[Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

yeah, thanks! I don't know... atm I just use it and change the turret setup by having three different entries shipdata.plist. It's probably out of scale of your oxp. but pricing is giving me headaches...

100c for different turret setups tastes a bit too cheap, but I justify it atm by saying that the yasen has a military background and thus has a modular design.

And I differentiate between two models, the basic one with turrets and the advanced coming with one turret (the one I use respray for) with different pricing. What really would be cool, to make just the basic buyable and make upgrading it to a turret model only available as equipment (kind of specialised respray only for that ship).
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Post by Amah »

Some small updates for the weekend.

OXZ: Noshaders_ZGroovy Variety pack - role= changed to roles= in shipdata.plst, some balancing.
OXP: prerelease of the Yasen-N ship is available in the box.com repository.


Yasen-N are outdated military ships once supporting infantry in the Sidewinder-Revolt incident. It was refurbished and redesigned for civilian use as sturdy trading/hunting vessels by a small design workshop on Rea in G4 called, Radical Logistics (now out of business). It's a rare ship, some of them were also captured and are now used by pirates and renegades.

There's basically two versions: The normal Yasen-N for the peaceful trader who just needs an agile ships with decent cargo hold and the Yasen-N-Advanced for those who need some tricks up their sleeve when dealing with the bugs or the scumm of the galaxy... err... people for whom GALcop enforced law is just a curious concept.

By default the Advanced is only available with a bottom-rear turret for rear defense. If you have ship respray installed the setup can be changed for a small fee to front and top-rear as well, thanks to the modular design coming from the military background.


I was experimenting with different values in shipdata.plist but I always kept coming back to Mimoriaty's default. I just toned down pitch and roll, irc, somewhere between a Python Class cruiser/ET and the Cobra3. Any suggestion welcome.

have fun,
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Yasen-N update 09-15-15

Post by Amah »

Hi folks,

I uploaded an update to the Yasen-N on 09-15-15:
* fixed turret setups with ship resprays (forgot to reenable the other ship variants in shipyard)
* turrets now fire orange plasma and are now more like the default and the escort deck turrets. (I think a bit less powerful)
have fun,

Last edited by Amah on Thu Sep 17, 2015 4:26 am, edited 3 times in total.
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More stuff to play with...

Post by Amah »

Hi folks,

don't know if anyone is interested, but there's now the OXP of Mickey Moriarty's RL-09LTC Skat on my box account. He designed it as a courier/passenger transport. It's quick but with weaker shields so it's more a ship you would (successfully) run from trouble instead of looking for it. NPCs come with the roles of rare couriers, and even rarer smugglers and traders.

I updated the original textures a bit. Combined normalmap and diffuse textures. Added NPCs.
Screenshot: over at the screenshot thread.

The Radical Logistics/RL ships have a [EliteWiki] wikipage now and both can be downloaded from here: https://app.box.com/s/1r10iohoc21fux46s9h3df1nf4m962ui

Would be nice if you have a look over the stats, I've kept Mimoriarty's settings for once, but I'd be happy for suggestions to balance it bit out.
(Too much Energy?, Too good refresh rate? Too many missiles, Too many gunpoints)

Hope you like it. have fun,

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Wainting for the things to come...

Post by Amah »

Hej folks,

As hoped, I was lucky and Micky Moriaty sent me his files of his Lira. So I now started working on it.

I'm currently cleaning up the shipdata.plist, fixing some bugs and have rescaled it to fit it's role as a big, bulky trader with a military background. It will have strong engines so it's quite fast, but it accelerates and steers like a slug or rather almost like an Anaconda. Well, dogfighting could be a challenge. Docking is too. ;-)
For those hoping for an easy prey, there's good shields and a rear defense turret.Other than that I tried to place it between a boa and the annie.


For a start it will be a player's and trader, trader-smuggler vessel. Maybe varying difficulty with escorts and the reward of some precious cargo. I currently have two painjobs: the first based on Mimoriarty's Green/Gold texture and a recoloured greyish one. Not sure about the price yet...

Later, if I find some time I could imagine it to fulfill special NPC roles populating the universe as a prisoner transport escorted by vipers (don't know if it's possible), a flying hospital apearing in systems plagued by a deadly desease or a civil war, a mining factory ship and maybe a coach service for corporate systems (to make some of the trigger happy escape pod collectors happy). I could need some help there, though.

hope I'll be able to have something releasable for testing till next week.
have a nice weekend,

Last edited by Amah on Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by Diziet Sma »

Nice.. puts me somewhat in mind of the Conestoga-class troop transport ship, USS Sulaco, from the movie Aliens.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by Griff »

that looks gorgeous! brilliant design and texture work!
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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

Thanks Diziet Sma, and also thanks Griff,

I'm trying my best, but most of the praise have to go to "Mickey Moriarty", who sent me the file for the Lira, I just tweaked the textures a bit, add bits here and there. I adapted the role, cargo size and flight parameters according to his announcement here on the board a while back and will adjust it in a hopefully sensible manner.

