Elites - when did you last get your butt kicked?

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Elites - when did you last get your butt kicked?

Post by AndySlater »

With 624 kills I am now ranked as Dangerous. I've just completed the Constrictor mission but quite honestly I was rather disappointend by the encounter - I didn't even get a proper look at the thing!

After a single sustained burst from my military laser I fired an ordinary missile (I meant to fire a harded missle that I'd bought as a present for him but 'hit the wrong button') and he was debris before we got closer than 15km.

The main reason I'm disappointed however is that while looking for him I got blown to bits no less than three times. I'm not sure how I got from 256 to 624 kills but along the way but I:

1. Got jumped by half a dozen Thargoids. Somehow I managed to forget about the energy bomb I was carrying and got blasted to bits within seconds.

2. Took on a couple of pirates (when I had next to zero fuel) before spotting the rest of the rugby team lurking hiding around the corner.

3. Took on a couple of pirates who spanked my bottom in an incredibly short space of time.

Now the first of those was a stupid mistake, the second a combination of stupidity (allowing myself to be so low on fuel) and bad luck but I really can't figure out what happened on the third occasion.

So, how do you elites get on? Has 'being sent home in a box' become a thing of the past or does it still happen on a 'regular' basis?

Right now I'm looking for an OXP that will allow me to donate the 250 credits I got for the Constrictor to charity because I really don't feel that I earned it. :-(
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Re: Elites - when did you last get your butt kicked?

Post by Dr. Nil »

AndySlater wrote:
Right now I'm looking for an OXP that will allow me to donate the 250 credits I got for the Constrictor to charity because I really don't feel that I earned it. :-(
:P I guess that the ability to accept donations would be something for the missionaries, if they get updated.

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Post by LittleBear »

When Giles wrote the Consitictor Mission, he really did it as an exact copy of how the mission was on the BBC Micro. It is therefore, pretty easy as the Constrictor is still 20 years in the past tech-wise! A lot of the missions are much tougher.
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Post by drew »

I have a number of 'Commanders' which I play in different 'modes' if you like...

The Elites appear to have some rules.

They choose ships of mid range capabilities. (ie. Average across the board rather than good/weak at any particular thing.)
They only fight when the odds are firmly in their favour.
They never hyperspace into a system if it leaves them with less than half a tank of injector fuel
They usually head for the sun first to fuel up
They keep a full loadout of weapons
They keep a hyperspace lock on a nearby system
They know when to run.

None of my Elite combateers have been killed. I tend to play with a 'if you get killed that's it' mentality - so I look after them. I try to play my commanders 'in persona'. So some are reckless, some are careful.. So far, only the careful ones have got to Elite... I lost one at 'Dangerous' which was a bit annoying - his fault though :wink:

My character from my story 'Rebecca' is currently 'Deadly' but came out of a recent scrape by the skin of 'her' teeth. She's learning not to be impetuous... (One Cobra Courier against a pirate cove too many!)


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Post by johnsmith »

The cloaking device is a bit of a lifesaver. It can actually make things too easy, as you can just vanish at will. So I don't have military shields or energy units, and try not to use the cloak as it gives you too much of an edge. Keeping the right distance also helps - I hate getting missiled at close range. Fuel injectors help here.
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Post by Prophaniti »

When my elite pilot dies it tends to be from odd things, usually collisions at high speed with other ships. I did get Q-mined the other day, and with the new renegades and pirate havens on it gets pretty dangerous.

My most embarrassing one has to be forgetting to pull up slightly when leaving a station, going to rear view, going for hyperspace when at the right distance and exploding when I hit the navigation buoy :oops:

Good to be back BTW, I took a bit of a break after reaching Elite status.
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Post by Wiggy »

I generally get killed by hardened missiles, which don't show up as missiles on my radar, but rather as non-hostile ships. (I think it's because an OXP.)

Otherwise, it's getting rammed, or the occasional bit of suicide....
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Post by CWolf »

I generally lose a clone or two due to turning off the warnings because I am listening to music, which leads to issues not realising I am in trouble when not looking because eating!
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Post by GoreLeech »

xD.....i hate dem missles and im not even elite!.....but with militray shields, if u angle away, sometimes they just kinda "bounce" of your shields not casuing to much dmg
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