Digebitian Variations

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Digebitian Variations

Post by Cholmondely »

Digebiti can be pronounced either Didjee-bitee or Die-djibitee depending on where on the planet one hails from.

BroadcastComms: Digebitian variation: For a more cultured class of communication try out the following:

Code: Select all

	/* help                                                              */
	"transmit-help" = ("I say! I'm under attack!",
				"I'm coming under fire! I could do with a little help!",
				"Someone help me! I'm being molested by the yahoos!",
				"I say! I'm being attacked! I'd appreciate some help, if it's not too much of a bother!",
				"Can anyone give me a hand? I'm being mauled by the munchkins!");

	/* scoop escape pod                                                  */
	"transmit-escapepod" = ("Dear me... would you like a lift back to the main orbital station?",
				"Can I offer you a lift, old boy?",
				"Would you like a quick trip back to the main station?",
				"I say! You rather look like you're in trouble. Can I offer you a lift?",
				"Commander, I can offer you a lift back to the main station, if it suits you.");
	"response-escapepod-friendly" = ("Thanks, commander. That would be great.",
				"I'd be honoured to accept your most generous offer.",
				"Thanking you kindly.",
				"Thanks, commander.",
				"You're a life saver, old boy.",
				"That'd be wonderful. Thanks.",
				"That would save me a lot of time, thank you.");
	"response-escapepod-unfriendly" = ("Right. Shoot me then scoop me. What kind of a parasite are you?",
				"I can't stop you, can I?",
				"Go to hell. The fifth one. With the bods sticking bodkins in Ebortsa",
				"I think I'd rather wait for the police to toddle along.", 
				"I'd really rather not, thank you.",
				"I rather think that you've done enough for me already, don't you think?");
	/* greetings - npc                                                   */
	"transmit-greeting-npc" = ("Greetings, commander.",
				"Hullo! Enjoying the scenery, what?",
				"Greetings and Salutations.",
				"I say! Hello there, old boy!",
				"Greetings! Local or visiting?",
				"Saltuations, commander.");

	"response-greeting-npc" = ("Good day to you, commander.",
				"Why, hello.");
	/* greetings - police                                                */
	"transmit-greeting-police" = ("Greetings, officer.",
				"Hello, officer.");

	"response-greeting-police" = ("Good day to you, commander.",
				"Good day, commander.",
				"Hello, commander.");

	/* greetings - pirate                                                */
	"transmit-greeting-pirate" = "[transmit-greeting-npc]";

	"response-greeting-pirate" = ("Hello.",

	/* greetings - thargoid                                              */
	"transmit-greeting-thargoid" = ("Excuse me!",
				"I say! Would you mind buzzing off?");
	"response-greeting-thargoid" = "[thargoid_curses]";
	/* taunts - npc                                                      */
	"transmit-taunt-npc" = ("You call that a ship?",
				"I say, Chucklefeatures! Would you kindly get out of the way.",
				"Dear me! Suffering from Pandation of the Cranium, what?",
				"You spawn-of-a-Seoid!",
				"You nitpicking nincompoop, out of my way!",
				"You fly as though you had training wheels attached!",
				"You're a tad on the useless side, what?",
				"Where's your Pater?",
				"Space isn't for insipid inanities, old boy.",
				"What on earth are you doing flying such a bucket of nails?",
				"Is that ghastly agglomeration of gruesomeness even hyperspace-capable?",
				"Forgot everything that they taught you at the Lave Academy, what?");

	"response-taunt-npc" = ("Watch it, buddy.",
				"Didn't your mother never tell you to mind your manners?",
				"You're lucky I'm feeling generous...",
				"Come and get it, if you think you're hard enough!",
				"Know this: don't ever cross my path again, or you'll regret it!",
				"Get out of my face.",
				"You're kidding, right?",

	/* taunts - police                                                   */
	"transmit-taunt-police" = ("Do you really call that a space-ship? Goodness me!",
				"I hear you chaps can't even manage a decent cup of tea. Is that true?",
				"I rather suspect that you couldn't hit a buoy flying straight out of the docking bay.",
				"GalCop too short on dosh to give you a proper ship?",
				"That's a rather useless ship, what?",
				"I say, I rather think you left something back at the station - your dignity!",
				"Do you chaps really stay up all night polishing the brass buttons on your uniforms?",
				"Nice ship old boy - a tad dated, what?");

