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"The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoot"

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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Commander Morgan Black...

I was sitting on the bed just staring at that little piece of plastic. I was now a licensed space pilot.

You gotta be kiddin' me!

I wasn't ready to fly a real ship! I wasn't ready for any of this!

Beep went the door.

"The ceremony is about to begin Commander Black. Are you ready sir?" Asked the spiffy young man at the door.


"Umm... Ya... Ya, I guess so." I said, following the spiffy young man.

The door whooshed closed behind me.

I was led down through the station to the main docking port, and for a while, I was too much in awe to remember how scared I was.

From squashed looking Adders, to the mind numbing Anacondas, ships of every imaginable shape and size squatted about the immense cavern of the docking bay, like giant brooding toads.

And I was a teeny tiny little fly.

Asps, Cobras, Pythons. I was sensing a theme here.

Suddenly, camera drones and reporters were swarming around me. We stopped in front of a large shape. Something huge and covered with a giant canvas tarp.

Major Montgomery was standing there, his medals gleaming. He held his arm out to me theatrically.

"Commander Black! On behalf of Mutogen Food Corporation, and the Lave Galcop space station, I would like to present you with your brand new custom Cobra Mark Three!" He said with a flourish.

"Custom...?" I thought. They had never said anything about custom...

Major Montgomery pulled a long rope that had been dangling next to him.

The giant canvas fell to the floor.

Picorecorders and camera drones clicked and hummed.

It was...

It was absolutely...

What it was, was a brand new Cobra Mark Three, painted fluorescent orange, with a giant MUTOGEN FOOD CORPORATION logo painted diagonally across it in equally fluorescent purple. It also featured different varieties of muto-fruit with smiling cartoon faces, dancing and prancing around on the hull. Each of which, brandished a sign or speech bubble, proclaiming the benifits of eating MUTOGENs genetically mutated fruit products.

What it was, was horrendous. A flying fluorescent neon billboard.

"Well Commander, what do you think?" Asked Major Montgomery, smiling at the reporters and cameras.

Every lens and microphone was now pointed at me.


I could feel a trickle of perspiration run down my back as I made a superhuman effort to pull the corners of my mouth into the semblance of a smile.

"It's um... It's umm... Great." I finally managed somewhat weakly.

"Ha ha!" Major Montgomery slapped me on the back almost hard enough to knock the wind out of me. "You hear that folks? He likes it!"

Everyone clapped and cheered.

"Well son, only one thing left to do now." said Major Montgomery.

He held out a key ring, with a single key attached.

"Time to take her for a spin!" Major Montgomery said energetically.

My hand reached out of its' own accord and took the key.

I felt numb.

A dock mechanic in splotchy overalls motioned me to follow him, and led me to a hatch on the underside of the neon Cobra.

He punched a large red button above our heads, and the hatch fell open with a loud clang. A ladder telescoped down to the ground in front of me.

The mechanic leaned close and whispered. "All ya gotta do lad, is head out to the docking buoy, wait there fer twenty or thirty minutes, and then head on back in. All these reporter people will be gone by then."

He gave me a gentle pat on the back and then a little push to coax me up the ladder.

I began climbing.
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Chapter 7

Post by Paradox »

When I was younger, My pa took me into a hover-car dealership, to see what they would give him as trade-in for his old clunker. We must've sat in thirty different cars that day, bouncing on seats, and pushing every button we could find. We had a grand old time! Then we drove the old clunker back home.

Pa still has it.

But what I remember most clearly from that day, was the smell. That new hover-car smell!

My new Cobra smelled nothing like that.

It may be a brand new Cobra, just off the assembly line, but the assembly line itself must've been a few hundred years old...

First item on my list to buy, was an air freshener.

The cabin was smaller than I thought it would be, considering how large the outside was. There were only two seats, one for the pilot, and another behind it. I had no idea what the second seat was for.

As I stumbled around, I smacked my head on a low hanging console, so I hunched down a bit, and finally managed to maneuver myself into the pilots seat.

In front of me, was a small window, and directly below, was an even smaller vidscreen. Between me and the vidscreen, was a keyboard, just like the one from the simulator.

