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Police Escort?

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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Police Escort?

Post by Mango »

I got Oolite a few days ago, and yesterday I had been smuggling slaves around the place which gave me the legal staus of Offender. I was travelling in another system when I helped a GalCop fight off some pirate. Then I headed on towards the planet (I can't remember which planet).

The cop followed me and then started travelling with me as if it were an escort that you see following other ships. When I sped up, it did and when I slowed down, it matched my speed. It showed no signs of being a threat and seemed to be protecting me as there was a pirate behind us that looked like it was waiting for a straggler it could snatch up.

Another cop came and lured that pirate away, and the cop beside me continued to fly beside me. All this time, I hadn't changed course.
Then I did.
The cop immediately started attacking me an as I was taken by surprise (and hadn't bought any decent lasers yet) I was blown to bits.

What I'd like to know was, does this happen often? At the time it felt like he was escorting me to the orbital station to give me a ticket for smuggling slaves, or just because I was an offender.

To provoke him, I may have just used my target identifyer, or stopped still, but I can't remember exactly.

PS: Is it possible to hire escorts to protect you or something?
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Re: Police Escort?

Post by Captain Hesperus »

Ah, yes. Had this particular situation before. I take it the Viper went 'active' on you (i.e. his 'lollipop' started flashing red-purple), but he didn't instantly dive in and laser-death you? You are correct in the assumption that he was intending you to Process to Station, do not Pass Go, Do not collect 200Cr. Once docked you would have been fined and your Offender status wiped. Run away and, you already found out what. I had this particular situation after a 'misunderstanding' regarding some legitimately bought 'harmless recreational substances' that GalCop lump under the hideously limiting title 'Narcotics'. Hrrrumph!

Captain Hesperus
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Post by Mango »

Thanks for the tip. If I do want to get my status wiped, can I approach them with a white flag or something? My current status now is clean, but just in case...

After he started flashing (which is what he did) I came to a halt to see whether he would become friendly again. He didn't and started shooting me.

So if I stay slose to the GalCop, and go to the station making sure he's next to me I'm fine, yes?
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