	"response-taunt-police" = ("Don't push your luck, sunshine.",
				"You're kidding, right?",
				"Careful, commander. I might get offended.",
				"That sort of comment is not helpful or appreciated, commander.",
				"Get a life, pal.");

	/* taunts - pirate                                                   */
	"transmit-taunt-pirate" = ("You call that thing a space-ship?",
				"Hey, Chucklefeatures! Get out of the way.",
				"I rather suspect that you couldn't hit a buoy flying straight out of the docking bay.",
				"You fly as though you still had your training wheels on!",
				"Dear me! Do you need your hand held?",
				"Where's your Pater?",
				"You spawn-of-a-gerbil!",
				"Begone, you vile scum.",
				"Stop infesting the celestial heavens with your presence!",
				"Space isn't for pansies, old boy.",
				"What are you doing flying such a bucket of nails?",
				"Is that rustbucket even hyperspace-capable?",
				"How does it feel to be somebody else's flunky?");

	"response-taunt-pirate" = ("Watch it, buddy.",
				"Didn't your mater ever teach you to mind your manners?",
				"Is this a joke? Go and find another hoodlum to harangue!",
				"You're lucky I'm feeling generous...",
				"Come and get it, if you think you're up to it!",
				"I say: don't ever cross my path again, or you'll rather regret it!",
				"Why don't you just go back home to mater, what?",
				"This is a rather pathetic attempt to pull my leg, right?",
				"Whatever you say, old chum.");

	/* taunts - thargoid                                                 */
	"transmit-taunt-thargoid" = ("You call that a ship?",
				"Nitwits! Your bus is leaving.",
				"Go back home! Oh, I forgot, you can't, idiots!");

	"response-taunt-thargoid" = "[thargoid_curses]";
	/* threats - npc                                                     */
	"transmit-threat-npc" = ("This is your final warning before I drill your ship full of holes.",
				"Give up now, and I'll let you live.",
				"Back off now or you'll get nobbled by the Notorious Knucklebones of Negation.",
				"Back off or I'll consign you to the Pool of Pellucid Placidity!",
				"If you're not gone in a minute, you'll sample some space!",
				"I'm warning you. Get away, or you will be hung by your toe-nails from your bathroom door.",
				"This is my final warning. Buzz off now.");
	/* type 0 = standard responses, type 1 = fleeing responses */
	"response-threat-npc-0" = ("Right. Really scared now.",
				"How about you show us what you've got?",
				"I hurt my sides laughing.",
				"You cannot threaten us.",
				"Ya like making empty threats?",
				"Find a green Jameson to threaten, mate.",
				"Oh, I'm sorry. Were you trying to threaten me?",

	"response-threat-npc-1" = ("Yeah...I'm outta here.",
				"Fine. Bye!");

	/* threats - police, type 0 (standard response) note police will only response in this way */
	"transmit-threat-police" = "[transmit-threat-npc]";
	/* type 0 = standard responses, police don't have fleeing response   */
	"response-threat-police-0" = ("You're in no position to makes threats, commander.",
				"Threatening us will only make matters worse.",
				"You cannot threaten us.",
				"You cannot tell us what to do.",
				"Luckily we don't answer to you.",
				"We need not listen to your idle threats.",
				"Be careful not to make a pastime of empty threats.");

	/* threats - pirate                                                  */
	"transmit-threat-pirate" = "[transmit-threat-npc]";
	/* type 0 = standard responses, type 1 = fleeing responses */
	"response-threat-pirate-0" = "[response-threat-npc-0]";
	"response-threat-pirate-1" = ("You're not worth it. Keep your stuff.");

	/* threats - thargoid                                                */
	"transmit-threat-thargoid" = "[transmit-threat-npc]";

	/* type 0 = standard responses, thargoids don't have fleeing response */
	"response-threat-thargoid-0" = "[thargoid_curses]";
	/* wormhole requests                                                 */	
	"response-wormhole-std" = ("Sure, I'm heading there. Feel free to follow me through.",
				"I'm going there. Tag along if you want.",
				"That's where I'm going. If you want you can follow me.",
				"I'm heading there. I'd rather welcome the company.");

	"response-wormhole-unfriendly" = ("I'm heading there.",
				"I'm going there.",
				"That's where I'm headed.",
				"That's where I'm going.");