I searched around for someplace to stick the key, and finally spotted a slot in the side of the keyboard. As I inserted the key, the vidscreen came to life. The cabin was suddenly filled with clicks and hums, beeps and vibrations. Little lights and readouts flickered and blinked from panels covering almost every available inch of the cabin walls and ceiling.

Through the front window and the two tiny side windows, I could see the crowd of people watching me from the floor of the bay.

"Cobra Mark Three. Commander Black, you are cleared for launch." Said a too loud voice, from a speaker directly above my head. I jumped and banged my knee into a rather sharp console.

The ship gave a slight lurch, as the maglocks released their hold on the Cobra.

"Ouch! Shi... Umm... Okay, umm... I'm going now!" I said loudly at the speaker.

"Now, which one was the gas button?" I muttered out loud.

Oh ya, it was close to the laser button. One of those two...


Eeny meeny miny moe...

I closed my eyes and pushed a button.

The background hum of the ship rose in pitch, and we began to glide forward.

Whew! Right one!

I heard a faint cheer from the people down below.

It looked like we were creeping along kinda slow, so I pushed the button again.

I could see the black rectangle of space growing bigger now, but it still seemed a long way off.

I pushed the button one more time.

Now I was moving pretty good. The black rectangle was definitely getting closer now.

"Anaconda: Metal Slug. You do not have docking clearance at this time. Please clear the docking lane immediately" Chirped the speaker.

What was that? Something about an Anaconda?

Oh well, doesn't have anything to do with me.

I was approaching the black rectangle at a pretty good clip now. Maybe even too quickly?

Ya, I was pretty sure I was going too fast. Which button was the go slower one?

"Anaconda:Metal Slug. You DO NOT have docking clearance. Clear the lane immediately! Do you read Metal Slug?"

Gosh that speaker was awful loud. I would have to figure out how to turn that down later, but right now, I gotta find the go slower button...

I glanced out the window. I had reached the space dock opening. There was a strange, static like, hissing noise as I passed through the atmoshield.

"Metal Slug Abort! Repeat Metal Slug ABORT!" The voice was yelling.

What was that coming towards me? Gosh, it looks huge, it's moving awful fast too...

"Commander Black, abort launch! Repeat ABORT LAUNCH!"

Oh... That's me! Damn it, now where is the abort key?

Oh shi...
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by SteveKing »

Paradox wrote:
Oh shi...

Now this could be one of the shortest space faring careers in history :? Go Morgan, we're prayin' for ya!

So is flourescent orange the same colour as the mutorange?
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by vsfc »

SteveKing wrote:
Paradox wrote:
Oh shi...

Now this could be one of the shortest space faring careers in history :? Go Morgan, we're prayin' for ya!
Oh, bo...... :shock:
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

SteveKing wrote:
Paradox wrote:
Oh shi...

Now this could be one of the shortest space faring careers in history :? Go Morgan, we're prayin' for ya!

So is flourescent orange the same colour as the mutorange?
:lol: Exactly the same, but different, and a little more flourescenty! };]
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

vsfc wrote:
Oh, bo...... :shock:
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by ClymAngus »

I like this and I'll tell you why....

It has a run up to it. People start the game cobra, cash and off we go. So much of the fiction drops into space fairers lives at the middle "interesting" part of their careers. I'm guilty of that myself. This one, takes the time to do the lead up and why not? The convention of the genre we are writing for means we all KNOW where this is going. I like a story that's in no hurry to get where it's going. It means it has time to walk instead of run, it can stroll through the descriptions.

May I also congratulate you on introducing some wonderfully written T&A. Humans base so much of their dicision making on the next shag that it's refreshing to see some of that find it's way into the fiction. There is a time and place for spiralling through an enemy fleet searching for death or glory, but the soft stuff, the human stuff does need to be there too: people shy away from it (again it's a bitch to write).

For a man who failed English you have a flare for litrature. What can we learn from this? You flew under your teachers radar better than a stealth fighter in Baghdad. More's the pity, still your here now and doing first class work.

If your characters ever get out of the space port remember to pick up some star maps. The universe welcomes careful commanders.

Right on commander!

