(Release) Ship Configuration

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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by tsoj »

Astrobe wrote:
Second, make the prices dependent on the tech level of the system.
Making the prices dependant on the tech level is obviously to allow equipment trading. I find this option interesting because it introduces new trading routes.
I like this idea, would be a nice new mechanic.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Thanks for all the suggestions, Astrobe! This is just the type of help I need with this OXP - fine-tuning all the possibilities.

And apologies for this long post. It started small and then inexplicably grew... weird.

For the next version I've put a tech level factor into prices, so items should be more expensive at low tech worlds, and cheaper at high-tech ones. There's probably more I can do with this, varying prices based on random or other trade factors, but I think what I've put in now should work for the moment. I've also removed the equipment space factor for escape pods - you're right, these shouldn't use up equipment space (for logical reasons as well - an escape pod wouldn't be fitted into an equipment rack as there would be a special spot in the ship's structure that would be designed to take a pod).
Astrobe wrote:
First, make "trader" variants for some equipment.
It might also be valuable working out what equipment would be essential for a trader, and then determining if the space each equipment item consumes needs to be adjusted, or if the total equipment space in that ship needs expanding. I've been fooling around in a Cobra Mark I recently, which admittedly is not a proper trading ship, and I've already used up all the allocated equipment space and I still don't have shield boosters. Trader ships are typically ships with larger mass, and should have considerable equipment space to play with (a Boa has 30t, a BCC has 35t, an Anaconda has 40t). If a large trading vessel (ie greater than 100t cargo space) has a low amount of equipment space, it might be better to add a ship-based equipment space exception than micro-managing the equipment items themselves. As the poet says, "There's more than one way to remove the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat from Felis catus". :wink:

In any case, I've added extra variations for engines, thrusters, and energy. The new versions (a) cost twice as much as the original versions, (b) take up half the space, and (c) contribute towards cabin heat. Hopefully that will calm the trader spirit! My reasoning for leaving out the other parts:

Hyperdrives - The only difference in the performance values for these are how long it takes to spin up. I've added some variability to the heat generated for the next version, though.
Boosters - These are kind of a luxury item anyway.
Shields - I'm hesitant to do much more with shields, as getting it to work with the core shield boosters and mil shield enhancement, ignoring other OXP shield equipment (Equalisers in particular), is complex. I've tried to leave existing equipment as-is as much as possible, so I've avoided playing with the shield recharge rate, leaving it to the shield boosters and mil enhancement. That being said, there may be a case for diving into this again.
Fuel injectors - With the reduction in space with the last update I feel like these are at the right level for everyone, but if you have some additional configurations you'd like to see I'll certainly look at including them. At the moment their heat generation is directly linked to their burn rate (cheaper injectors = faster heat buildup). I would probably need to de-couple the calculation from using burn rate to using an ad-hoc value stored in the script_info.
Heat Shields - I don't think there's a lot to be done with these.
Armour - Armour is something of a luxury item, so I don't think much needs to be done here.
Electrical - Changes in one of the other areas may lead to changes here, but again I don't think much can be added.

If you think there's more scope for adjustment in one of these sections let me know.
Astrobe wrote:
[1] extensions and perhaps some pieces of equipment incur cabin temp penalties, but it doesn't appear in the stats overview.
It's kind of hard to do a "predicted temp" value, as most of the items that have a heat-related value only cause that when they are used (eg hyperdrive, injectors), and the amount of heat shielding the ship has also comes into play. I'll continue to think about how to best represent the data to the player, but to my mind there might be need for another screen entirely where the equipment items that generate heat when in use are displayed, and the reason for a base-level increase to heat can also be shown (eg bus overload, equipment space extensions). The other factor here is dealing with 3rd party OXP's that want to hook into the heat calculations. For this screen to accurately reflect what will generate heat some form of interface will be required, which complicates the hook process somewhat.

