N.i.g.e.l new weapon and mission idea

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N.i.g.e.l new weapon and mission idea

Post by biffa »

This is just something going through my head an idea from the film dark star film.but instead of a "bomb"the actual weapon is a laser.
N.i.g.e.l Neutronic Ionising gamma ray ,kinetic energy impluse laser...lets say n.i.g.e.l for short :)
story line
The thargoids have devolped a way to make a star unstable in (galaxy 8)which could destroy the entire galaxy through chain reaction exploisions.

The start point,galaxy 5
on arrival at a said docking station the mission begins.incomming message fron the navy...
explaining the situation about the thargoids etc and gose on to say you need to collet 6 parts of N.i.g.e.l
the main part of the weapon would take up the 5 tonne living quaters the rest mouted in the rear of the craft.
the mission would include trips to various planets all high tech and several jumps to galaxies to collect the parts to make n.i.g.e.l ending in galaxy 8
summary,the weapon once fired causes part of the star to turn in to anti-matter which results in the collapse of it saving the day and the universe from total oblivian.
once the mission is complete you can use the weapon to destroy large numbers of any craft in a given area(works like the mine) .whilst collecting the various parts you will encounter not just thargoids but also lots of pirates as the price of N.i.g.e.l (any parts of) are very expensive 20k each to buy and are sort after by the commies who also want the ultimate weapon.
okies the the start of it and the big question is..can this be done and/or is it not in keeping with the main Elite story line?its just a thought!!
maybe also let n.i.g.e.l speak something along the lines of the missionries.
anyways...this is something like i said is just an idea and i am most interested in everyones views about it so please let me know if it is possable to do..or is it something of a pipe dream :D thanks everyone.

various parts you will encounter not just thargoids but also lots of..others
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Post by Kroc »

Constant one-upping of weapons isn't always a good idea. Personally I'd just like a missile that wasn't so slow, or lasers that had a small amount of automatic tracking for those times where you're trying to shoot three pixels in the distance. KISS always applies.
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Post by lolwhites »

I'm not sure about any mission that rewards the player with a doomsday weapon, no matter how difficult. Once it's completed, your game is effectively over if you become invincible.
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Post by GoreLeech »

K.I.S.S indeed!! i just wish we had SCREEN zoom.....im sure that wouldnt be to hard to cook up( see my post ZOOOOOOM!)
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