Feudal Systems

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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Wed Aug 02, 2023 3:45 pm
Sorry - I forgot the Finnish Ladies:
Ok. thanks for the update.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:42 am

a) Found these as jousting offers at the Onarmala Hunting Lodge:

1) Rebecca Weston, Viscountess of Onarmala is currently visiting our system

But she's from this system!

Now, I can create handwavium for one or two such (exiles?) - but I suspect that this will be true for every jolly Onarmalian noble...

2) Sir Robert [Sebi]-Therfire, a knight of the house of Onarmala is visiting our system in search of a challenge.

Also from the same system, but more to the point: [Sebi]-Therfire?

b) On landing and presenting myself at the Royal Court, I was asked to undertake the delivery of a consignment of precious metals to the Royal Court of Atlaeser.

But! Atlaeser is the other side of the Great Rift.

Thanks to Cody and Switeck, I know how to get there and even how to get back again. And I even suspect that since other players will have had to play for some time to get to G7, that most will probably be able to work it out too.

But the programming! How can Oolite work out how long it will take so that my reward on return can be calculated? For the vanilla game code it is probably unreachable and the journey time thus incalculable.

Musings of a dumb pilot:

For a1, perhaps having two interchangeable lists, one for home jousters and one for visiting jousters? Might this be %J rather than %Jxxx?

For b, perhaps replacing the Political/TL definitions and instead handcoding in the names of the G7 Feudal states, creating one set outside the Great Rift and a second set inside? Or perhaps redefining those in the Great Rift (Ervean TL6, Gireso TL5, Atlaeser TL8 & Georinar TL6) as non-Feudal in a planetinfo.plist?
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 8:36 am

Musings of a dumb pilot:

For a1, perhaps having two interchangeable lists, one for home jousters and one for visiting jousters? Might this be %J rather than %Jxxx?

For b, perhaps replacing the Political/TL definitions and instead handcoding in the names of the G7 Feudal states, creating one set outside the Great Rift and a second set inside? Or perhaps redefining those in the Great Rift (Ervean TL6, Gireso TL5, Atlaeser TL8 & Georinar TL6) as non-Feudal in a planetinfo.plist?
For a1 - as you say, probably just needs the challenger selection code to be tweaked a bit.
For b - messing with political definitions imay cause issues for other oxp. Probably easier the just exclude unreachable systems from feudal states missions. (similar issue with feudal system Atlaar in galaxy 3)
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:42 am
Much better than a mere "Ok"!

I've just loaded up your v.2.1.3 and a pre-GreatRiftMission-Jameson. I was gazing haphazardly at the F8 commodities market when suddenly (!) I got scrambled to fight the infiltrators.

Fun! Really good fun!! One of my very best Oolite moments, I'd have to say.

If I hadn't been iron-assed I would not have survived (I have no problems there - part of the point of Oolite for me is recognising when I am outmatched), but I can see that I'm going to greatly enjoy things when I restart in G1 and go to Digebiti (with Inonri & Vetitice to the north and with Usanat & Entizadi on the other side of Geera to the south). You have really added something here!

Thank you!

Only nit-pick: would all the defenders really have been "Feudal Lords"? No knights? No liegemen?

And in my latest.log there is a lot of this:

Code: Select all

09:09:56.067 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): attacked Marxist Raider 17070 who has 863 energy
09:09:56.068 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (Jaguar Company Ships 1.4): TypeError: this.$friendList is undefined
09:09:56.212 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): attacked Marxist Raider 17070 who has 852 energy
09:09:56.213 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (Jaguar Company Ships 1.4): TypeError: this.$friendList is undefined
09:09:56.232 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): attacked Marxist Raider 17070 who has 840 energy
09:09:56.233 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (Jaguar Company Ships 1.4): TypeError: this.$friendList is undefined
09:09:56.330 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): attacked Marxist Raider 17070 who has 828 energy
09:09:56.330 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (Jaguar Company Ships 1.4): TypeError: this.$friendList is undefined
09:09:56.417 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): attacked Marxist Raider 17070 who has 816 energy
09:09:56.417 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (Jaguar Company Ships 1.4): TypeError: this.$friendList is undefined
09:09:56.503 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): attacked Marxist Raider 17070 who has 805 energy
09:09:56.503 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (Jaguar Company Ships 1.4): TypeError: this.$friendList is undefined
(I've got Jaguar Company loaded in a forlorn hope to work out what it really does!)

