And here is the Vampire under the new Oolite materials system:
Here is how to get this to appear in your game:
shaders entry in shipdata.plist is replaced with this
materials one:
Code: Select all
materials =
"v6SKIN.png" =
diffuse_map = "v6SKIN.png";
normal_map = "v6NORMALS.png";
specular_map = "v6SKIN-spec.png";
emission_map = "v6LITES.png";
gloss = 1.0; //anything between 0.85 and 1.0 is ok, depending on personal preference
The required
v6SKIN-spec.png specular and gloss file can be downloaded from here: ... sp=sharing
It is a quick and dirty job based on the diffuse texture and just grayscaling it and slightly tweaking the gray levels for the specular and gloss textures.
I did not make use of the effects file since the default shaders don't make use of it either, hope it is still good enough. Also, this is the first revision of the model, I see KW just posted a new one, but I had already done the work on this.
There is some room for improvement in the default textures. The "smudges" visible on the wings and elsewhere on the hull could be removed from the diffuse map and entered as details in the gloss map instead. I think this would result in a more natural looking "dirty" metal.
@Killer Wolf: To get close-ups of the ships, just use the debug console with a developer's version of the game, like 1.91. Then launch the console,. launch the game and launch from the station. Following that, just type these commands in the console:
:spawn [mark6npc]
This will spawn a Vampire or any ship with the shipdata key inside the brackets.
This will cause the last object spawned to stop whatever it is doing and start rotating in place.
This will cause the last object spawned (i.e. your ship) to be targeted so that you can locate it easily.
Once done, you can approach the ship and move around it taking as many pics as you like. Alternatively, you can take the player version of the ship for a ride and use the external views plus directional keys with Caps Lock on, which will cause the external camera to move around the ship. Again, take pics at your leisure.