Render to Framebuffer

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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by tsoj »

Yes, it seems to work the same with RGBA16F as with just RGBA.
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by another_commander »

@tsoj, this is some great work done here and I can confirm that the code works also on Windows (albeit with some quite significant changes in OpenGLExtensionManager and the glext.h we are using), but so far it's fine. It's still a bit rough around the edges, but it's getting there.

I have confirmed that the target texture is rendered on and that the attached shader for post processing works great as well. Here is the simplest post-processing filter possible in action: grayscale.


However, I have also noted some issues. Here they are:
  • The planet in the F7 screen seems to have either very bright or very opaque atmosphere. I think this happened after the transparency fix (which indeed fixed the general overall transparency weirdness that was present before).
  • Resizing the window or switching from fullscreen to windowed or vice versa does not rescale the render area properly. Should the render buffer be recreated whenever a resize happens? Probably yes.
  • I tried applying HDR the "right" way, by tone mapping and gamma correcting at the oolite-texture shader. So I removed those steps from the default shaders and added them once only in the render texture shader. This works great and produces some really nice scenes, like this:

    What does not seem to work so great is taking a screenshot with Shift+8. I was afraid that this would be an issue that we will have to resolve and, sure enough, when a screenshot is saved, what is actually saved is the scene that is sent to the render buffer, not the result of the render buffer. Any post processing activity happening in the oolite-texture shader is not in the screenshot. So, the previous sreenshot (taken with PrtScr) appears like this in the snapshots folder:

    As you can see, the tone mapping and subsequent gamma correction steps are not seen here. So, the screenshot code should probably take as input not the SDL surface, but the result of the post-processing step(s) following the execution of oolite-texture.fragment.
Still, this is just the beginning and I am sure these little issues will eventually be ironed out. The hard work has been done and seems to have already yielded results. Once again, thanks and great job.
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by another_commander »

Heh, toying around with post-proc shaders is fun in tsoj's experimental build. Here I am playing with CRT emulation in color and b/w, including effects like scanlines, vignette and chromatic aberration (last one in the color images only). Check out the images in their full resolution, as the effects are a bit clearer.




Just a little taste of what is achievable with this, and there are many more possibilities,
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Mauiby de Fug
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by Mauiby de Fug »

Nicely done guys! I'm really very excited! And a for a brief moment a teensy bit jealous that you got it working so quickly when I was thwarted last year :D I'm definitely looking forward to having a play around when I'm on holiday next week! If a_c's observations can be fixed then we can have a very shiny new toy to play with. I'm already thinking about the future possibilities...
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by Griff »

Woah, this looks really exiting! Good luck with the project :D
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by another_commander »

Just added the universal time as a uniform in the framebuffer texture target, which means that animated post processing fx are now possible too:

Here is the CRT in action (actually it's much better at 60 fps and hi-res but I tried to keep the gif size down a bit, so you get to see it @ 25 fps). Effects added are screen static and the now moving scanlines.
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by another_commander »

More fun with post processing fx. Next up is night vision:


And, since the oolite-texture fragment shader has now grown a bit, this is what I am using for all this testing (so far):

Code: Select all

out vec4 out_color;

in VsOut
    vec2 texture_coordinate;
} vs_out;

uniform sampler2D	image;
uniform float		uTime;

vec3 ACESFilm(vec3 color)
	// taken from This is based on the actual
	// ACES sources and is effectively the glsl translation of Stephen Hill's fit
	// (
	mat3 m1 = mat3(
        0.59719, 0.07600, 0.02840,
        0.35458, 0.90834, 0.13383,
        0.04823, 0.01566, 0.83777
	mat3 m2 = mat3(
        1.60475, -0.10208, -0.00327,
        -0.53108,  1.10813, -0.07276,
        -0.07367, -0.00605,  1.07602
	// prevents some ACES artifacts, especially bright blues shifting towards purple
	// see
	mat3 highlightsFixLMT = mat3(
	0.9404372683, -0.0183068787, 0.0778696104,
	0.0083786969, 0.8286599939, 0.1629613092,
	0.0005471261, -0.0008833746, 1.0003362486
	vec3 v = m1 * color * highlightsFixLMT;    
	vec3 a = v * (v + 0.0245786) - 0.000090537;
	vec3 b = v * (0.983729 * v + 0.4329510) + 0.238081;
	return clamp(m2 * (a / b), 0.0, 1.0);

vec2 crt_coords(vec2 uv, float bend)
	uv -= 0.5;
    uv *= 2.;
    uv.x *= 1. + pow(abs(uv.y)/bend, 2.);
    uv.y *= 1. + pow(abs(uv.x)/bend, 2.);
    uv /= 2.02;
    return uv + .5;

float vignette(vec2 uv, float size, float smoothness, float edgeRounding)
 	uv -= .5;
    uv *= size;
    float amount = sqrt(pow(abs(uv.x), edgeRounding) + pow(abs(uv.y), edgeRounding));
    amount = 1. - amount;
    return smoothstep(0., smoothness, amount);

float scanline(vec2 uv, float lines, float speed)
    return sin(uv.y * lines + uTime * speed);

float random(vec2 uv)
 	return fract(sin(dot(uv, vec2(15.5151, 42.2561))) * 12341.14122 * sin(uTime * 0.03));   

float noise(vec2 uv)
 	vec2 i = floor(uv);
    vec2 f = fract(uv);
    float a = random(i);
    float b = random(i + vec2(1.,0.));
	float c = random(i + vec2(0., 1.));
    float d = random(i + vec2(1.));
    vec2 u = smoothstep(0., 1., f);
    return mix(a,b, u.x) + (c - a) * u.y * (1. - u.x) + (d - b) * u.x * u.y; 

