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The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, all in 30 sec

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The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, all in 30 sec

Post by Olentzero »

Had this happen to me last night and felt compelled to share it.

I'd finally tracked down the Constrictor after an hour or so of combing around the systems where people said they'd last seen it. I come out of witchspace and there he is, waiting for me. I line him up in my sights, fire off a couple dozen laser shots and he pulls away, firing up his afterburners. I hit max speed and follow, knowing there's not a chance in hell I'm gonna catch him.

22 km... 23 km... 24 km...

He's about as dead center in my scope as he's going to be so I fire off a couple shots before he disappears just to let him know who he's messing with. And the screen says "Target Lost".

No big deal, I'll cruise around and see if I can fi-- wait, why's it say "Bounty: 250"?

:o :shock: :) :D :lol:

Smug at my prowess and disappointed at how anticlimactic it all was, I head over to where the constrictor used to be and pick up the scraps. No escape capsule - oh well. I turn around, get the planet in my sights and poise my finger over the hyperspeed button...

...and the game quits unexpectedly.

:o :shock: :x :evil: :cry:

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Anyone else got similar stories?
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Post by stimpee »

Yeah, feeling good about myself, I decided to launch from the station to an Anarchy level 4 system with an empty cargo hold. i proceeded to kick the crap out of everything around and was filling my cargo hold up with loads of stuff. I'd even had "Right on commander!".

Exhausted but smug, I head back for the space station to sell off my booty. just outside the safety zone, as I was recovering from a massive scrap, 4 or 5 ships appear and proceed to blast the crap out of my shields. I knocked them off one by one and the last one is just in front of me and climbing.

By this time, my shields are low and my military laser is overheating so Im firing intermittently but one last shot destroys the ship. Two cargo cannisters pop out and one smashes into the front of the ship. So i climb, thinking I'll dodge the other one and get it with the fuel scoop. Just as I think I've got it, it smashes into the ship and I'm DEAD.

My cargo hold was full. my shields were almost gone and it finished me off. So near but yet so far. :(
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Post by Darkbee »

And thats what makes the game so great... even the most hardened players are not immune to the occasional slip up... space is a dangerous place!!

I've died on many occasions having jumped through multiple systems, filling up my cargo space on the way. The usual methods include (but are not limited to):

Trying to fuel scoop from a sun that you have to get too close to in order to do it.... consequently overheating your ship and blowing it up.

Having a missile dropped right in front of your face giving your ECM insufficient time to activate to detroy the offending device... consequently hitting your ship squarely and blowing it up.

Colliding with objects when shields are already depleted (or not)... consequently causing more damage to your ship and blowing it up. (This usually happens when you step away from the computer for a nano second to do or get something.)

...and the list goes on.
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Post by CWolf »

A question on this - I haven't actually tried and stuck at work so cannot at the moment so please bear with me...

Can you shoot and destroy cargo cannisters?
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Post by Selezen »

Christ, you're resurrecting a lot of topics!!! :wink:

Err, yes, you can shoot and destroy canisters.
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Post by CWolf »

HahHah, well it's me first propper visit as a member! Also I am just commenting on things that seem to need it, age appears to have left some things un answered or said.

Should I stop?
The act of talking b*ll*cks whilst waving one's arms about wildly is referred to as testiculation.

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