Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Neelix »

spara wrote:
Neelix wrote:
I'd prefer such a message to only appear once at the bottom rather than after each. How could this code be modified to wait until no cargo has been scooped for second then display the message once?
Since the splinters get scooped one by one, there is no (at least no practical) way of achieving that as a message. Sorry.

You were saying? 8)

Code: Select all

this.name = "my_own_tweaks";

this.shipScoopedOther = function(whom) {
	this.cargocounter = 4;
	if (!this.cargocounterTimer) {
		this.cargocounterTimer = new Timer (this, this.cc_reportcargo, 0.25, 0.25);

this.cc_reportcargo = function() {
	if (this.cargocounter > 0) {
		this.cargocounter -= 1;
	} else {
		player.consoleMessage("Cargo load " + player.ship.cargoSpaceUsed + " of " + player.ship.cargoSpaceCapacity + " t.",5);
		delete this.cargocounterTimer;
- Neelix
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Zireael »

Guys, some of those tweaks would be excellent to have in core game!
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Diziet Sma
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Diziet Sma »

NOTE: All the functionality and positioning described in this and related posts below (with some minor cosmetic changes) has now been incorporated into NumericHUD 3.20 by Norby. As a result, the HUD will now automatically adjust itself to different screen resolutions in a far more pleasing manner. Many thanks to Norby for his patience and ideas during the process! 8)


Whilst I'm loving the MFDs in 1.80, they do present some problems with my preferred HUD, the NumericHUD3. Things are all bunched up and overlapping. And the ETA clock at top-centre is almost totally obscured by everything else that's going on.

Here is how things look with both MFDs active, and messages arriving.. yech!


As I play Oolite on a laptop, with 1280x800 resolution, I have some extra room to unclutter things, but not as much room as with some other HUDs. The digital gauges take up a fair bit of screen real-estate, even though they themselves don't obscure the view.

So the plan is to move the MFDs out to the upper corners, move the message console across to the left, to the upper centre of the screen, and put the Comms Log above the least important (in combat) instruments, the fuel, speed and altitude gauges. Something that has long annoyed me about the Comms Log is that it activates every time a message is received. I want it to stay inactive, unless I press the key to activate it. Any gauge at a critical level will glow brightly anyway, to get my attention, so even with the Comms Log visible, I'll still know what's going on. Finally, I want to enable the new Scanner features, so I'll have a non-linear scanner, (meaning if I zoom in, the scanner will still show distant objects as well) and the Ultrazoom, giving me zoom levels up to 16x.

So, opening up the numerichudv3.plist, scroll all the way down to the bottom.

To relocate the MFDs, on lines 7062-7077, change this:

Code: Select all

	multi_function_displays = (
			width = 198;
			height = 132;
			x = -156;
			y = -72;
			y_origin = 1;
			width = 198;
			height = 132;
			x = 156;
			y = -72;
			y_origin = 1;
to this:
Edit: see Spara's improved MFD positioning code, in his post below, and use that instead of mine.

Code: Select all

	multi_function_displays = (
			width = 198;
			height = 132;
			//x = -156;
			x = -280;
			y = -72;
			y_origin = 1;
			width = 198;
			height = 132;
			//x = 156;
			x = 280;
			y = -72;
			y_origin = 1;
You'll notice that I commented out the original values, instead of just replacing them. Moving things around on the HUD is very much a trial-and-error job, so keeping the original settings around makes it easier to get things back to square one if you really mess up while trying to get the elements positioned the way you want.