Pain-in-the-backside suggestion:

Might there be point in a de-briefing?

My Lords and Ladies/Gentlebeings/Noble defenders etc:

You have chased the vermin from our system/You have committed mayhem upon the marxist marauders/You have sent the poachers packing/The invaders have been fended off etc

There were "x" raiders of whom only "y" escaped/survived to return to their spawning grounds/fled cowering with their tails between their legs etc

We sadly lost "z" of ours: "name1", "name 2", "name 3" ...

May their names be remembered for the good/the Good Lord Giles preserve them in aspic/their spirits find peaceful rest in the celestial spheres/the Witchspace Lobster caress them in his claws/the Cosmic Wanderer grant them surcease from woe/their families build obelisks in their honour etc
Perfectly happy to generate more guff if it helps!
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:39 am

Perfectly happy to generate more guff if it helps!
Love the guff :D - I'll see what I can do to incorporate it. Would be good if you could produce something for the raid start screens for the two missions. The second mission just ends in the communist system so does not have a de-briefing screen.

Your comment about no liegemen, etc can easily be addressed but no sure what ships to assign that would be in-keeping regarding looks with the current three feudal states ships. In my version of FS I have esquires and yeomen ships but they are based on Griff's stuff.

Not sure what the log errors are about. I could hazard a guess that the Jaguar oxp assigns system defence ships and their code is conflicting with the new FS script when you attack a Marxist raider. FS does not use this.$friendList so I assume this variable is not being defined correctly in the Jaguar oxp.

Currently looking at updating the Challenger script to address the assignment issues you raised.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 12:40 pm
Would be good if you could produce something for the raid start screens for the two missions. The second mission just ends in the communist system so does not have a de-briefing screen.
I'll have a ponder and see what I can come up with.

Having jumped straight from G2 to G7 (!) I have no experience of Ramirez's Resistance Commander in G5. But I get the impression (however mistaken) that it might have debriefings. And perhaps the Galactic Navy might have them?


And what about

1) chasing the raiders? I was tempted to go after them (they jumped from Onarmala to Cemaer - the nearest system, an anarchy...) and do wonder what I would have found!

2) an organised retreat from the communist system, possibly with ready-prepared wormholes, possibly with a group of waiting revellers to invite any chasing party-members to join a real party, etc.

3) other mission ideas:
- go to an enemy system and use Phkb's Hermitage code to occupy a distant Rock Hermit and then use it as a base for attacks further in-system (loading it up with war materiel - and possible fun escorting convoys of supply).
- clobber a pirate/rebel/rogue frigate in-system (Galactic Navy OXP: I've now seen 3 in Onarmala!) until the pirates jump ship and then tow the frigate back for refit and future use.
- Romance/family: see Adding depth

4) Diplomancy/Home System/Library OXP tie ins: Would it be possible to assign Diplomacy OXP's subjecthood of just one feudal state in just one Galaxy at the start of the game (and enter the information in Library's PAD)? And start including titles in PAD? And awards/medals if any?

And as one gained Elite ranking, one would start getting the Home System bonuses in that state?

And one would find family members, siblings/cousins who could
*manage a 5% discount on just the one commodity or just one shipyard item at the local shipyard - or down on the planet surface
*1% improvement in maintenance rating (ship_trade_in_factor?) at the local shipyard - or down on the planet surface
*ask one to go on a mission (take them somewhere, or do some sort of commercial deal, etc.)

And one might also have a vendetta against some nasty nobleman who did something bad to one's family. This could run on for a while (people fleeing when in extremis) with the nobleman improving his ship as time went on.

I do have other ideas - but have a ponder on these and see if they appeal/seem do-able - or spark off any other brainwaves!

Library PAD (only works with the vanilla game missions and the Galactic Navy as far as I know):


DGill wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 12:40 pm
Your comment about no liegemen, etc can easily be addressed but no sure what ships to assign that would be in-keeping regarding looks with the current three feudal states ships. In my version of FS I have esquires and yeomen ships but they are based on Griff's stuff.
Griff-stuff-based esquires/yeomen sounds just fine to me. But the real issue is the Knights who are "lower-upper class" rather than the upper-upper class Lords.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

A lot to think about!
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 5:45 pm
A lot to think about!
No expectations!