	"response-wormhole-decline" = ("Sorry, I'm heading for [systemname].",
				"Can't help you, I'm afraid. I'm off to [systemname].",
				"No help here. My destination is [systemname].");

	/* keep away from my target                                          */	
	"transmit-keep-away-from-target" = ("Stay away from my target. He's mine!",
					"Keep away from my target! I've got him!",
					"That's my target. Stay away!",
					"I've got this one. Keep back.");
	"response-keep-away-from-target" = ("Sure, no problem.",
					"He's all yours.",
					"Be my guest!");

	/* surrender messages                                                */
	"transmit-surrender" = ("Please stop! I surrender!",
				"All right! I give up!",
				"Stop shooting! I surrender!", 
				"I surrender, I surrender!",
				"Wait! I'm surrendering!");
	/* [pronouncap] will be replaced with either "We" (for pirate groups) or "I" (for a single pirate) */
	/* [pronoun] will be replace with either "we" (for pirate groups) or "I" (for a single pirate) */
	"response-surrender-pirate" = ("[pronouncap] accept your surrender. Drop your cargo and get out of here.",
				"Very well. [pronouncap] accept. Now hurry up and drop your cargo.",
				"Your surrender is acknowledged. Your cargo is required or [pronoun] open fire again.");

	"response-surrender-police" = ("Disable your weapons and stand down, [commander_name]!",
				"Stand down [commander_name]! Disable your weapons now!",
				"Disable your weapons, [commander_name]! Stand down right now!");
	"response-break-surrender-pirate" = ("You rotten swine!",
				"How dare you!",
				"That's is! No mercy now, kiddo.",
				"You just broke the unwritten law, pal!");
	"response-break-surrender-police" = ("Very well [commander_name], you had your chance.",
				"Time's up, [commander_name]. You were warned!",
				"That's it, [commander_name]. You had your chance, and now you must pay!");

	"response-accept-surrender-police" = ("Dock with the main station quickly, before I change my mind!",
				"Get to the station, and clean up your act. I might not be so forgiving next time.",
				"Dock at the station, and smarten up, or you'll end up dead.");

	"response-deny-surrender-police" = ("You want to surrender, criminal? Try an escape pod.",
				"The only way you can surrender is with an escape pod, criminal.",
				"Surrender? You? Try an escape pod.");
	/* demand for cargo messages                                         */
	/* no need for any acceptance messages - if a ship obliges, they'll send a message spontaneously */
	"transmit-piracy" = ("Drop [tons] of cargo or else.",
				"Hey! Drop [tons] of cargo or I collect it from your lasered hull.",
				"Give me [tons] of cargo and I let you live.",
				"Drop [tons] of cargo or eat vacuum!",
				"How about you drop [tons] of cargo and I'll let you go?");
	"response-piracy-pirate" = ("Ha ha. Very funny.",
				"You're such a comedian, pal.",
				"I hurt my sides laughing.",
				"Sure, stay there while I check my inventory...sorry, I'm all out.",
				"I gave at the office.",
				"And I'm supposed to just give you cargo now? What a joker.",
				"The only thing I'm likely to give you is a good dose of laser therapy!");
	"response-piracy-thargoid" = "[thargoid_curses]";

	"response-piracy-npc" = ("Go find charity elsewhere, kid.",
				"Sorry, but I need this cargo to pay for my kid's medical bills. You understand.",
				"I don't think so, pal.",
				"I don't give my stuff away for free.",
				"This is a recorded message. Please leave your name after the beep.",
				"Get lost, creep.",
				"I'm not giving you anything, pal.",
				"Any you think just by asking you'll get some? What a nerve.",
				"Why should I give anything to you? My stuff is staying with me.");
	/* offer bribe for safe passage                                      */
	"transmit-bribe" = ("I'll give you [amount] [credittype] to let me pass.",
				"I've got [amount] [credittype] here if you let me go.",
				"Let me go and I'll give you [amount] [credittype].",
				"How about I give you [amount] [credittype] and you let me go?");
	"response-bribe-decline-pirate" = ("Nice try, pal.",
				"You're kidding, aren't you?",
				"Not even close.",
				"Is that a joke?",
				"I'd barely pay for maintenance on my ship for that.");

	"response-bribe-decline-police" = ("You're not trying to bribe me, are you?",
				"That's not going to help you.",
				"Are you trying to bribe me?",
				"Don't make it worse for yourself, pal.");

