Still with me? Then please complete the crudely-crafted survey at .
WARNING: it records your IP address along with your answers. I can't do anything about that.
Survey closes 19 June 2015. I will report back.
Owing to a collective failure of the community to respond in appreciable numbers, I'm closing the survey. It got 7 responses, huh.
A detailed analysis would be largely meaningless, so here's a subjective summary:
- Activities: Explorer's Club was popular, followed by Ring Racer.
- Ambience: BGS, Comms Pack A and Randomshipnames where popular.
- HUDs: Coluber HUD CH01 and MFD - Navigation edged ahead.
- Mechanics: Escort Formations was top.
- Missions: Random Hits the clear winner, and indeed the overall most popular OXZ.
- Retextures: Griff Station Bundle came top.
- Systems: Anarchies and Commies.
- (everything else): too much a mixed bag to draw any conclusions