I'm very, very happy with what you have already done.

But, if you are interested in doing a little more... !
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

If you are going to chase raiders through a wormhole will need some event handler to initiate script on the other side. Don't know - is there such a command as "shipExitedWormhole" that you know of?
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by phkb »

You’ve got shipWillEnterWitchspace, shipWillExitWitchspace and shipExitedWitchspace to pick from. The first one also gives you a cause parameter which can be “wormhole”. It’s probably your best option.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cody »

I dunno... you wait an hour or more for an event handler, then three come along at once!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by phkb »

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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Thanks phkb, much appreciated.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Wed Aug 09, 2023 8:36 am

1) Rebecca Weston, Viscountess of Onarmala is currently visiting our system
But she's from this system!
Now, I can create handwavium for one or two such (exiles?) - but I suspect that this will be true for every jolly Onarmalian noble...
2) Sir Robert [Sebi]-Therfire, a knight of the house of Onarmala is visiting our system in search of a challenge.

Also from the same system, but more to the point: [Sebi]-Therfire?

b) On landing and presenting myself at the Royal Court, I was asked to undertake the delivery of a consignment of precious metals to the Royal Court of Atlaeser.
But! Atlaeser is the other side of the Great Rift.
I've applied a fix to address the above issues.
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Re: Feudal Systems

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2023 10:40 am
I've applied a fix to address the above issues.

Guff Generation.

I feel it important that a distinction is made between loyal and feal subjects, sympathisers, and those who just happen to be visiting the station and who have no connection with the feudal state.

Reference (your code):

Code: Select all

	  "feudal_anounceRaidAttack" = "A Marxist raiding party is approaching [mission_feudal_mission_raidhome]!\n\nThe King orders all able-bodied pilots to launch immediately and defend the station.";
	  "feudal_mission_attacksuccess" = "\n\n'Well done Commander.  Your timely intervention saved the day! The enemy raiders are now fleeing the system.\n\nThe King fully recognises the costs and risks involved and has authorised a payment of [mission_feudal_mission_raidreward] Cr to your account.'";
	  "feudal_anounceInvadeAttack" = "The King of [mission_feudal_mission_raidhome] has ordered an attack on the Communist [mission_feudal_mission_invade] system in relaliation for the persistant raids of Marxist extremists whose ideology dictates that everybody needs to be liberated to join in the communist utopia.\n\nAll Commanders are to launch immediately and rendezvous at the system station.\n\n The primary target is the Marxist torpedo carrier but as much damage as possible must be inflicted on all enemy craft to reduce their capacity for mounting further attacks on our worlds. ";	
	  "feudal_mission_invade_target" = "Royal Court: Rendezvous with the fleet at [mission_feudal_mission_invade]";
I'm not sure that there would be time for the King/Prince (Digebiti)/Lord High Princeps of the Lobsters to relay this message. Presuming that the invaders make their way to the station from the Witchpoint beacon, the message has to get from anybody there to the planet (probably via the Orbital Station or the Royal Lodge) and then back to the Orbital Station.

I am a tad unsure as to how wonderful Oolite communications actually are.

So I would presume that the Viceroy/Royal Representative on the station is issuing the command in the King's name.

So how about:
A Marxist raiding party is approaching [mission_feudal_mission_raidhome]!\n\nThe Viceroy orders all able-bodied pilots to launch immediately and defend the station in the name of the King.
We are under attack by murderous Marxists!\n\nViceroy {title + name} in the name of the King orders all pilots to launch immediately in defence of our station.
Marauding Marxists are making their way here from the Witchpoint Beacon!\n\nScramble now to protect our station.\n\nIn the name of our King!
Viceroy {title + name} has just heard that a Marxist Murder Squad are en route from the Witchpoint Beacon.\n\nIn the name of the King, all available pilots are hereby summoned in defence of our station.
Note: Littlebear's Galactic Almanac OXZ gives every single station individual names

Debrief guff given in a previous post.

Retaliatory raiding:

I've not done this mission yet, so I'm presuming!