	"response-bribe-decline-hunter" = ("Nice try, pal.",
				"You're kidding, aren't you?",
				"Not even close.",
				"Is that a joke?",
				"I'd barely pay for maintenance on my ship for that.");

	"response-bribe-police-fine" = ("Attempting to bribe a member of the GalCop police is a crime.",
				"That's enough. Bribing GalCop police is a crime.",
				"You were warned. Bribing police is a crime.");
	"response-bribe-accept-npc" = ("All right. I accept.",
				"You've got yourself a deal.",
				"Thanks for money. Now get out of here.");

	"response-bribe-accept-police" = ("Let's keep this between ourselves, shall we? Thanks.",
				"That you for your contribution to the police widows society. Now get out of here.",
				"All right, I'll take your money, just get out of here before I change my mind.");

	/* npc ship talks to police about players act of piracy              */
	"response-piracy-npc-police" = ("Officer, the vessel '[commander_shipname]' compelled me to give up some cargo.",
				"Sorry to bother you Officer, but the ship '[commander_shipname]' has just forced me to give up cargo.",
				"Officer, I think you should know that the ship '[commander_shipname]' coerced me to give up cargo.");
	"response-piracy-police-npc" = ("Thank you for the information. We'll take it from here.",
				"Thanks for the notification. It will be dealt with.",
				"Thanks. We'll deal with it now.");

	/* npc ship talks to station about players act of piracy             */
	"response-piracy-npc-station" = ("Control, the vessel '[commander_shipname]' compelled me to give up some cargo.",
				"Sorry to bother you Control, but the ship '[commander_shipname]' has just forced me to give up cargo.",
				"Control, I think you should know that the ship '[commander_shipname]' coerced me to give up cargo.");

	/* docking request and withdrawal                                    */
	"request-docking-clearance" = "[dockreq-initial], [dockreq-first][dockreq-final].";
	"dockreq-initial" = ("Station control", "Station flight control", "Control", "Flight control");
	"dockreq-first" = ("this is Commander [commander_name], ","this is the '[commander_shipdisplayname]', ","");
	"dockreq-final" = ("requesting permission to dock", "requesting the first available docking slot", "requesting a docking slot","inbound and requesting a docking slot");
	"withdraw-docking-request" = (
		"[dockreq-initial], I need to withdraw my docking request.",
		"[dockreq-initial], sorry, but I need to withdraw my request."
Just replace the descriptions.plist (inside the Config folder in your copy of the oxp) with the above. Not utterly sure what does what, which betokens the death of a thousand tweaks... but in the interim...
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Sharp Shooter Spam Assassin
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Re: Digebitian Variations

Post by Cody »

<chortles> I could do with some Digebitian in the Green Gecko's shout-outs!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Digebitian Variations

Post by phkb »

Cholmondely wrote: Tue Jun 08, 2021 11:47 pm

Code: Select all

Go to hell. The fifth one. With the bods sticking bodkins in Ebortsa
Nice one! That gave me a good old chuckle.

There are some wonderful variations in there. Very well done!
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Sharp Shooter Spam Assassin
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Re: Digebitian Variations

Post by Cody »

phkb wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 1:02 am
Very well done!
Yes! Question is, does it qualify Cholly for a darkside cookie?
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Digebitian Variations

Post by Cholmondely »

Cody wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:05 am
Question is, does it qualify Cholly for a darkside cookie?
Bickie, old boy... I don't do "cookies".
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Sharp Shooter Spam Assassin
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Re: Digebitian Variations

Post by Cody »

Bickie? Real Programmers don't eat bickies!

I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Digebitian Variations

Post by Cholmondely »

Cody wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:58 pm
Bickie? Real Programmers don't eat bickies!

Their butterscotch bickies were the bees knees. Not seen them for well over a year now... <sigh>.
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Sharp Shooter Spam Assassin
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Re: Digebitian Variations

Post by Cody »

Butterscotch? Now if you'd said Scottish all butter shortbread, I'd be with you.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Digebitian Variations

Post by Cholmondely »

Phkb, Master of the Mysteries of the semi-colon, has been good enough to transmogrify the above into a spanking new .oxz - see the entry for the Digebitian Variant at http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/BroadcastComms_MFD.

It can be downloaded from the in-game Expansions Manager (filed away under "HUDs").
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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