As a side note did my eyes deceive me or did a certain reptile pop back on the boards? Someone has been looking for you, sir!
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

ClymAngus wrote:
As a side note did my eyes deceive me or did a certain reptile pop back on the boards? Someone has been looking for you, sir!
Hrm yes.. Once again a Roh'i roams the skies! My father hung up his blaster and flight jacket for a quiet, well deserved retirement. I'm Thi'ena Uli Roh'i, his daughter. Miss Roh'i, or Madame Roh'i to you... Or to the employees of Roh'i Enterprises LLC, "the boss." :)
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

ClymAngus wrote:
I like this and I'll tell you why....
No, stop right there! I don't need to hear anymore! };]
ClymAngus wrote:
It has a run up to it. People start the game cobra, cash and off we go. So much of the fiction drops into space fairers lives at the middle "interesting" part of their careers. I'm guilty of that myself. This one, takes the time to do the lead up and why not? The convention of the genre we are writing for means we all KNOW where this is going. I like a story that's in no hurry to get where it's going. It means it has time to walk instead of run, it can stroll through the descriptions.
LOL! I completely understand what you are saying. The funny part is, I started out wanting to write just a short blurb about how my character got his start. I truly never intended it to turn into this! But the story is writing itself now, and I am just the one pushing the keys. Occasionally, I get the chance to slip in a sentence or two, and hopefully steer it in the direction I would like it to go. But for the most part, I don't know from one sentence to the next what is going to happen. }:]
ClymAngus wrote:
May I also congratulate you on introducing some wonderfully written T&A. Humans base so much of their dicision making on the next shag that it's refreshing to see some of that find it's way into the fiction. There is a time and place for spiralling through an enemy fleet searching for death or glory, but the soft stuff, the human stuff does need to be there too: people shy away from it (again it's a bitch to write).
I thank you sir! I was absolutely tickled at how well those scenes came out. I thoroughly enjoyed writing them, especially when the lines seem to simply fall into place by themselves. I have always enjoyed a good book that wasn't afraid to address the most basic fact of life... sex! And if it can also be done to humorous affect, so much the better! };] I have tried to walk that fine line between titillation and too much information.
ClymAngus wrote:
For a man who failed English you have a flare for litrature. What can we learn from this? You flew under your teachers radar better than a stealth fighter in Baghdad. More's the pity, still your here now and doing first class work.
Actually, my high school english teacher, was fully aware of me, and was quite perturbed with me as well. She and I used to trade books back and forth to read. At the time, I was infatuated with Edgar Rice Burroughs. Having read his Pellucidar series, Mars series, Tarzan series, etc. She wanted me to read something "worth while". One of the books she gave me was "My Side of the Mountain". I remember it to this day. In return, she agreed to read the first book of the Pellucidar series. She ended up reading them all. I did not fail high school because I was "slow". I failed because I was far more interested in reading, than in diagramming sentences! How can one be expected to concentrate on algebra or history, when one is surrounded, and trying to protect a half naked martian princess from a horde of enraged, four armed, Tharks?! };]
ClymAngus wrote:
If your characters ever get out of the space port remember to pick up some star maps. The universe welcomes careful commanders.

Right on commander!
This is where, I fear, I may lose some readers. I do not come from an "Elite" background, so to speak. I did not play it "back in the day". I know very little about what is excepted as "cannon". Even worse, I don't care to learn (as should be obvious from my ship designs!). };]
I know I will, or probably already have, violated all types of acceptable Elite/Oolite lore (not to mention grammar and sentence structure!).

But that's ok. In theory, once he gets his actual ship (again, I will probably step on toes here.) I plan to start actually playing his character in the game and merely "flesh it out" as Mossfoot is doing.

At least, that is the plan... However, as I have discovered so far, my plans have very little to do with what is actually happening here! }:]

Thank you so much for reading my story so far ClymAngus! And I thank you even more for enjoying it! Also, for taking time to comment, for without the comments and feedback, there would be little point to any of it!
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Chapter 8

Post by Paradox »

"Abort Commander Black! Abort!"

Where the heck is that abort key?

"Abort Commander Morgan! Abort!"

It must be one of these keys, but I dont remember whi...

"Abort Commander Morgan!