Typo: relaliation should be retaliation (corrected below)

Code: Select all

	  "feudal_anounceInvadeAttack" = "The King of [mission_feudal_mission_raidhome] has ordered an attack on the Communist [mission_feudal_mission_invade] system in retaliation for the persistant raids of Marxist extremists whose ideology dictates that everybody needs to be liberated to join in the communist utopia.\n\nAll Commanders are to launch immediately and rendezvous at the system station.\n\n The primary target is the Marxist torpedo carrier but as much damage as possible must be inflicted on all enemy craft to reduce their capacity for mounting further attacks on our worlds. ";	
So unlike the previous message - an alert for a general station attack which affects all on the station (and thus gives a good excuse to scramble all pilots present), this would really be addressed only to those with ties to the system - loyal subjects, knights and Lords, those who have attended court and accepted a feudal mission, and possibly some jousters from the Royal Hunting Lodge who happen to be present.

Other options:
The King's Viceroy has ordered all Lords, Knights of the Realm and sympathetic pilots to attend an urgent conclave in the Viceregal Palace in the GalCop precinct of this station. Kindly make your way there now.

Choice: Go! or Stay!

You take the lift to the precinct's level and find yourself amongst a group of several nobles making their way past the Royal Hussars/Uhlans/Houseguards/Curaissers/Dragoons to the main hallway.

On arrival you are offered a drink and canapes. Suddenly a trumpet blares and the Viceroy appears on a dais under the standard of [mission_feudal_mission_raidhome].

"My Lords, Ladies and gentlemen!

Our Lord, the King of [mission_feudal_mission_raidhome], has ordered a riposte on the Communist [mission_feudal_mission_invade] system in retaliation for their persistent raids. We are being continually attacked by these ideological extremists who dictate that everybody needs to be "liberated" to join in their communist utopia.\n\nAll Commanders are to launch immediately and rendezvous behind our station.\n\n The primary target will be the Marxist torpedo carrier but as much damage as possible must be inflicted on all enemy craft to reduce their capacity for mounting further attacks on our worlds.\n\nRemember the codes of chivalry and leave the innocent unscathed.

The King's Viceroy of this station has summoned all Nobles and Gentry of the Realm - as well as any sympathetic pilots - to attend a conference in the GalCop precinct at the Viceregal Palace. The meeting will begin in a few minutes.

Choice: Go! or Stay!

You take a lift to the GalCop precinct level. You make your way through the halls and find a small group of nobles entering the Palace gates, passing the Royal Hussars/Uhlans/Houseguards/Curaissers/Dragoons standing on guard.

You are ushered through to the Great Hall where light refreshments are being served. There is a sudden fanfare of trumpets and immediately the Viceroy makes his way to front of the Grand Balcony overlooking the Hall.

"My Lords, Ladies and gentlemen!

Our Lord, the King of [mission_feudal_mission_raidhome], has commanded that we react to these constant invasions of our realm by the Marxists of [mission_feudal_mission_invade] system. These vicious attacks on our people and innocent out-system merchants must be brought to a close.

We have received information that a torpedo carrier has arrived in [mission_feudal_mission_invade] laden with war matériel dedicated to our destruction.

This is your primary target, my Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, but secondary targets include any enemy craft capable of doing us harm.

Launch now, and rendezvous behind our station before making your way to [mission_feudal_mission_invade].

Do not forget - innocent bystanders must be left unharmed.

The Lord Giles be with you!

Note the rendezvous behind the station. Is this doable? Or translatable to another location?

Notes on Communication (in Oolite)
Notes on Orbital Stations in Feudal Systems (LitF)

1) What happens if there is no Commie system within 7ly?

2) Is there a reason not to have a debriefing after the retaliatory "raid the commies" mission? We could bring everybody back to the Viceroy's Palace for cocktails and canapes and if the raid was a conspicuous success, follow that up with a trip downplanet to the Royal Court for a proper celebration! Maybe with a bevy of admiring ladies!!

3) LitF: If Massively Locked ever manages to find time again to finish our work on LitF, we were hoping to introduce a modular system to allow other OXPs to plug into it and add details for their various stations. I.e. The Royal Hunting Lodges (one could disembark there and go for cocktails to the bar or join a Ball in the Great Hall). But there is some guff generated for fleshing out the main orbital stations at the Feudal systems which has yet to be incorporated.

Ideally, one should be able to use LitF to get from one's ship (or the bookshop, or the church of St Giles, etc.) to the Viceregal Place in the GalCop precinct.

Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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