Now for the message and comms GUIs. On lines 7078 - 7101, change this:

Code: Select all

	message_gui = {
                  width 	 = 290;
                  height 	 = 150;
                  x		     = 175;
                  y 		 = -80;
		  y_origin	= 1;
                  row_height = 15;
		  alpha		= 0.95;
	comm_log_gui = {
  		           width 	  = 290;
  		           height 	  = 150;
  		           x 		  = -175;
  		           y 		  = -80;
			   y_origin	= 1;
  		           row_height = 15;
				   background_rgba = "0.33 0.33 0.33 0.75";
				   alpha		= 0.95;
to this:

Code: Select all

	message_gui = {
                  width 	 = 290;
                  height 	 = 150;
                  //x		     = 175;
                  x		     = 0;
                  y 		 = -80;
		  y_origin	= 1;
                  row_height = 15;
		  alpha		= 0.95;
	comm_log_gui = {
  		           width 	  = 290;
  		           height 	  = 150;
  		           //x 		  = -175;
				   x 		  = 238;
  		           //y 		  = -80;
  		           y 		  = -240;
			   y_origin	= 1;
  		           row_height = 15;
				   background_rgba = "0.33 0.33 0.33 0.75";
				   alpha		= 0.95;
				   automatic = no;
(sorry about the crazy formatting - people who randomly mix tabs and spaces in their code are really annoying!)

The most interesting part of the above is the extra line I've added: automatic = no;

This stops the Comms Log from appearing every time a new message is received. Now it will only be displayed when I press the key.

Now for the new Scanner features. At the very bottom of the plist, just above the final } character, add the following 3 lines of code, so you have this:

Code: Select all

// Activate Non-linear Scanner and Ultra-zoom modes
			scanner_non_linear = yes;
			scanner_ultra_zoom = yes;
The end result, during flight looks like this:


And if I activate the Comms Log:


If you look closely, you'll notice that I kept the MFDs and Comms Log a couple of pixels out from the screen edge. I found they look better when not hard up against the frame around the laptop screen. (though I see the small gaps don't show up so clearly on the resized images)
Last edited by Diziet Sma on Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:49 am, edited 5 times in total.
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by StathisR »

Very nice Dizy. I have a couple questions.
1. I guess i have to experiment with the x,y coordinates for a different resolution?.
2. If i put the modified numerichudv3.plist in the addons config folder it will work?
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Diziet Sma »

StathisR wrote:
1. I guess i have to experiment with the x,y coordinates for a different resolution?.
Yes.. it really is a matter of trial and error to find the right positioning. Each time you make a change, you'll have to load up Oolite (making sure you shift-start the game, to reload the cache) and see how it looks. Then back out for another shot, until you have it the way you want.
StathisR wrote:
2. If i put the modified numerichudv3.plist in the addons config folder it will work?
I haven't tried it that way myself, but in principle it should work, yes.
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by spara »

If you just want to "glue" the standard MFDs to the top corners (leaving a few pixel margin like Dizzy) you can do this:

Code: Select all

        multi_function_displays = (
                        width = 198;
                        height = 132;
                        x = 105;
                        y = -72;
                        x_origin = -1;
                        y_origin = 1;
                        width = 198;
                        height = 132;
                        x = -105;
                        y = -72;
                        x_origin = 1;
                        y_origin = 1;
No need to do tedious per resolution positioning.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Diziet Sma »

Sweet! Thanks, mate.. that makes things much simpler! 8)
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Diziet Sma »

spara wrote:
If you just want to "glue" the standard MFDs to the top corners (leaving a few pixel margin like Dizzy) you can do this:
Is it possible to get the Comms Log to "stick" to the RH side like that as well? Norby has incorporated all the above into the new version of the NumericHUD, but the Comms Log is now too far from the edge on my laptop screen:


If that could be done, the OXZ version would be perfect.
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by spara »

Diziet Sma wrote:
Is it possible to get the Comms Log to "stick" to the RH side like that as well?
Yes it is. Positioning has to be done relative to the right border. You do that with x_origin = 1;. Then select the appropriate steps to the left, something like x = -150;. The amount depends on the width of the Comms Log. Test it and you'll find the suitable value.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Diziet Sma »

spara wrote:
Positioning has to be done relative to the right border. You do that with x_origin = 1;. Then select the appropriate steps to the left, something like x = -150;. The amount depends on the width of the Comms Log. Test it and you'll find the suitable value.
Ahhh... now I get how that works! Thanks again.. 8)
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Diziet Sma »