Why are there so many keys? There must be hundreds of them! Thousands of them! And every time I reach for one, it uses it's tiny little rocket engines to fly away from me.

"Morgan! Abort!"

"I can't find the damn abort key!" I yelled.

"Morgan wake up!

"I'm trying! But I can't find th... hunh?

"Morgan! Can you hear me? Come on you big lug, wake up!"

Wake up?

Something wet dripped on my hand.

I forced my eyelids open ever so slightly.

"Morgan! Morgan can you hear me?"

My eyes felt gritty and dry as I rotated them up to see who was talking to me.

"Terra?! I croaked.

"Oh Morgan!" Terra sobbed, as another tear fell from her cheek to splash against my hand.

"I thought I told you to be careful, you big lug!" She was holding my hand and squeezing it a bit hard.

"But I..."

"You promised me Morgan! You promised me that you'd be careful! And the very next day, what happens?! You... You... Big lug!" Her other hand pounded my chest to emphasize the point.


"What are you doing here Terra? Where's my ship?" My eyes were working a little better now, as I rolled them around the room, looking for clues as to where I was.

"The ship was destroyed Morgan. And You. Almost. Died!" She pounded on my chest to emphasize those last three words.

"Died? But how... What happened?"

Terra took a deep breath, and relaxed her grip a bit. "An Anaconda tried ignored the space-dock traffic controller. Your ships collided just outside the station and..." Her voice caught for a moment. "Your Cobra exploded. Parts of the ship, cockpit, and YOU,.." She almost punched me again. "... were thrown back through the atmoshield and landed in the bay. You've been in the reconstruction unit, for almost two weeks now."

Two weeks?!

"I tried to abort, but I couldn't find the abort key!" I said weakly.

Terra closed her eyes, and let her head drop forward. "Oh Morgan... There is no abort key!"

She leaned forward and rested her forehead against mine.

I could still see unshed tears glistening in her long beautiful lashes.

"You big dope..." She said. "How long did you practice on the simulator?"

"Oh umm... Well, it took me about an hour before I docked without blowing up..." I said sheepishly.

"An hour...? AN HOUR!" Terra shouted. "Why those greedy, heartless, sons of ..."

She let go of my hand and stood up.

"I got my license...?" I said cautiously.

Terra closed her eyes. Her fists were clenched at her side. She took a deep breath and seemed to hold it for a while. When she let it back out, She looked at me and said. "Don't worry Morgan, we are going to fix this. Do you think you can stand up?"

A few phone calls, and an hour later, found us in a borrowed office, along with a Mr. Creedy, from the Mutogen Food Corporation's legal division.

"I am truly sorry Mr. Black. However, Mutogen Food Corporation has upheld it's part of the bargain, and cannot be held accountable for every accident that happens, after all, space is a dangerous place." Said Mr. Creedy, in a carefully worded, lawyery way.

Terra smiled.

I felt a chill.

If a smile could be described as cold, then Mr. Creedy had just been turned into a human popsicle.

"Mr. Creedy, may I show you something?" Without waiting for an answer, Terra pulled a small box like object from her pocket and set it on the table. She pushed a button on the side and a video appeared directly above it. It was some kind of holo-projector. It was showing the presentation ceremony!

Hey look at that, it's me!

And there is Major Montgomery... he's giving me the key.

There I go into the ship...

And there is the ship lifting off and zooming towards the dock opening. All of which was set to a rousing rendition of the Mutogens theme music.

The video froze at that point, and the Mutogen Food Corporations Logo was overlayed along with more of the same music. Then, the now familiar group of muto-fruit cartoon characters pranced into the picture and sang about the virtues of Mutogen's products, before prancing off again. Terra turned off the video.

"That is the video that was released to all the network stations right after the incident is it not Mr. Creedy?"

"Yes Miss Slavovich, it is." Said Mr. Creedy, somewhat smugly.

Terra smiled again.


"Mr. Creedy, do you know what department do I work for?" Terra asked.

"I... I believe you work for the P.R. department Miss Slavovich." Said Mr. Creedy somewhat warily.

"Correct Mr. Creedy. I work for the Public Relations department." Terra said, with ice dripping from each word.

