[RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by SandJ »

Oh, well done! I have just docked with, and launched from, the G5TVN array, with no apparent judderiness on my clockwork computer, despite its size and number of bits. I expected my PC to ... grind ...... to ......... a ............ halt once I got near to hit.

Lovely piece of work.

PS the symbol on the advanced space compass looked like some weird memory corruption bug until I realised it was a radiating hexagon. Very clever. :D (Looking again, it looks like a Tie Fighter!)

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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by SandJ »

While within 16 km of the G5TVN Array I tried to enter hyperspace and got:
Witchspace jump aborted (too close to ?).
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by Commander McLane »

SandJ wrote:
While within 16 km of the G5TVN Array I tried to enter hyperspace and got:
Witchspace jump aborted (too close to ?).
Are you sure that you have v1.03 of the OXP? Previous versions had some oddities in their shipdata, including "?" as a name. But this is no longer the case in 1.03.
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by SandJ »

Commander McLane wrote:
Are you sure that you have v1.03 of the OXP? Previous versions had some oddities in their shipdata, including "?" as a name. But this is no longer the case in 1.03.
Thank you. I will upgrade from v1.0
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by Capt. Murphy »

I've updated TCA's entry on the http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/OXP_List, moved from WIP to the main list, updated release date and the entry now links to this topic.
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by Karnach »

Read the Oolite books (all 4) I SO want to see the array. Byt where is the download link?
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by Cody »

Karnach wrote:
... where is the download link?
In the first post of this thread. The [wiki]OXP List[/wiki] has most, if not all, OXPs listed.
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by phkb »

(Resurrection - it lives!)

Storm has very kindly allowed me to release his Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP. Now available from the download manager, and it even has it's [EliteWiki] own wiki page now.
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by Duggan »

They seem to have a market that sells nothing and every commodity has zero value. aside from that , this is an architecturally beautiful feature :)
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by phkb »

Well, that was the intent of the author - no market. I think some missions were planned for some time later, but yes, right now, no markets. Given its purpose I can’t even imagine what the station would have to sell, or what anyone would want to buy. Open to suggestions though.
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by Duggan »

As useless an excuse as any I suppose, Much like the Liners oxz which also have no markets...Eye Candy alone then :)
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by phkb »

Well, as I always say, you can never have too much eye candy!
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by Cholmondely »

phkb wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:36 am
Well, that was the intent of the author - no market. I think some missions were planned for some time later, but yes, right now, no markets. Given its purpose I can’t even imagine what the station would have to sell, or what anyone would want to buy. Open to suggestions though.
How about just certain types of equipment useful for journalists? With a nice discount of say 10% (25% if an employee or on a mission...)

Advanced Navigational Array, Beer Cooler, Broadcast Comms MFD, Comms Relay Beacon Switch, Comms Relay Beacon Switch Recharge, Detectors, Electronic Thumb, Express Tea Maker, Glare Clarifier, Glare Filter, Headlights, HUD Integration of Ship Identifier, HyperRadio™, ILS Instrument Landing System, JellyBaby Dispenser, Legal-Record Backdoor Hack Chip (for masquerading as a pirate!), Micro-G Torus, Mining Beacon Descrambler, Multipass & Multi-Passed ID (for masquerading as a pirate!), Range Finder MFD & Extender, Rock Hermit Locator, Scanner Alerting Enhancement, SDC Hack Chip, Second FTL Torus, Second Micro-G Torus, Seismic Resonance Scanner, Ship's Cat, Ship's Library Flight Interface, Solar Activity Scanner, Talkative Space Compass, Target Mod (information about targeted ship), Tionisla photo camera, Tracker, Tracker Camera & Tracker Camera Link, Travel Mod, Universal Scanner, Updating TSC, Witch Fuel Injectors, Witchpoint Beacon Security Access, Witchspace Initiator Chromo-Channel Accelerator (?), Wormhole Scanner
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by Cholmondely »

There are two mistakes in the literature.
You will also be able to find:
The Views of the Worlds Array Xeabiti, Chart 2
The GNN Array Geusdi, Chart 3
The Daily Wail Array Quonzo, Chart 4
The G5TVN Array Maeser, Chart 5
The Rooters Array Tiregees, Chart 6
The StarSports Array Zarausxe, Chart 7
The Snoopers Array Maabile, Chart 8
Quonzo is actually Quonso
Tiregees is in Galaxy 7. Planet 225 in Galaxy 6 is actually Edla (#225. Edla (61,107), {0,58,71,86,112,131,155,210,233,252,254} within 7.0 LY. Radius 4925 km. Multi-Government, Mainly Ind. Pop. 3.0 B, Prod. 10080 MCr. HC: 11, TL: 7, Human Colonials. Edla is most famous for its pink Edlaian Thno Thnoweed plantations and Zero-G hockey.]

I'm marking up the wiki pages accordingly (TCA & Sector6/Edla pages).


Code: Select all

"use strict";
this.name			= "Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP";
this.author			= "Storm";
this.copyright		= "Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike 3.0 license";
this.description	= "Addition of a Broadcast Array station to each galactic chart";

// Arrays for the Broadcast Arrays locations by planet, their shipdata.plist names, and 'channel' name 
this.broadcastArrayPlanet = [124, 103, 197, 58, 211, 225, 184, 206];
this.broadcastArrayName = ["Tionisla Chronicle", "Views of the Worlds", "GNN", "Daily Wail", "G5TVN", "Rooters", "StarSports", "Snoopers"];
this.broadcastChannel = ["tca", "votw", "gnn", "dailywail", "g5tvn", "rooters", "starsports", "snoopers"];
this._debug = false;

this.systemWillPopulate = function() {
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Re: [RELEASE] Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP (v1.03)

Post by phkb »

Thanks for finding the mistakes. I’ll post a fix shortly.
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