Anyway, I'm going bed down the current changes and try to get an update out later this week, time permitting.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Astrobe »

There seems to be an issue with damaged shields. From what I've seen, when a shield is damaged we launch with a full shield that depletes slowly over time. However, when the shield is repaired, it continues to deplete over time. One has to reload the game from the main screen in order to make it work again.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Oops! :oops: Thanks for the bug report, Astrobe. New version is on the way.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Version 0.6.0 has just been released and is available via the download manager or from links in the first post. In this version:
  • Added class "A" energy banks, that only take half the space of standard units, but also increase cabin heat.
  • Added class "D", "E" and "F" engines that only take half the space of class "A", "B" and "C" engines, but they also increase cabin heat.
  • Added class "D", "E" and "F" thrusters that only take half the space of class "A", "B" and "C" thrusters, but they also increase cabin heat.
  • Fixed Javascript error when escape pod is used.
  • If the Email System is present, adjusted method used to send emails when selling equipment.
  • Changed the equipment space setting for escape pods, as these would be built into the architecture of the ship, not in the equipment racks.
  • Added a tech level factor to equipment prices, so equipment should be cheaper in hi-tech systems, and more expensive in low-tech systems.
  • Adjusted the used equipment sale reduction from 15% to 10%.
  • Adjusted the heat build up from using hyperdrives to be variable based on the class level of hyperdrive.
  • Added conflicting status with Redspear's Equipment by Ship Class OXP.
  • Made compatible with Hyperspace Hanger OXP.
  • Fixed issue with multiple passenger berths not being correctly reflected in weight calculations or display screens.
  • Fixed issue where damaged shields would continue to decharge even after repairing them.
  • Fixed issue where, if the Military Shield Enhancement and the Shield Boosters were damaged, you couldn't repair the former without repairing the latter, but time and credits would be deducted if you tried.
  • Fixed equipment naming convention issue.
  • Bug fixes.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Astrobe »

The filename of the OXZ has changed so one has to remove the current version before upgrading in order to avoid conflicts.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Did it? Argh! :oops:
Ok, new version on the way.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Actually the names look correct in the Wiki: http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/File:S ... ration.oxz

Did you have version 0.4.1 prior to updating? That version had an issue with the identifier in the manifest.plist. That might have caused an issue like this.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by Astrobe »

I had shipconfiguration.oxz (0.5.0 with identifier oxp.phkb.ShipConfiguration). The file I got by updating today is, "oxp.phkb.shipconfiguration.oxz" (0.6.0, same identifier).
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Version 0.6.1 has just been released. Mainly a bugfix update:
  • More equipment items can be transferred to storage, including things like MFD's and targeting enhancements. (This means you can transfer all your equipment from one ship to another, without needing to repurchase expensive items. Unless you really want to, of course).
  • Removed incorrect restriction for the military shield enhancement (it is not actually dependant on the standard shield boosters).
  • Added equipment space override for Asp Mark II Special.
  • Armour repair amounts are now in-line with the original cost of the item.
  • Fixed issue with equipment price in some OXP stations being ludicrously expensive.
Available from links in the first post or via the download manager.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

Version 0.6.2 has just been released which fixes a couple of bugs, and one rather critical one. If you use this OXP I'd recommend an update.

Edit to add: I should also thank Rustem for pointing out these bugs to me. Very much appreciated.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by javirodriguez »

I'm having troubles with this OXP. i am running the game on an old computer (although i changed my old graphic card by a more modern one). All of the expansions have always worked fine on my computer but "ship configuration" seems to be slowing down the game, it is working in "slow motion" when in combat.
Does anyone know what could be happening?
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by phkb »

javirodriguez wrote:
I'm having troubles with this OXP.
Sorry to hear ShipConfig is causing problems! I've just uploaded version 0.6.3 which, while it may not fix the issues, will at least start thinning out the possibilities. If, after you install this new version, things are still going in slo-mo, can I get you to do a couple of things for me? Can you (a) post a list of all the OXP's you're running (you can get it from the latest.log file), and (b) try running Oolite with only ShipConfig in play. That will help me in the case where it's a combination of factors creating the problem.
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by javirodriguez »

Don't say sorry, you're doing a great job with your oolite expansion packs.
I think that i've found out the problem. "DETECTORS OXP" is to blame. I have another copy of the game where i'm checking out expansions and although i was not using "DETECTORS OXP", It was still installed on this copy.
I uninstalled it and now it's ok!!!
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Re: (BETA) Ship Configuration

Post by tsoj »

Recently i installed Planetfall and i have problems because the planetfall-oxp has an equipment ( "Planetary Landing Capability" / "EQ_PLANETFALL" ) that requires "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD" but in my save file my heat-shield class 1 is saved as "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD_TYPE1" or something like that so i assume that the reason why i cant buy the "Planetary Landing Capability" is this incompatability.
I am not sure if this is the right thread to say this but its worth a try.
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