"And do you know what, Mr. Creedy?" Asked Terra.

Mr. Creedy glanced questioningly at me.

I shrugged back at him.

Terra stood, placed her closed fists on the table, and leaned closer to Mr. Creedy.

"I am DAMN good at my job." Terra pushed the button on the machine again.

It was the same video as before, except this time, I could hear the traffic controller in the background calling repeatedly for the Anaconda to abort its' approach.

This time, the video didn't stop when I reached the atmoshield. I watched in morbid fascination as I approached the opening. And suddenly, there it was, a huge ship approaching the opening from the other side... fast!

Terra paused the video just before the impact.

She watched Mr. Creedy like a snake watches a mouse.

Mr. Creedy fidgeted. "Yes... Well... I don't really see what your getting at, Miss Slavovich. As I stated before, space is a dangerous place, and accident happen all the time!"

Terra reached for the box, and zoomed the picture in to the Anaconda.

There, on the side of the Anaconda, in faint and faded, but unmistakable fluorescent orange and purple... Was the Mutogen Food Corporations logo.

Terra never took her eyes from Mr. Creedy as she zoomed back out and resumed the video.


Like a bug on your windshield. Except with explosions and flaming chunks, of what used to be, a spaceship.

I survived that...?

I sat stunned.

Mr. Creedy sat frozen.

Terra didn't blink.

"I um... Yes, well..." Mr. Creedy pulled at the color of his shirt. "I need to contact the main office of course Mr. Black..."

"Commander Black." Said Terra quietly.

She still hadn't blinked.

"Oh, yes... yes of course. Commander Black. Yes, well, I will need to contact our main office, but I am sure there will be no problem with getting you a new ship.." Mr. Creedy stood, and began backing towards the door.

Terra watched.

Yes, well... I will be in contact Commander. Good day." Mr. Creedy slipped out of the door and closed it with a bang.

I think I heard him running...

Terra turned to me and winked.

"Now..." She said "Let's get you back on that simulator!"
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Diziet Sma »

Paradox wrote:
One of the books she gave me was "My Side of the Mountain". I remember it to this day.
Still one of my all-time favourites.. :D
Paradox wrote:
ClymAngus wrote:
If your characters ever get out of the space port remember to pick up some star maps.
This is where, I fear, I may lose some readers. I do not come from an "Elite" background, so to speak. I did not play it "back in the day". I know very little about what is excepted as "cannon"
You're unlikely to lose anyone, methinks.. and as for ClymAngus' suggestion, that merely refers to his Vector Map Charts, which, when it comes to the region-names, are a long way from being Elite canon, but they're wonderfully evocative and descriptive names (and the OoliteBB members had a lot of fun coming up with them), which have found their way more than a little Oo-fic, and should fit in well as you shepherd Commander Black around the 8, in days to come..
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Diziet Sma »

That was fun.. and now, Commander Black won't have to fly that gaudy bloody billboard around.. I was wondering how you were going to deal with that..
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Diziet Sma wrote:
Still one of my all-time favourites.. :D
Great book! I can't remember a single one of the others she had me read. None were bad, but just didn't measure up to half naked martian princesses, or mosty naked cave girls, or... hmmm, I think I see a theme here! };]

Diziet Sma wrote:
You're unlikely to lose anyone, methinks.. and as for ClymAngus' suggestion, that merely refers to his Vector Map Charts, which, when it comes to the region-names, are a long way from being Elite canon, but they're wonderfully evocative and descriptive names (and the OoliteBB members had a lot of fun coming up with them), which have found their way more than a little Oo-fic, and should fit in well as you shepherd Commander Black around the 8, in days to come..
Ah! Got it! Now, if I could only get his butt on a ship for more then a few sentences! }:]
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Diziet Sma wrote:
That was fun.. and now, Commander Black won't have to fly that gaudy bloody billboard around.. I was wondering how you were going to deal with that..
Me too! I was getting a bit worried about having to photoshop that texture! Fortunately, I was able to wrestle the story back to where I wanted it to go.

At least for the time being... };]
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Cmdr Wyvern »

Could be Commander Black can use some sage advice from this wise old fellow.
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