NOTE: All the functionality and positioning described in the above posts on tweaking the NumericHUD (with some minor cosmetic changes) have now been incorporated into NumericHUD 3.20 by Norby. As a result, the HUD will now automatically adjust itself to different screen resolutions in a far more pleasing manner. Many thanks to Norby for his patience and ideas during the process! 8)
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by StathisR »

Thanks to Dizy and Cody for their helpfull ideas and information about MFDs repositioning and resizing and to Norby for his great work with the NumericHud i made this modification for my 1366 x 768 (16:9) resolution.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/b10pq39wh8xb1 ... sTweak.png

The changes are in the numerichudv3.plist beetween lines 7082-7115

1. Upper Left width=150 height=80 x=78 y=-43 x_origin=-1 y_origin=1
2. Upper Right width=150 height=80 x=-78 y=-43 x_origin=1 y_origin=1
3. Bottom Left width=150 height=80 x=78 y=-130 x_origin=-1 y_origin=1
4. Bottom Right width=150 height=80 x=-78 y=-130 x_origin=1 y_origin=1
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Diziet Sma »

While I really like Spara's Audible Docking Clearance OXZ, I found just one problem with it.. the use of Oolite's built-in "beep" sound just wasn't cutting it for me..

When I get told I'm 8th in the queue, to me, that's a signal that it's time to go fix some sandwiches, or rustle through the pantry in search of munchies.. half those big traders out there need to take remedial docking lessons anyway, so I know it'll probably take a while. But down in the ship's galley, there's no way I can hear that feeble beep letting me know it's my turn to dock.

So I browsed over to my favourite online source of free sound effects (with very friendly licensing terms, by the way - most are public domain or CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0), to see if I could find something a little more attention-grabbing. Sure enough, I located a ship's bell sound that seemed just the ticket. Take a wander over there and listen to it for yourself.

Using the free, cross-platform audio editor Audacity, I trimmed the ends off a little, and added a better sounding fade at the end, converted it to .ogg format, then plugged it into Spara's OXZ as follows.
  • Unzip the OXZ.
  • Create a folder inside called "Sounds" and save the audio file, renamed to just bell.ogg inside it.
  • Edit line 5 of customsounds.plist from "[docking_authorized]" = "beep.ogg"; to "[docking_authorized]" = "bell.ogg"; and save it.
  • Re-zip the files and folders (you must be careful not to zip up the "container" folder that gets created when you unzip it.. you only want to zip up the files inside the container) using the same name as before :- (oolite.oxp.spara.audible_docking_clearance).
  • Change the file extension of the zipped files from .zip to .oxz.
  • Put everything back the way it was, deleting the old OXZ and putting the modified version in its place.
Et voilà, 'tis done!

Now, when it's my turn to dock, I get a nice, loud, clear, ringing "ding-ding, ding-ding!" sound instead of that piddling little beep! :D
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Redspear »

If, like me, you think that Simon B's Neolites are great but you have a little trouble reasoning why they look so different to others of the same name by Griff et.al.... Here's a little way to rename them and turn them into (slightly) different ships.

Some of the Neolite ships do look quite different (e.g. Moray, Sidewinder) wheras others look similar to the originals but were slightly resized (e.g. Cobra III, Anaconda). All of which lends itself (in my mind at least) to reimagining them as different ships. I've assigned names based primarily on reptiles, with some birds, arthropods and a couple of others thrown in too. Some of the names have links to New Zealand fauna, in tribute to Simon. I haven't touched the Thargoids.

I've adjusted the profiles of nearly all of the ships who's names I've changed; making them (usually) a little better in one area and a little worse in another. This was done to help make them feel more like they really are different ships but also to mean that keeping them at the same price would not be too unbalancing. See what you think. In any case, they are easily edited if not to your taste.

