a couple of times
- manage OXPs: more often
- Manage Savegames including running them: actually always
You came up with a screen in your point 3:
Once the player has selected an option, the interface goes to a screen laid out with button functions on the left (start, quit, check for updates, go to OXP management screen, go to game install management screen, go to saves management screen) and the list of currently active OXPs on the right. The stuff on the right is non-interactive - any attempt to do so automatically goes to the OXP management screen.
This funcionality pretty much exists when OoliteStarter comes up with the tabs and the one to run the game is preselected.
Don't get me wrong: I am not trying to defend the existing layout. But following your principles and extrapolating them I end up in the corner where I went that time.
Compared to your version 5 it resembles the left column.
Looking at the remainder of your mock that is an improved way of OXP management. Again I agree this needs to be looked at with care since it is the more complex one.
(I think the basic interface should completely ignore the distinction between "downloaded" and "installed" and drop the "downloaded" status entirely.)
Now in Version 5 I see a button 'Advanced' so I assume we are looking at the basic interface. Why do we need two columns on the right if we do not distinguish downloaded and installed? What matters is that there are OXPs available and there are those active in the game. The 'downloaded but inactive' state is like a caching or backup function. Let's leave that for the advanced UI which I'd allow to be more clogged.
So the basic OXP management screen would consist of the two lists (available and installed) with buttons to move left and right, and a detail view to give more information about the selected item.
The buttons could be replaced with drag'n'drop but I would offer that only in addition. Looking from far two lists with the two buttons in the middle is an often used element that users recognize.
Do we still want sorting and filtering? With a list of 750+ items I'd say: definitely.
Then we need to find a way for displaying conflicts or warnings and state - a way that is not just color codes but also understandable on a black and white printout.
With that much on a page I'd like to finish the basic OXP management UI.
Looking at what we already have that is a change indeed. Instead of the table we go for a list - actually two. The details section can be reduced, or changed - TBC
The Quit button. Do we need it, or is that the standard window decorator?