vec4 CRT()
	vec2 uv = vs_out.texture_coordinate;
	vec2 crt_uv = crt_coords(uv, 8.);
    float s1 = scanline(uv, 1500., -10.);
    float s2 = scanline(uv, 10., -3.);
    vec4 col = texture(image, crt_uv);
    col.r = texture(image, crt_uv + vec2(0., 0.0025)).r;
    col.g = texture(image, crt_uv).g;
    col.b = texture(image, crt_uv + vec2(0., -0.0025)).b;
    col.a = texture(image, crt_uv).a;
    col = mix(col, vec4(s1 + s2), 0.05);
	col = mix(col, vec4(noise(uv * 500.)), 0.05) * vignette(uv, 1.9, .6, 8.);
	return col;

vec4 grayscale(vec4 col)
	vec3 luma = vec3(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722);
	col.rgb = vec3(dot(col.rgb, luma));
	return col;

float hash(float n)
	return fract(sin(n)*43758.5453123);

vec4 nightVision()
	vec2 p = vs_out.texture_coordinate;
	vec2 u = p * 2. - 1.;
	vec2 n = u;
	vec3 c = texture(image, p).xyz;
	// flicker, grain, vignette, fade in
	c += sin(hash(uTime)) * 0.01;
	c += hash((hash(n.x) + n.y) * uTime) * 0.25;
	c *= smoothstep(length(n * n * n * vec2(0.075, 0.4)), 1.0, 0.4);
    c *= smoothstep(0.001, 3.5, uTime) * 1.5;
	c = grayscale(vec4(c, 1.0)).rgb * vec3(0.2, 1.5 - hash(uTime) * 0.1,0.4);
	return vec4(c, 1.0);

void main()
	// uncomment only one of those
	out_color = texture(image, vs_out.texture_coordinate); // original - no fx
	//out_color = CRT();										
	//out_color = grayscale(out_color);							
	//out_color = nightVision();
	// exposure
	out_color *= 1.0;								
	// tone mapping and gamma correction
	out_color.rgb = ACESFilm(out_color.rgb);
	out_color.rgb = pow(out_color.rgb, vec3(1.0/2.2));
To use the uTime uniform, a tiny extra line of code needs to be added in Universe.m:

Code: Select all

// fixes transparency issue for some reason
// got it here: 


glUseProgram([textureProgram program]);

glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation([textureProgram program], "image"), 0);
glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation([textureProgram program], "uTime"), [self getTime]); // <----------------- It's this line 
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, targetTextureID);
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by Griff »

Ha that's great! that would look awesome for mission screens and things to make it feel like you're reading the message from a monitor in your cockpit, the chromatic aberration one looks great too, could tie it to ship speed so it kicks in when using the torus drive or something, or maybe when you're taking hull hits :)

Am i totally misunderstanding what's possible now, but is this the same as a render pass? i remember some of the example shader effects in AMD's rendermonkey used a second pass for some of their effects - there was an evil skull example whose eyes glowed when it looked at you, it was using a second pass to overlay a "bill boarded"graphic similar to oolites built in 'flasher' object to achieve the effect, looked cool, always thought something similar could be added to the ship engines
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by another_commander »

Griff wrote: Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:37 am
Am i totally misunderstanding what's possible now, but is this the same as a render pass? i remember some of the example shader effects in AMD's rendermonkey used a second pass for some of their effects - there was an evil skull example whose eyes glowed when it looked at you, it was using a second pass to overlay a "bill boarded"graphic similar to oolites built in 'flasher' object to achieve the effect, looked cool, always thought something similar could be added to the ship engines
It is a post-processing render pass. It allows operations on the totality of the screen's pixels in one go. What rendermonkey was doing for the glow effect was most likely a bloom operation, which is totally achievable now that we can render our scene to a frame buffer. We are not quite there yet, as there are further code changes that are required to reach that destination and a couple bugs to squash, but let's say we are at around 95% of the way. The hardest part was tsoj's work.
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by Cody »

Love the night vision!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by another_commander »

A test binary for Windows has been uploaded here in case you want to have a look. Just unzip the contents into the folder (backup the exe and shaders folder before you do it just in case) and you should be set. The zip contains also the current source code patch for anyone interested in building the exe. If you don't care about building from source, you can safely delete the file rtt.diff from

The shader file oolite-texture.fragment is the most interesting part. Inside its void main() function you can switch between the current post-processing effects available. To use a post-processing effect, just uncomment its corresponding line by removing the '//' at the beginning and ensure that only one line is uncommented each time and all others are disabled (i.e. commented out, add '//' without quotes at the start of the line). In the future, when render to framebuffer has been fully sorted out, we can maybe consider looking into ways for switching the effects from within the game.

The effects included so far are:
  • CRT emulation
  • Grayscale
  • Night vision
  • FXAA
  • Pencil drawing (this one is not that great, but what the hey)
  • Edge detection
This binary contains the fix for the F7 planets looking wrong that was mentioned in an earlier post. That's one out - two more to go!
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by Cody »

The BGS hyperspace effect is freaky in night-vision mode!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by Cholmondely »

Cody wrote: Wed Aug 03, 2022 2:04 pm
The BGS hyperspace effect is freaky in night-vision mode!
Any chance of screen shot for us Windowsless bods?
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by Cody »

See the Screenshots thread.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Render to Framebuffer

Post by Nite Owl »

Could not get Oolite to start with the Render to Framebuffer test .exe from another_commander's download. Mr. Latest Log spit out the following.

Code: Select all

[startup.exception]: ***** Unhandled exception during startup: NSInvalidArgumentException (Tried to add nil value for key 'key_roll_left' to dictionary).
All keyboard settings have been left to their default values with no changes made past or present. Please advise.
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