- Calculate Dock world-coordinates orientation by concatenating its orientation in station model-coordinates with the Station orientation in world-coordinates.
- Get direction of Dock widest dimension (depth excluded) based on Docks dimensions and world-coordinates orientation (general case, should work for all kinds of dock's placement on station models).
- Use Dock's heading instead of Station's heading to get the position to aim on approach (should allow docking bays in the aft of the dockable).
- Change rotation sync logic: if the ship's rotation is lagging, rotates in the same direction as the station; if it's advanced, rotate against the station; this avoids rotating too much inside the dock if a longer interval between FCB calls gets the ship sufficiently out-of-sync to start correcting again (the "let's rotate once more now we are inside the dock" bug...).
- If the ship is approaching fast, start rotation sync farther away and rotate as much as possible in each FCB, otherwise do it more leisurely (for the visual beauty...might be still too fast for that and need some tuning).