I've not had time to properly test this yet but I've had the idea for ages, and as this is a community I thought I'd put it out there in case anyone else likes it. Because it's untested, I'd appreciate more experienced folks taking a look at it (e.g. Can 'unused' be set as a role? Are all of these names still untaken? Is the Neolite Sidewinder still used in other oxps and named as such?)

If you'd like to give it a try then copy and paste the code below into a shipdata-overrides.plist when using the Neolites Addition set (placing the new file into the relevant 'config' folder) and see what you think. Oh, and feedback welcomed :)

BTW, I'd also recommend giving the Archelon (Anaconda) shield boosters by creating a shipyard-overrides file and adding it to the available equipment.

Code: Select all

	"neo_adder" =
		max_energy = 170;
		missiles = 0;
		name = "Agama";
	"neo_adder-player" =
		max_energy = 170;
		max_missiles = 0;
		missiles = 0;
		name = "Agama";
	"neo_anaconda" =
		escort-ship = "neo_cobramk1";
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_BEAM_LASER";
		has_shield_booster = 0.5;
		max_cargo = 500;
		name = "Archelon";
	"neo_anaconda-player" =
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_BEAM_LASER";
		max_cargo = 500;
		name = "Archelon";
	"neo_asp" =
		max_flight_speed = 370;
		missiles = 2;
		name = "Pouakai Mk II";
		roles = "hunter pirate";
	"neo_asp-cloaked" =
		roles = "unused";
	"neo_asp-player" =
		max_flight_speed = 370;
		max_missiles = 2;
		name = "Pouakai Mark II";
	"neo_boa-skiff" =
		name = "Komodo Skiff";
	"neo_boa-skiff-player" =
		name = "Komodo Skiff";
	"neo_boa" =
		max_flight_speed = 220;
		missiles = 5;
		name = "Komodo Mk I";
	"neo_boa-player" =
		max_flight_speed = 220;
		max_missiles = 5;
		name = "Komodo Mark I";
		roles = "player";
	"neo_boa2-skiff" =
		name = "Komodo II Skiff";
	"neo_boa2-skiff-player" =
		name = "Komodo Mk II Skiff";
	"neo_boa-mk2" =
		max_flight_speed = 280;
		missiles = 6;
		name = "Komodo Mk II";
	"neo_boa-mk2-player" =
		max_flight_speed = 280;
		max_missiles = 6;
		name = "Komodo Mark II";
	"neo_cobra3-alternate" =
		max_flight_pitch = 1.2;
		max_flight_roll = 2.2;
		max_flight_speed = 320;
		missiles = 2;
		name = "Eagle Ray";
	"neo_cobra3-pirate" =
		max_flight_pitch = 1.2;
		max_flight_roll = 2.2;
		max_flight_speed = 320;
		missiles = 1;
		name = "Eagle Ray";
	"neo_cobra3-player" =
		max_flight_pitch = 1.2;
		max_flight_roll = 2.2;
		max_flight_speed = 320;
		max_missiles = 2;
		missiles = 2;
		name = "Eagle Ray";
	"neo_cobra3-trader" =
		max_flight_pitch = 1.2;
		max_flight_roll = 2.2;
		max_flight_speed = 320;
		missiles = 2;
		name = "Eagle Ray";
	"neo_cobramk1" =
		energy_recharge_rate = 3;
		missiles = 0;
		name = "Crab Scout Ship";
	"neo_cobramk1-alt" =
		energy_recharge_rate = 3;
		missiles = 0;
		name = "Crab Scout Ship";
	"neo_cobramk1-miner" =
		energy_recharge_rate = 3;
		missiles = 0;
		name = "Crab Scout Ship";
	"neo_cobramk1-player" =
		energy_recharge_rate = 3;
		max_missiles = 0;
		missiles = 0;
		name = "Crab Scout Ship";
	"neo_constrictor" =
		ai_type = "pirateAI.plist";