Now I try to fix some bugs, like engines positions, laser and viewports. Atm, aiming with this bugger is somewhat broken(as it was with the Yasen)
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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

Hej folks,

for everyone interested I put a first playable preview of the Lira now online into my box.com repository:

The Lira's background: it's an outdated bulky 51AT army transporter once used for deploying troops, machines and personnel, now refurbished for civilian use. Ingame it is placed between the Boa Mk2 and the Anaconda. Maxspeed is at 370, cargo hold at 220, pitch at 0.5, roll at 0.88, thrust at 18, maxenergy at 485 recharging at 3.5. It has a default rear defense turret, to give it something to bite back. Oh, and it is quite large, so watch your head when docking ;-)

NPCs are either traders, and rarer smugglers and large couriers, with some having asps, sidewinders as possible escorts. Special roles like GalCOP armed transports or slaveships are currently disabled and need much more testing (had textiles appearing as cargo for the gold transport... Ok, this might have been the wardrobe of the pilot, but it wasn't really intented *grin)

Currently there are two three paintjobs for player and NPCs: the default green/gold, the grey one and a white/slate inspired by Griff's clean cobra3_alt texture.

I'd be happy for any feedback and I hope you like it and find it a useful addition of the set of ships for Oolite,

/e1: v0.9.1
* removed special roles and textures to an own oxp
* added missing auto_ai. auto_weapons for NPCs

/e2: v0.9.2
* added clean diffuse texture variant (white/slate)
* fixed viewports, engine and exhaust positions
*cleaned up shipdata.plist

/e3: v0.9.3
* fixed a bug in shipdata that prevented grey liras to appear
* reduced role weights slightly
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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

Hej folks.

put Mickey Moriarty's Radical Logistics ships now as OXZ into the ingame expansion manager. The OXZ contains three ship types: the Yasen-N (Advanced) - a sturdy medium trader, the Ckat - a fast courier and the Lira - a big bulky freighter.

The specs of the ships can be looked up ingame in the shiplibrary or on the [EliteWiki] Radical Logistics wiki page.

hope you like them, have fun and I'd be happy for any reports of problems or ideas,


/e: if you don't like to install all ships at once, they can also be found as individual oxps in the box repository.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »


uploaded a small update for the noshaders stations to the box.com repository and the ingame expansion manager:

* renamed the bundle from ZGroovy stations to extra stations because it also contains stations/models by Griff, Ark, CaptKev and Dertien now.
* added Griff's Tradeoutpost for low spec machines or PCs with GPU lacking proper shader support.
* worked around the docking bug for Dertien ZGroovy, Grey Dodo based on CaptKev model.
* fixed incompatibility if you have Dertien's original shadered stations installed.
* as a bonus some "ugly" patch for spara's stations for extra planets to *suppress* the stations coming with sfep and replace them with the default core stations and the extra noshadered ones.

-> Since the new extra station bundle OXZs supersedes the ZGroovy station bundle please uninstall Zgroovy station resource & addon first.
-> to make the stations appear you need the extra station resource file plus either "extra station addon" or "exta station for sfep" or both.


have fun and all the best for the weekend,

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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

Ahoi spacemen,

uploded a small additional visual tweak for all exploding asteroids spawning unscoopable rockchunks relying on the noshaders_Griff_accessories. I got the idea when Spara reported a bug in the first Zygoroid release candidate, relying on the old Griff asteroid package.

/e1: bugfix - noshader stations for extra planets never spawned a trade outpost now fixed.
/e2: released the noshaders ZygoUgo Asteroids now as OXZ in the ingame expansion manager.

have fun
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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by Amah »

Testing, testing 1, 2, 3...

I always imagined a kind of upgrade path for the Yasen-N to the Yasen-N Advanced, meaning instead of two independably purchasable models there's now only the basic version available and then you can buy either a bottom rear turret, top rear or front turret. Price for the upgrade is quite high costing 178250cr 100000cr and fitting the turret needs around 24h time. Downgrading to the basic model is also possible by selling the turret and get a ~30% refund. Both can be done by clean pilots on shipyards with techlevel 13.

To buy a turret you need enough cash, and at least 15t of free cargo space. The plasma turret and generators will be fitted into the space which would also be occupied by a large cargo bay, which gets removed in case it is present.

All was only possible by cut/copy/pasting phkb's brilliant ship-respray, which I then badly mutilated and messed up to make changing the ship models on the fly possible, when buying and selling. (Thanks phkb! I hope, you don't mind.) You also need the Yasen-N oxp or Radical Logistic ships.oxz and Capt. Murphy/Norby's ship storage helper for this to work. ;-)

For some test here's a first/probl. buggy preview oxp:

have fun...


/e1: sorry, fixed wrong download link ... :(
/e2: fixed wrong dummy equipment cost for removing the turret
/e3: reduced cost for the turret
Last edited by Amah on Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by maik »

Wow, great, love the idea!
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Re: [Wip] No shaders extra and alternative ships...

Post by phkb »

Amah wrote:
I hope, you don't mind.
Not at all! I'm chuffed you found it useful! :D
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