[Release] EscortDeck v1.11 and EscortPack v1.2

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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.5 and EscortPack v1.1

Post by cbr »

Have you reconsidered the option to be able to fly in one of the escorts?
Would be nice to have a python/boa --> fighter combo...

Would this be a possible scenary.
1] I rig up a fighter and launch
2] I jump into an escape pod
3] I go back to the main station
4] I buy a boa and an escortdeck and launch
5] I pick up the desired fighter as a derelict
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.5 and EscortPack v1.1

Post by Norby »

cbr wrote:
Have you reconsidered the option to be able to fly in one of the escorts?
Would be nice to have a python/boa --> fighter combo...
Currently you can do it using a Carrier only (see the sit into feature). Theoretically possible to improve the script for any ships but not enough easy for me to promise it, at least not in the near future.
cbr wrote:
Would this be a possible scenary.
1] I rig up a fighter and launch
2] I jump into an escape pod
3] I go back to the main station
4] I buy a boa and an escortdeck and launch
5] I pick up the desired fighter as a derelict
I have an idea how to implement it, next time I can make a test to see if it is really possible. But I already have a plan to make a similar feature without leaving the station, I will see which one is easier.
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.5 and EscortPack v1.1

Post by Norby »

Norby wrote:
I have an idea how to implement it
It is not so straightforward due to the player ship data is not accessible within the shipLaunchedEscapePod event handler. A workaround is possible if I save the ship data in a timer regularly but this need some CPU power which is usually wasted. Moreover I think the left behind ship should be owned by the insurance company in exchange for the replacement ship what you get in the station after you ejected, so I will stay with the other solution: an interface screen where you can put ships into your deck within the station.
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.5 and EscortPack v1.1

Post by cbr »

Obvious the scenario i have written was a bit shady.
One should be able to buy nice escorts at stationlike entity.

I see in EscortPack you have to declare the escorts before you are able to be select them for your deck/carrier.

I assume it wouldnt be possible to just select them somehow from the list [3] the main.station shows?
Or select them via a ship storage helper like system.
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.5 and EscortPack v1.1

Post by Norby »

As the most easy solution I already put the ships of EscortPack into the equipment shop, together with some common escorts like Sidewinder so you can buy these to your deck but only these. The next plan is an interface in F4 screen where you can view and manage ships on your deck, including the puchase of a new one from the actual shipyard.
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.5 and EscortPack v1.1

Post by cbr »

The next plan is an interface in F4 screen where you can view and manage ships on your deck, including the puchase of a new one from the actual shipyard.
This sounds like a really nice feature!
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.6

Post by Norby »

[wiki]EscortDeck[/wiki] v1.6 is out with many old requests. A basic interface is implemented also where you can only watch your escorts for now.

Escort Deck Interface added into the F4 screen.
Deck positions can be locked to avoid launch of some ships.
Deck cost raised to 2000cr as suggested by Vincentz.
Escorts start with heat shield for sunskimming, requested by QCS.
Chance to find an usable derelict escort is reduced, salvage increased.
MFD show the ship on [wiki]Towbar[/wiki] in the last line, maked as T: .
You can release the towed ship by selecting and activating it in MFD.
Show the mass of attached salvage ships on MFD.
Fixed for the change of weaponPositions to array in Oolite 1.83.
Escortship personality is restored from Oolite 1.81.
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.6 and EscortPack v1.1

Post by cbr »

Locking escorts works nicely :!:

Btw is it possible to sell the escortdeck?
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.6 and EscortPack v1.1

Post by Norby »

cbr wrote:
is it possible to sell the escortdeck?
This is not implemented but there is a workaround: uninstall the OXP then load and save your game. In this case the core engine will remove it from your ship. Then you can reinstall the OXP and play further as if you just sold the equipment.
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.7

Post by Norby »

EscortDeck v1.7 contain improved interface functions: now you can rename, salvage and move ships between the deck and [wiki]Hyperspace Hangar[/wiki]. In this way you can buy, equip and fix your escorts, which is a fun activity imho. :)

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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.7 and EscortPack v1.2

Post by Norby »

[wiki]EscortPack[/wiki] v1.2 contain small fixes and escorts appear in Ship Library under a new "Escorts" category.
Arachnid Escort and S8 has playable versions, so these are added into the standard "Ships" category. Technically all others are playable to be usable in Hyperspace Hangar but only these are available in normal shipyards.

Please upgrade your [wiki]Ship Storage Helper[/wiki], the last fix is important to keep your equipments when switching ships.
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.7 and EscortPack v1.2

Post by cbr »

rename, salvage and move ships between the deck and [EliteWiki] Hyperspace Hangar
Now where did i have those colonial vipers...

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.7 and EscortPack v1.2

Post by cbr »

I seem to end of with several copies of the same ship i bought, 4 asp for the price of one, i presume this has to do with hyperspace hangar?!

ow, this happened in trunk 1.83. :oops:
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.7 and EscortPack v1.2

Post by Norby »

cbr wrote:
I seem to end of with several copies of the same ship i bought, 4 asp for the price of one, i presume this has to do with hyperspace hangar?!

ow, this happened in trunk 1.83. :oops:
I develop in trunk so the problem probably hangar related, as reported already. I done many tests but no similar problem at me so far. At least you can salvage them and donate the earned money using any way.
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Re: [Release] EscortDeck v1.8 and EscortPack v1.2

Post by Norby »

In v1.8:
- Interface menu display the names of ships in deck.
- Fixed value in "you paid" message in costly non-main stations.
- Aft [wiki]Sniper Gun[/wiki] will not move the deck too far anymore, needed by Asp SG and Python SG.
- Escort Deck can hold the long Asp SG and Fer-de-Lance SG, Wide Deck can hold Krait SG also.
- Carrier top deck can hold Cobra Mark III SG, main deck can hold Krait SG.
- Typo fix in shipdata, thanks to phkb.
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