Bug report guidelines

For test results, bug reports, announcements of new builds etc.

Moderators: winston, another_commander, Getafix

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Bug report guidelines

Post by JensAyton »

Crash reports
To report a crash in Oolite, please send an e-mail to [email protected], including as much information as possible. In particular, the following information is useful:
  • What operating system you are using.
  • What type of processor, how much memory and what graphics card/chip your computer has. For Mac OS X users, a system profile is preferable. You can obtain a system profile by selecting About This Mac from the Apple menu and click the More Info… button. From the File menu, select Save As… or ExportRich Text (which option will be available depends on the version of Mac OS X you are using).
  • What you were doing when it crashed.
  • Whether the crash is repeatable. If it only occurs under certain conditions, please include a saved game.
  • What OXPs you have installed, whether you’ve tried without them (in the case of repeatable crashes) etc.
  • The log. See “Diagnosing Problems” in the Oolite FAQ for information on where to find the log.
  • For a true crash under Mac OS X only, the crash reporter log. To find the crash reporter log, select “Go to Folder…” from the Go menu in the finder, and enter “~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports”, then find the most recently-dated file whose name starts with “Oolite”. You can also find it under “User Diagnostic Reports” in the Console application.
Other bugs and feature requests
The preferred way to report less-critical bugs and request features is now through the GitHub issue tracker. Again, please provide as much information as possible. If at all possible, provide an OXP and/or saved game demonstrating the problem, as well as instructions on how to trigger it. Please use the “bug” label for things that exist but are broken, and the “enhancement” label for things that don’t exist but you believe should. You will need to sign up for a (free) GitHub account to post issues directly.

Edit: updated log location information for 1.72 and Mac OS X 10.5.
Edit: the defunct oolite-pc bug tracker no longer exists.
Edit by a_c: updated log location information on Windows.
Edit: updated for GitHub, referred to FAQ for log info, updated crash log info for OS X, and removed Smart Crash Reports information.
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Re: Bug report guidelines

Post by JensAyton »

Please note that bug reports and feature requests are now tracked on GitHub, and the information above has been updated accordingly.