		bounty = 0;
		energy_recharge_rate = 4;
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_BEAM_LASER";
		has_ecm = 0.5;
		has_escape_pod = 0.5;
		has_fuel_injection = 0.5;
		max_flight_speed = 390;
		missiles = 3;
		name = "Skink";
		pilot = "";	// key to entry in characters.plist
		roles = "pirate hunter";
	"neo_ferdelance-engines" =
		name = "Draco";
	"neo_ferdelance" =
		name = "Draco";
	"neo_ferdelance-player" =
		name = "Draco";
	"neo_gecko" =
		max_energy = 170;
		max_flight_pitch = 1.7;
		max_flight_roll = 3.3;
		max_flight_speed = 350;
		missiles = 1;
		name = "Thornback";
	"neo_krait" =
		energy_recharge_rate = 3;
		max_flight_pitch = 1.4;
		max_flight_roll = 2.6;
		name = "Horned Devil";
	"neo_mamba" =
		max_flight_pitch = 1.3;
		max_flight_roll = 2.0;
		max_flight_speed = 360;
		name = "Kite";
	"neo_mamba-escort" =
		max_flight_pitch = 1.3;
		max_flight_roll = 2.0;
		max_flight_speed = 360;
		name = "Kite Escort";
		roles = "escort";
	"neo_moray" =
		max_flight_speed = 340;
		missiles = 1;
		name = "Owl Raider";
	"neo_moray-player" =
		max_flight_speed = 340;
		max_missiles = 1;
		missiles = 1;
		name = "Owl Raider";
	"neo_morayMED" =
		max_flight_speed = 340;
		missiles = 1;
		name = "Owl Med-Ship";
	"neo_morayMED-player" =
		max_flight_speed = 340;
		max_missiles = 1;
		missiles = 1;
		name = "Owl Med-Ship";
	"neo_python" =
		max_flight_pitch = 0.7;
		max_flight_speed = 220;
		name = "Moa Mk I";
	"neo_python-blackdog" =
		max_flight_pitch = 0.7;
		max_flight_speed = 220;
		name = "Moa Mk I";
	"neo_python-player" =
		max_flight_pitch = 0.7;
		max_flight_speed = 220;
		name = "Moa Mark I";
	"neo_python-trader" =
		max_flight_pitch = 0.7;
		max_flight_speed = 220;
		name = "Moa Mk I";
	"neo_shuttle-wings" =
		name = "Caecelian Lifting Surface";
	"neo_shuttle" =
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_PULSE_LASER";
		max_flight_pitch = 0.9;
		max_flight_roll = 1.8;
		name = "Caecelian Lander";
	"neo_sidewinder-engines" =
		name = "Hawk Engines";
	"neo_sidewinder" =
		max_energy = 180;
		max_flight_speed = 390;
		name = "Hawk Raider";
	"neo_sidewinder-escort" =
		max_energy = 180;
		max_flight_speed = 390;
		name = "Hawk Raider/Escort";
	"neo_transporter-miner" =
		name = "Caecelian";
	"neo_viper" =
		max_flight_pitch = 1.6;
		max_flight_roll = 2.6;
		max_flight_speed = 340;
		name = "GalCop (Wasp) Cruiser";
	"neo_viper-interceptor" =
		energy_recharge_rate = 5;
		max_flight_roll = 3.2;
		max_flight_speed = 420;
		missiles = 2;
		name = "GalCop (Wasp) Interceptor";
	"neo_viper-pursuit" =
		max_flight_pitch = 1.6;
		max_flight_roll = 2.6;
		max_flight_speed = 380;
		name = "GalCop (Wasp) Cruiser";
	"neo_worm" =
		roles = "unused";
	"neo_worm-miner" =
		roles = "unused";
P.S. Some great stuff on this thread so far, I look forward to trying it out at some stage. Thanks.
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Joined: Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:55 pm

Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Thargoid »

Redspear wrote:
I haven't touched the Thargoids.
I should hope not! :twisted:
Post Reply